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Rockman: the Hidden History


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As we know, Rockman was the second earliest fountain pen manufacturer confirmed by documents.
However, there are a lot of wrong things in Rockman's history, especially the memoirs by Ning Sihong宁思宏, the former shareholder, turstee, manager and director after 1946. The four kinds of histories about Rockman were mainly based on his memoirs.
I'd like to rebuild Rockman's history here with the documents and ads I collected.

Notice: William Kwan Rockman(Wm. K. Rockman) = Guan Leming关勒铭. All the name of people but William Kwan Rockman will be Pinyin. I will add a list about the name and their romanization at last.

People's names are in Simplified Chinese.  Books', magazines', newspapers' and companies' names are depended on the periods.

Modern Source means the four kinds of histories mainly based on Ning Sihong memoirs.

Modern Source about Chen Sisheng陈巳生 is a brief biography about Chen written by his hometown.

I also bought some documents such as the pedigree of William Kwan Rockman‘s clan(2005 editon). I am waiting for them.


1. Founders of Rockman

According to the Prospectus of Wm. K. Rockman Inc. which founded in Shanghai in 1928.4, Guan Chongzhang关崇章, Guan Chongchang关崇昌 and Wm. K. Rockman wanted to found Wm. K. Rockman Inc. in 497 Connaught Road Shanghai, China.
Even though they'd like to collect 200,000$ capital, they wrote down that once 150,000$ capital was collected, the company should be founded.And Guan Chongchang should collect capital in North America, Wm. K. Rockman and Guan Weilin关伟林 should work as engineers.
Wm. K. Rockman Inc. was founded with 150,000$ capital in Shanghai.
And the founders in the company policy of Wm. K. Rockman Fountain Pen Factory Ltd. (1946.5.18 correction) were Wm. K. Rockman、Li Lianming李炼明、Hu Zhuanghe胡庄和、Guan Xunpu关勋谱、Guan Shutang关树堂、Li Tailong李泰隆、Guan Chongchang、Guan Chongzhang、Guan Weilin关伟林. Because that if any founders withdrew the company, he would be no longer appeared in the company policy as founder in some company, the list may not be completed.
It was strange that Guan Chongchang = Guan Weilin in fact.
The Prospectus mentioned that Wm. K. Rockman was the inventor of Fountain Brush (patent US1526093 and US1621432).




                                            Wm. K. Rockman's patents

The 1946.5.18 correction, 1946.9.1 edition and 1947.11.1 correction of the company policy emphasized that Guan Chongzhang and Wm. K. Rockman were the original founders of Wm. K. Rockman Company.
An interview with Wm. K. Rockman in 1933, he said "Our company was founded in 7 years ago". In another report about Wm. K. Rockman Inc. in 1937, Wm. K. Rockman came back to China with 150,000$ collected by his father Guan Weilin in 1927.

We can draw a conclusion:
Wm. K. Rockman invented Fountain Brush in the US, he founded Wm. K. Rockman Inc. with his father Guan Chongchang(aka. Guan Weilin) in New York. Later, they wanted to move to Shanghai. Wm. K. Rockman, Guan Chongchang and Guan Chongzhang wrote down the Prospectus. Wm. K. Rockman Inc. finally founded by at least 9 people.

2. Wm. K. Rockman and his father Guan Chongchang

They were from Kaiping, Guangdong.
According to Guan Chongchang's daughter, Guan Zhong'ai, Guan Chongchang was born in 1872.3.16 and died in 1953.10.28.
The interview in 1933 said Wm. K. Rockman came back to China when he was 30. Wm. K. Rockman should be born in about 1897. However, Xu Wancheng许晚成's A brief history of talents in various industries in Shanghai(上海百業人才小史, lit.)which was published in early 1945, mentioned that Guan Chongchang was 71 year old while Wm. K. Rockman was 51 years old. So, Wm. K. Rockman born in about 1892.
An introduction of Wm. K. Rockman Inc. in 1936 said that Guan Chongchang was owner of a restaurant a woolen store in Chinatown, New York.
According to the report about Wm. K. Rockman Inc. in 1937, Wm. K. Rockman made fountain brush in his 18. Later, he had been in a school as part-time student to study engineering for 4 years. After graduation, because he lacked experiences,
Wm. K. Rockman had worked in a famous fountain pen manufacturer for a period.
Other Source said the school named International Collage and the famous fountain pen manufacturer was Waterman.

Wm. K. Rockman was alive in 1947.10, when he still behaved a shareholder named Senji森记.

3. Wm. K. Rockman Inc. 1928.4-1944

3.1 1928.4-1929 Fountain Brush Only

According to the application for change registration information in 1946.7.9, Wm. K. Rockman Inc. was founded in 1928.4.
1928.5.26, Wm. K. Rockman applied for registering patents in China.
1928.5.30, Wm. K. Rockman applied for registering trademarks.

Trademark No. 419
Tradmark No. 420

1928.6, Wm. K. Rockman Inc. wanted to join the Advocate Domestic Products Conference.
1928.7.18, Wm. K. Rockman Inc.  got its business license.
1928.8.15, trademarks were published.
1928.8.19, patents were turned to review.
1928.10.22, the first ad of Wm. K. Rockman Inc. was published 


The first ad on Sun Pao and Sin Wan Pao 

1928.10.23, Wm. K. Rockman Inc. was introduced by Sun Pao. There were 4 kinds of fountain brushes, 2 for men and 2 for women. And there were ABCD 4 kinds of brushes differentiated by hardness.
1929.2.4, Wm. K. Rockman got the No.2 license of patent in China.

During this period, Wm. K. Rockman Inc. manufactured Fountain Brush only.
They did not sell well.

Modern source said that the paper and ink were different between China and the US, so the fountain brush did not work well.

3.2 1929-about 1934 Fountain Brush and Fountain Pen

In 1929, Wm. K. Rockman Inc. started to produce fountain pen.

Modern source said that, the nibs were made in British and Japan.

1929.11.18, ad on Sun Pao said Wm. K. Rockman Inc. released a kind of fountain brush and 4 kinds of fountain pen with steel nib recently.


The first ad about fountain pen
Sun Pao 1929.11.18

1930.8, there was a dismissal dispute between Wm. K. Rockman Inc. and worker Lu Kunsheng路坤生. It was mediated well.
1931.2, Wm. K. Rockman Inc. got tax relief in the domestic market and tax free for export.
1931.4.5, Wm. K. Rockman Inc. re-elected the board of members.


The second board of trustees 1931.4.5-1933.?




Guan Weiln



Guan Chongzhang



Wm. K. Rockman



Hu Jiawei




Guan Xunpu



Guan Dexun




Xie Meizhu






Hu Zhuanghe



In Commercial Dictionary of Shanghai, published by The Commercial Press. LTD. Shanghai in 1931, the managements of Wm. K. Rockman Inc. were:

Guan Chongchang - Manager
Wm. K. Rockman - Production Manager
Lu Shengqian陆升千 - Business Manager
Gan Hanhui甘翰辉(aka. Gan Zhuowen甘焯文) - Accounting Manager
Guan Weilin - Advertising Manager
Gan Zhuowen甘卓文(甘焯文 is correct)- Clerical Manager

So, it was normal for Wm. K. Rockman Inc.'s staffs using different name in different posts.

In CREDIT MEN'S BUSINESS DIRECTORY 1933, Guan Chongchang(aka. Kwan Wm.) was the general manager, Wm. K. Rockman(aka. Kwan Rockman) was engineer, Gan Hanhui was business manager.

Sin Wan Pao 1931.9.6
Sun Pao Monthly 1932.7.15
The Eastern Miscellany 1932 vol. 29, No. 3
The Eastern Miscellany 1933 vol. 30, No.8

The interview in 1933 said fountain brush had been incidental production, while Shidai Ribao時代日報's 2nd anniversary magazine in 1934 said that the fountain brush could not be popularized for a while, the manufacture had been stopped. The 2nd anniversary magazine said Wm. K. Rockman was the general manager,wrong. Wm. K. Rockman Inc.'s announcement published in 1934 still said that Guan Chongchang was the general manager.


Sin Wan Pao Supplement 1934.9.30

3.3 1934-1937 Fountain Pen only, before the total Sino-Japan war's Battle of Shanghai

Since 1935, Wm. K. Rockman and his father Guan Chongchang had been confusing in some introductions.
1936.10.31, Wm. K. Rockman Inc. applied for 4th Grade Domestic Good Certificate.
1936.11.13, Wm. K. Rockman Inc. got 4th Grade Domestic Good Certificate.
1936.4.8 Chinese Domestic Good Production and Marketing Association Weekly Report(中華國貨產銷協會每周匯報) Vol.2, No.14 said that Wm. K. Rockman Inc. was the first factory which could produce components by itself (in fountain pen makers). The colourful barrel materials were imported from the US and Germany.
1936.4, Social Economy Mouthly社會經濟月報 mentioned that Wm. K. Rockman Inc. had successfully developed Parker Vacumatic-style vacumatic fountain pen and it would be released soon.
1936.7.15, Chinese Domestic Good Production and Marketing Association Weekly Report Vol.2, No.28 had introduced the recently listed Rockman Vacumatic Fountain Pen.


Rockman Vacumatic
Chinese Domestic Good Production and Marketing Association Weekly Report
Vol.2, No.28

1937.3, Kenneth Safford Parker came to China. Later, Parker announced that Arrow Clip was the trademark of Parker Pen in China.
I did not find any Rockman Pen but Rockman's Vacumatic using Arrow Clip which can be identified that it was made before 1951.
1937.8.13, Battle of Shanghai broke out. Wm. K. Rockman Inc. stopped production temporarily.

3.4 1938-1944 Full of resumption of production-Reorganization of management

1938.10.10 Announce raising price.
1939.6.15 Announce raising price again.
1941.12.7 Pacific War broke out. Japanese occupied concessions.
Modern Source said Rockman had to use domestic nibs and tubes because of the War, and the barrels were made of Japanese materials.
The Factory and Business Dictionary of Shanghai上海工商名錄 published by Sun Pao in 1945 introduced the board of trustees and managements before re-organization in 1944.

Chairman: Hu Zhuanghe
Managing Trustee: Guan Weilin, Guan Chongzhang, Zhang Yibin张怡炳
Trustee: Guan Xunjin关勋锦、Gan Zuobin甘作斌(maybe Gan Hanhui)、Guan Xunyao关勋尧
Supervisor: Guan Xunpu, Hu Jiawei
General Manager: Guan Weilin
Vice Manager: Gan Hanhui
Director: Guan Dexun

In 1944.5.25, Sin Sin Industry announced that it was trusted by Rockman to deal with share affairs.
In 1944.6.22 Rockman announced that it had finished IPO. The full name of Rockman became Wm. K. Rockman Fountain Factory Ltd.關勒銘鋼筆文具厰股份有限公司
Modern Source about Chen Sisheng said Wm. K. Rockman was to sick to manage company then, Guan Weilin met Chen Sisheng through his nephew Guan Kegui关可贵 and ask Chen for help.
According to achieves, Liang Guan梁冠榴, Guo Yudong郭雨东, Xie Shoutian谢寿天, Mei Dajun梅达君, Liu Jingqing刘镜清(aka. Liu Xiao刘晓), Chen Sisheng, Ou Weiguo欧伟国, Lu Xiuyuan陆修渊, Yao Yan姚炎, Chen Miaosheng陈淼生(aka. Chen Duanyi陈端颐), Guan Kegui Joined in 1944.


4. 1944-1951 Re-organization, 20th Anniversary, before Joint State-private Ownership
1944.8.29, Wm. K. Rockman Fountain Factory Ltd. got certificates from the Wang Jingwei regime.
1945, The WWII ended
In 1945, Chen Sisheng had met Ning Sihong and they founded The Educational Press. Ltd.
1946.5.18, re-election of the board of trustees.
Lawyer Yu Shun虞舜 became law adversior.
Before 1946.5.18, the legal trustees were Guan Shudong关叔东, Li Lianming, Hu Zhuanghe, Guan Xunpu and the supervisor was Guan Shutang.
The Trustees and supervisors re-elected in 1946.5.18


Liang Guanliu

Guo Yudong

Xie Shoutian

Wm. K. Rockman

Mei Dajun

Liu Jingqing

Chen Sisheng

Ou Weiguo

Guan Chongzhang

Guan Shutang

Lu Xiuyuan

Gan Zuobin

Yao Yan

Hu Jiawei

Hu Zhuanghe


Guan Chongchang

Chen Miaosheng

Guan Kegui

1946.7.19, Wm. K. Rockman Fountain Factory Ltd. re-registered. The letter for re-register said that Rockman was founded in 1928.4.
1946.8, IPO again. Ning Sihong, Ning Sili宁斯理 etc. joined Rockman.
1946.9.21, re-election of the board of trustees.
The Trustees and supervisors re-elected in 1946.9.21


Liang Guanliu

Chen Sisheng

Wen Tiansheng


Mei Dajun

Yao Yan

Ning Sili

Gan Hanhui

Xie Shoutian

Ou Weiguo

Guo Yudong

Ning Sihong

Lu Xiuyuan

Guan Kegui

Mao Xiaocen毛啸岑

Liu Jingqing

Alternate Trustee

Yu Langxi俞朗西

Wang Jiadong家栋


Guan Chongchang

Chen Miaosheng

Qiao Qilin齐灵

Alternate Supervisor

Guan Xunyao

And the distribution agency of Rockman moved from the factory to Ning Sihong's paper factory and the Educational Press. Ltd.
In 1947, Wm. K. Rockman Fountain Factory Ltd. celebrated its 20th anniversary.
Shanghai Manufacturers' Directory 1947 p458
When the trademark had became%25E5%259B%25BE%25E7%2589%258729.png
101 Rockman 14K was released as the commemorative pen in August with 10,000 Rockman Handbook.
There were 12 colours of 101 Rockman.
I think the Rockman Handbook were designed by Ning Sihing's paper factory.
China Times 1947.9.10
Wm. K. Rockman Fountain Factory Ltd.  held a Dinner in 1947.10.10 and took a memorial photo.
111 Rockman was released in October, when 5000 Rockman Handbooks & 101 Rockman sets were added.
111 Rockman Sun Pao 1947.10.21
Wm. K. Rockman was alive in shareholders' list in October.
1947.11.1, re-election of the board of trustees.
The Trustees and supervisors re-elected in 1947.11.1


Liang Guanliu


Yao Yan

Xie Shoutian

Lu Baozhong陆宝忠

Ning Sili

Gan Hanhui

Ou Weiguo

Guo Yudong

Mei Dajun

Xue Zhiying薛志英

Lu Xiuyuan

Mao Xiaocen

Ning Sihong

Wen Tiansheng

Liu Jingqing

Yu Langxi

Alternate Trustee

Fu Jukang符巨康

(aka. Fu Bingyang符炳阳)

Zhu Ruixuan朱瑞轩

Jiang Shilin蒋士林


Guan Chongchang

Chen Miaosheng

Qiao Qilin

Alternate Supervisor

Guan Kegui

Achieves in 1947.11.1 was said that Ning Sihong became Manager of Rockman in 1946.5.18, the same as Chen Sisheng, while Chen Sisheng only in Achieves in 1946.5.18. Strange.
1947.11.24, Wm. K. Rockman Fountain Factory Ltd. hold 20th anniversary reception.
Because of the inflation, Rockman fountain pen's mail sale was stopped by some magazines.
1948.5, Wm. K. Rockman Fountain Factory Ltd. reissued certificates.
1948.8.18, current reform.
1948.8.19, Gold Yuan was issued. Gold was controlled by the KMT government.
1948.10.9, on ad, the distribution agency of Rockman and Ning Sihong's stationery had been moved to new place.
1948.10, Rockman stopped mail sale.
On the October, fountain pen makers asked Kuomintang Government for rationing gold. 
61 Rockman was released in the second half of the year 1948.
61 Rockman Sin Wan Pao 1948.12.21
Wm. K. Rockman Fountain Factory Ltd. bought 100 machines between 1947.8 - about 1948 according to the manual.
And there are achieves about Rockman's dismissing in Shanghai in 1948.
1949, Wm. K. Rockman Fountain Factory Ltd. still branded 61 Rockmman.
1949.2, Lawyer Zheng Jingshun郑经顺 announced he became the law advisor of Ning Sihong
1949.5.27, Shanghai was liberated fully.
1949.9, Ning Sihong joined the visiting group to N. E. China and advised to founded a fountain pen factory in Harbin with Harbin Enterprise Company哈爾濱企業公司.
Chen Sisheng took part in the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.
1949.12.1, the foundation of joint factory in Harbin had been published.
1949.12.5, Chen Sisheng became a member of East China Military and Administrative Committee as Wm. K. Rockman Fountain Factory Ltd.'s General Manager.
1950.5, the foundation of the joint factory in Harbin was permitted, and the factory began to produce fountain pen in 1950.10.
Coupon before 1950.10
In 1950s, Rockman's manuals, coupons and director's speeches said it was founded in 1927, when Wm. K. Rockman came back to China.
1951.2.22, Chen Sisheng and Ning Sihong became Executive Members of Shanghai Federation of Industry and Commerce.
1951.7.1, Wm. K. Rockman Fountain Factory Ltd. became Joint Public-private enterprise.
5. 1951-1962 From Joint Public-private Wm. K. Rockman Fountain Factory Ltd. to Shanghai Watch Components Factory
5.1 1951.7-1956 To industry-wide public-private ownerships
In 1951, Ning Sihong became the director of Rockman after it became Joint Public-private enterprise. And the plants were moved to new place.
Chen Sisheng died in 1953.8.2.
Guan Chongchang died in 1953.10.28
101 accidents happened to Rockman in 1953.
In 1954, Sin Hwa came to learned how to molten gold better.
1955.3, Pen Industry Company was founded. Ning Sihong was a vice-manager.
Shanghai Cultural and Educational Supplies Industry Association re-organization, Ning Sihong became the chairman.
1955.7, It was reported that Rockman's celluloid workshop used fish scales and cellulose acetate to make celluloids instead of imported celluloids.
Rockman learned how to molten gold better from Sin Hwa and broke the record.
Ning Sihong took part in proposing for industry-wide public-private ownerships.
1955.12.28, Doctor, the successor of the first fountain pen manufacturer were merged by Rockman.
24 factories were merged by Rockman in 1956.
5.2 1956-1962
In the second half of the year 1956, 1955-style feed were promoted.
216 Rockman with 1955-style feed, 402/405 Doctor with fish-scale-light celluloids were released. The celluloids were cellulose nitrate.
216 Rockman, 402/405 Doctor, 102/105 Doctor
1957.5, Influence from Rightists made trobule in Rockman.
1957.6, "Friendship" was released.
Friendship Fountain Pen
Hangzhou Ribao 1957.7.25
Workers in Rockman broke 16 records before the 8th National Congress of All-China Federation of Trade Unions.
In 1958, Rockman wanted to "Surpass Waterman".
Before 1958.3.26, 81 Rockman was developed. It surpassed Pilot.
In 1958.4.16, the first 81 Rockman was manufactured.
Hongguang Pen Factory(红光钢笔厂) were merged by Rockman and Rockman's plastic workshop was merged by Shanghai Pen Plastic Factory(上海制笔塑料厂, lit).
The brands owned by Rockmman were Rockman, Doctor, Hongguang, Meixing(美星)
Before 1959.8.5, Rockman 81 had been redesigned.
An ad in 1959. Rockman and Doctor were Gold nib fountain pen, Hongguang was steel nib fountain pen with iridium point, Meixing was steel nib fountain pen.
High Grade Rockman>Doctor>Hongguang>Meixing Low Grade
In about 1960, Rockman 66 was released.
In 1960.11.28, Rockman was turned to produce watch components, fountain pen manufacturing and brands were transfered to Kin Sin.
66 Rockman ad for export
Kin Sin's 1962 Calendar Card.
The pens were 801 Kin Sin, 66 Rockman, 28 Doctor, 23 Doctor and 319 Kin Sin
In 1961,  Rockman made Chinese first watch hairspring.
In 1962.2, Rockman changed its name into Shanghai Watch Components Factory.
According to Seele's post in Gangbiwang(http://www.gangbiwang.net/read.php?tid-5164-page-2.html), Shanghai Watch Components Factory manufactured Rockman and 红宝Hongbao brand fountain pen. 
The address No.21, 237 Nong, Jiangsu Road belonged to Shanghai Light Industry Electronic Component Factory before 1981, when it was merged by Shanghai Watch Components Factory.
And Shanghai Watch Components Factory became Shanghai Guanleming in 1995.12.23.
If the box is real, Shanghai Watch Components Factory manufactured Rockman and Hongbao in a period between 1981-1995.
Shanghai Guanleming is the largest watch gem bearing and shock absorber manufacturer in far east now.
6. The Transfer of Rockman brand in pen industry.
1926 -1960 Rockman
1960 -1978 Kin Sin
1978 - 2004 Hero. 
1987 New Rockman Brand was registered by Jin Jingpeng金京鹏, who is relative to Hero
1988 Fuzhou Pencil Factory got license from Hero, when Hero was one of its shareholders. 1000,000 Rockman fountain pen were made for export.
1997 - 1998.7.29 Hero Changsu Guanleming Company was licensed by Hero to use Guanleming trademark.
2002 Changsu Fountain Pen Factory manufactured Guanleming.
2004 - 2018 Guanleming trademark belonged to Shanghai Guanleming Gold Pen Co., Ltd.
2018.3.20-2020.5.27 Guanleming trademark belonged to Changsu Fountain Pen Factory.

2020.5.27 - now Guanleming trademark belonged to Jin Jingpeng

A period in 1981-1995.12, Shanghai Watch Components Factory manufactured fountain pen again under Rockman and Hongbao brands, if the box is real.
One of Shanghai Guanleming, the former Shanghai Watch Components Factory's trademark is a variant of%25E5%259B%25BE%25E7%2589%258729.png.
7. Other
Daily newspaper Nanfang Ribao南方日报 and Magazine Nanfang南方杂志 are official newpaper and magazine of CPC Guangdong(Canton) Committee. Their journalists, retired journalist and a village named Xibi溪碧 in Lufeng City faked a 216 Rockman as a fountain pen which was a gift of Zhou Enlai, the former Chinese PM, in 1927 to got poverty relief funds that they should not got. They also planned to made a statue of the fake pan in the village.
List of Names
SC: Simplified Chinese
TC: Traditional Chinese
ALSO: The name was also written down as
PINYIN: Pinyin
Romanization: Other romanization in documents.
All the Guan XXX are from the same Clan.
SC TC ALSO PINYIN Romanization English Notice
关勒铭 關勒銘 関勒銘 as brand Guan Leming Kwan Rockman / Kuan Le-ming Wm. K. Rockman Co-founder of Rockman and the inventor.
关崇昌 關崇昌   Guan Chongchang     It seems to be the generation name of Guan Weilin. Father of Wm. K. Rockman. Co-founder of Rockman
关崇章 關崇章   Guan Chongzhang      
李炼明 李煉明   Li Lianming      
胡庄和 胡莊和   Hu Zhuanghe     One of Guan Chongchang's son-in-law
关勋谱 關勳譜 關勋譜, handwritting, 門→门 Guan Xunpu      
关树堂 關樹堂 関樹堂, handwritting, 門→门 Guan Shutang      
李泰隆 李泰隆   Li Tailong      
关伟林 關偉林 関偉林 Guan Weilin Kwan William   Guan Chongchang
胡嘉维 胡嘉維   Hu Jiawei      
关德勋 關德勳 關德勛 Guan Dexun      
谢美祝 謝美祝   Xie Meizhu      
陆升千 陸升千   Lu Shengqian      
甘翰辉 甘翰輝   Gan Hanhui Kan Hanwe   The courtesy name of Gan Zhuowen. He had worked in Rockman since 1928. 
甘焯文 甘焯文   Gan Zhuowen     The birth name of Gan Hanhui.
张怡炳 張怡炳   Zhang Yibing      
关勋锦 關勳錦 關勛錦, 関勳錦 Guan Xunjin      
关勋尧 關勳堯          
甘作斌 甘作斌   Gan Zuobin     May be the third name of  Gan Hanhui
陈巳生 陳巳生   Chen Sisheng      
关可贵 關可貴 関可貴 Guan Kegui     Nephew of Guan Chongchang. 
梁冠榴 梁冠榴   Liang Guanliu Liang Kwan-Lau / Liang Kuan-Liu    
郭雨东 郭雨東   Guo Yudong     郭景芳 Guo Jingfang's courtesy name
谢寿天 謝壽天   Xie Shoutian     Real name is 郭本守 Guo Benshou, art name is 叔申 Shushen
梅达君 梅達君   Mei Dajun     aka. 梅光庾 Mei Guangyu
刘镜清 劉鏡清   Liu Jingqing     刘晓 Liu Xiao‘s fake name.
欧伟国 歐偉國   Ou Weiguo Au Wai Kwok David David Au  
陆修渊 陸修淵   Lu Xiuyuan      
姚炎 姚炎   Yao Yan      
陈淼生 陳淼生   Chen Miaosheng Chen. T. Y (Chen Tuan Yih)   Another name is  陈端颐Chen Duanyi, The romanization belongs to the name 陳端頤. Elder brother of Chen Sisheng.
宁思宏 寧思宏 甯思宏 Ning Sihong      
虞舜 虞舜   Yu Shun      
关叔东 關叔東 関叔东, handwritting, 門→门 Guan Shudong      
宁斯理 寧斯理 甯斯理 Ning Sili      
闻天声 聞天聲   Wen Tiansheng      
毛啸岑 毛嘯岑   Mao Xiaocen     毛兆荣Mao Zhaorong’s courtesy name
俞朗西 俞朗西   Yu Langxi      
王家栋 王家棟   Wang Jiadong      
钱齐灵 錢齊靈   Qian Qiling      
陆宝忠 陸寶忠   Lu Baozhong      
薛志英 薛志英   Xue Zhiying      
符巨康 符巨康   Fu Jukang      
朱瑞轩 朱瑞軒   Zhu Ruixuan      
蒋士林 蔣士林   Jiang Shilin      
郑经顺 鄭經順   Zheng Jingshun      
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