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EFNIR: Noodler's FPN Van Gogh Starry Night Blue


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Extra Fine Nib Ink Review: Noodler's FPN Van Gogh Starry Night Blue

This is review #74 in my series.  Here's the YouTube video:

Post-recording notes: Couldn't really get the color right in the zoom - the ink photographs as black, basically, except the smear.  Cleaning was fairly easy, but the black component (the part that appears to be water-resistant) tried to cling to the inside of the section.  Pen flush or a cotton swab or similar may be needed to fully remove this component (or the next ink you use might wash it through unnoticed).

And here is a screen of the final result, for those not interested in the video:

Scan of Completed Review:

Zoomed in photo:

Absorbent Paper Closeup (top is puzzle paper like thick newsprint, bottom is old 20lb copy paper):

Screenshots also available on Instagram: @zilxodarap

Previous Review: Kobe #28 Lily of the Valley Green.

Want to influence the inky sequence?  Take the "next ink" poll.

Hope you enjoy.  Comments appreciated!

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Wonderful review as usual. 


This looks like truly a delightful beautiful colour and the name reminds of Don McLean's lyrical song, which gives it even more gravitas. :)


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Great review!  I’ll comment that this ink I consider one of my best inks.  Works well in a variety of pens, and is the yardstick I measure other inks against. For my needs, it’s a near perfect ink. Thanks!

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2 hours ago, yazeh said:

Wonderful review as usual. 


This looks like truly a delightful beautiful colour and the name reminds of Don McLean's lyrical song, which gives it even more gravitas. :)


:) Thank you! 

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1 hour ago, GardenWeasel said:

Great review!  I’ll comment that this ink I consider one of my best inks.  Works well in a variety of pens, and is the yardstick I measure other inks against. For my needs, it’s a near perfect ink. Thanks!

Thank you. I agree, this is a good one. I hope FPN are able to restock their inks.

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4 hours ago, mizgeorge said:

Lovely review - thank you (as always). I'm still not tempted by Noodlers inks though!

Thank you. :)

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3 hours ago, RJS said:

FPN commissioned some inks? I missed that announcement....

Seems they did that a long time ago.

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It was several years ago.  I think there were three different Noodler's exclusive colors -- this one, a brown and I forget what the last one was, something pink or magenta, IIRC.  I was still fairly new to FPN so I didn't get around to trying to order this one or the brown (which was called something or other Manuscript Brown).  And of course am kicking myself now.

They were sold as a fundraiser to help support the site.

Ruth Morrisson aka inkstainedruth

"It's very nice, but frankly, when I signed that list for a P-51, what I had in mind was a fountain pen."

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12 hours ago, RJS said:

FPN commissioned some inks? I missed that announcement....


9 hours ago, LizEF said:

Seems they did that a long time ago.


Here you go. https://www.fountainpennetwork.com/forum/store/category/12-fpn-inks/

Don't get excited - all say 'out of stock'.

My pens for sale: https://www.facebook.com/jaiyen.pens  

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Beautiful color, and you know I love your reviews, but long dry times rule this out for a southpaw overwriter.  I have enough trouble with 'normal' inks on TR paper!  

My latest ebook.   And not just for Halloween!

My other pen is a Montblanc.


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1 hour ago, Sailor Kenshin said:

Beautiful color, and you know I love your reviews, but long dry times rule this out for a southpaw overwriter.  I have enough trouble with 'normal' inks on TR paper!  

I found it had really fast dry time on my HP 24lb Laser paper, but on Rhodia and TR, yeah, awful. Anyhoo, it's a moot point since the inks ain't coming back soon.

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1 hour ago, namrehsnoom said:

Nice one. Unobtainium, so the only place to get a feel for it is in a review like yours. So, double thank you!

:)  You're most welcome.   I was fortunate to receive a sample of this as a gift from another FPNer.

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This ink and the Dumas' Tulipe Noire are great. I'm fortunate to have a bottle of each.


I don't think we'll ever see them again. I say that because they haven't been available for several years now.

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5 hours ago, white_lotus said:

This ink and the Dumas' Tulipe Noire are great.

I've got Tulipe Noire, too, so I guess that'll be another torture video at some point. :D

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Here's the line width measurement. The line is one of those used for dry time.  Magnification is 100x.  The grid is 100x100µm.  The scale is 330µm, with eleven divisions of 30µm each.  The line width for this ink is roughly 290µm.



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