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Not Quite Black Please


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Your input appreciated. I'm looking for seemingly black inks, that on closer inspection reveal another hue. I'm not fond of purple, but as an example- Diamine Eclipse.


To start:

Octopus Schwarz

Kobe #51 Kano cho Midnight


Verde Muschiato


Thank you!

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Browns: Yama-Guri and Do-you both are dark enough to pass for black in finer nibs, especially Do-you.


Birmingham Frank Gorshin Green is nearly black (not sure if it still in the lineup, though).

Vintage. Cursive italic. Iron gall.

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At the first though a couple of Noodler's inks come to mind, El Lawrence and Pasternak. 

Then you have Sailor's Doyou, which I truly dislike and Sailor Shimoyo and Chushu are good alternatives...

If you like shimmer inks, Diamine's Shimmering Seas, writes almost black but is a North Sea type of blue, very dark, very well behaved. 

I know you said you don't like purple, but Purple Rain, is a purple black with a goldfish sheen.  

You can also go for Gutenberg Urkundentinte G10 ;)


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Sailor Doyou.

Noodler's Dark Matter.


PS: I love this type of post (interest). For me it's the same question re greys/grays.

Life is too short to drink bad wine (Goethe)

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Diamine 1864 Blue Black - the blue exists primarily in Diamine's imagination - unless you smear it.

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KWZ standard Hunter Green writes almost black.

Also in the IG camp is KWZ IG Red #1 only shows red for a short while and soon changes to almost black with just a hint of red in the right light.


There are of course the blue/black inks.

Mont Blanc midnight blue.

And my favorite:

KWZ blue black, which has the highest IG content of the KWZ inks.


Of course the results will depend on the pen and, mostly, the paper.

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I'll second LizEF's suggestion - 1864 is pretty dark.


I was surprised, though, at you mention of Musk Green. I use it mostly on copy paper at work and it's never struck me as nearly "almost black". But just doing a squiggle on my BnR pad to confirm that, I was surprised at how dark it is on that. Kana-cho, which I used to use in the same M300 EF that the Musk is now in, did always strike me as almost black, along the lines of 1864, but the blue is much more apparent in the M405 EF I have it in now, though it's still pretty dark.

It's hard work to tell which is Old Harry when everybody's got boots on.

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Thank you all for your valuable input!

Haven't checked them all as yet. Will do tomorrow. It's past my bedtime.



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Another vote for Noodler's El Lawrence (which also has the bonus of being pretty waterproof, so safe for writing checks) -- my old bank said "blue or black ink ONLY" but never even twitched an eyebrow over El Lawrence.

Besides Diamine 1864 and Eclipse, have a look at Sailor Studio #650, Kobe Rokku Forest Blue and Ferris Wheel Press Tanzanite Sky.

Ruth Morrisson aka inkstainedruth

"It's very nice, but frankly, when I signed that list for a P-51, what I had in mind was a fountain pen."

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8 hours ago, Karmachanic said:



I have this ink, and it's quite pale at first.  It turns darker of course, but I still wouldn't say it was anywhere near to black.


To get the exact effect you're looking for, what about mixing your own combination?  It's quite easy to darken an ink without messing up the colour.  Waterman inks can be mixed freely without any nasty reactions, and I haven't (yet) had any trouble with Diamine inks either.


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I just picked up a sample of Robert Oster Thunderstorm to try out in my Lamy 2000.  It is a blue-black that is basically black with a tinge of blue that leans slightly to purple.

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There are lots of black inks that have a tendency to be warmer or cooler. Waterman Intense Black leans blue-ish purple (which I suppose you don't want?) and MB's Mystery Black is most certainly meant to be a "not-black black". Sheaffer's Black has a warm, brownish overtone to it. Noodler's Black isn't all that black. You could pick up some shimmer black inks. You could make a wide range of interesting blacks using Platinum's Mix-free line. 

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KWZ Warsaw Dreaming

Lamy Crystal Obsidian

Sailor Miruai

Sailor Doyou

Noodler's Zhivago

Taccia Ukiyo-e Usuzumi

KWZ Hunter Green

KWZ Midnight Green



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1 hour ago, 149OBB said:


If you want blackest ( or more black )maybe: Heart of Darkness" of Noodler


Thank you.

Title of the thread is NOT QUITE BLACK 😀

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Did a quick look thru' of reviews of all these inks. Deeper examination required.


√  Indicates initial positive (my subjective) response.


I already have Octopus Schwarz, so I'm good on the blue side for now. I'm initially drawn to KWZ IG #3 Red, KWZ IG Gold, and Noodler's El Lawrence.


Thank you all so much for your help. The nature of this forum shines through.




Octopus Schwarz √
Sailor Kobe #51 Kano cho Midnight √
Sailor Kobe #70 Rokku Forest Blue √
Diamine Regency
Noodler’s Dark Matter -  Black?
Diamine 1864
KWZ IG Blue Black
KWZ Warsaw Dreaming √
RO Thunderstorm √
R&K Leipziger Schwarz √
Ferris Wheel Press Tanzanite Sky.

Akkerman Dutch Masters  Ruisdaels Stormachtig Blauw. √


KWZ IG Gold √
Muschiatto Verde
Sailor Yama-Guri √
Sailor Do-you √
Sailor Shimoyo  √
Taccia Ukiyo-e Usuzumi √


Birmingham Frank Gorshin Green
Noodler’s El Lawrence √
KWZ Hunter Green √
KWZ Rotten Green
KWZ Midnight Green √
Sailor Miruai
Lamy Crystal Obsidian √


Noodler’s Pasternack
Diamine Purple Rain √
Diamine Eclipse √
Sailor Chushu - unobtainium
Bungu Box Ink of the Witch √
Sailor Studio #650
KWZ Grey Plum √


KWZ IG Red #3 √


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13 minutes ago, Karmachanic said:


Thank you.

Title of the thread is NOT QUITE BLACK 😀

ohps sorry ( ach my english is not at the top )

time does not respect what is done without it

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1 minute ago, 149OBB said:

ohps sorry ( ach my english is not at the top )


No worries. Thanks for joining in!

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