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Sailor Manyo Ume - A Lazy Review

A Smug Dill

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Wetness: I'd say moderate.


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Bleed-through: None that I could see.


Feathering: None that I could see.


Shading: Plenty, even along very thin lines of ink.


Posted Image


Sheen: None that I could see.


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Water resistance: Very good. Legible grey marks remain after prolonged soaking. The colour that gets lifted off the page upon contact with water can end up making the general area quite pink, but the grey marks will stand out against it. The red that washes off Sailor Manyo Ume isn't quite as staining as the blue in Sailor Manyo Chigaya.


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Overall: I like it as a sheen-free alternative to Sailor Shikiori yodaki and okuyama.

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This review might be lazy for you, but it's perfectly good for me :D Great representation of the color and the ink's properties. Thank you for sharing.

“I admit it, I'm surprised that fountain pens are a hobby. ... it's a bit like stumbling into a fork convention - when you've used a fork all your life.” 

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Thank you for providing the paper line height/width. In my view, without this reference written examples are of less than ideal help. I agree with Liz.

Add lightness and simplicate.


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Thank you for providing the paper line height/width. In my view, without this reference written examples are of less than ideal help.



No worries. It's why I always state it is Rhodia Dotpad, or 5mm dot grid, or both in the handwritten text; that description allows others to determine the scale as a frame of reference.

I endeavour to be frank and truthful in what I write, show or otherwise present, when I relate my first-hand experiences that are not independently verifiable; and link to third-party content where I can, when I make a claim or refute a statement of fact in a thread. If there is something you can verify for yourself, I entreat you to do so, and judge for yourself what is right, correct, and valid. I may be wrong, and my position or say-so is no more authoritative and carries no more weight than anyone else's here.

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Thanks for the beautiful review. I like the colour and the ink’s water resistance. There’s quite a difference in colour between the photo and the scans (which show more red). Which ones are more close to life in your opinion ?

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I like the colour very much, though less so in the photograph where it looks lighter. Thanks for the review. Your handwriting looks very good, by the way.

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It depends on the lighting, but I'd say the ink colour I 'see' on the pages is between the two; never orangey, but closer to the colour of dried blood (think Diamine Oxblood?) Keep in mind that the scanned image was colour corrected, and the light source is clinically white. I was trying to capture sheen — if there is any at all — in the photo, and that's why I didn't colour-correct it or even include a calibration target.

Thanks for the beautiful review.

Thanks for the review. Your handwriting looks very good, by the way.

You're welcome, and thanks!

Trying to write in large, bold glyphs with that pen is actually quite difficult for me as it requires holding the pen at a shallow angle; and I hate the untidy outlines that creates. That's OK for testing, reviewing and/or showcasing an ink, I suppose, but I certainly wouldn't want that poor quality handwriting (even if just for headings) in my 'real' journals or notebooks.

On the other hand, I'm quite happy with the italic/stub nib effect that pen produces at line widths of less than 0.3mm.

This review might be lazy for you, but it's perfectly good for me :D

That's great! I answered @AmandaW as to what I mean by "lazy" over here:

I endeavour to be frank and truthful in what I write, show or otherwise present, when I relate my first-hand experiences that are not independently verifiable; and link to third-party content where I can, when I make a claim or refute a statement of fact in a thread. If there is something you can verify for yourself, I entreat you to do so, and judge for yourself what is right, correct, and valid. I may be wrong, and my position or say-so is no more authoritative and carries no more weight than anyone else's here.

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Looks nice, don't have use for this color right now (red-ish in general) but it looks nice, might consider when I need one.


Thanks for review. I read your lazy meaning, but honestly for me this is about all that matters, its compact and precise, less taxing and more fun in a way too may I presume. As someone who only does writing this is great😃


Again thanks for them.

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You're welcome, and thanks!


Trying to write in large, bold glyphs with that pen is actually quite difficult for me as it requires holding the pen at a shallow angle; and I hate the untidy outlines that creates. That's OK for testing, reviewing and/or showcasing an ink, I suppose, but I certainly wouldn't want that poor quality handwriting (even if just for headings) in my 'real' journals or notebooks.

I know what you mean about the outlines, but you can't call any of that writing untidy, and I don't just mean the English writing- out of curiosity, how many languages are you fluent in? When it comes to writing neatly, I personally try to find a middle ground between speed and appearance. I'm too impatient (and like writing fast) to slow down enough to make it perfect, but the enjoyment of writing with fountain pens slows me down, somewhat.
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out of curiosity, how many languages are you fluent in?



I'd say maybe one point four.

I endeavour to be frank and truthful in what I write, show or otherwise present, when I relate my first-hand experiences that are not independently verifiable; and link to third-party content where I can, when I make a claim or refute a statement of fact in a thread. If there is something you can verify for yourself, I entreat you to do so, and judge for yourself what is right, correct, and valid. I may be wrong, and my position or say-so is no more authoritative and carries no more weight than anyone else's here.

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This is a lovely review, and you've done the favor of clearing up the debate of its similarities to Yodaki and Oku-yama


A sheen-free version of those inks is good to have when you want it.

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I'd say maybe one point four.

Based on how well you write your characters, I'd say you're doing yourself a disservice. Edited by RJS
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  • 1 month later...

Nice review however I am somewhat surprised that people don't notice greenish sheen with this ink. I see it even on cheap (but still pen friendly) paper like this one from example image.



Edited by Saint
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3 hours ago, Saint said:

Nice review however I am somewhat surprised that people don't notice greenish sheen with this ink.


I can see sheen in the photo of your writing sample, but I dug out my review sheet just now and inspected it under a loupe, and there was no sheen to be seen either in the writing or the hatching. Then again, I can see from your photo that your pen writes quite ‘wet’, whereas I don't favour ‘wet’ pens for writing (or anything, really), because I don't like ink pooling or spreading where my pen strokes intersect — and there are plenty of intersecting pen strokes in written Chinese and Japanese.


Large stippling dots are usually sufficient to exhibit sheen, if an ink is apt to sheen on the paper used; but I'm just not seeing it for Sailor Manyo Ume.

I endeavour to be frank and truthful in what I write, show or otherwise present, when I relate my first-hand experiences that are not independently verifiable; and link to third-party content where I can, when I make a claim or refute a statement of fact in a thread. If there is something you can verify for yourself, I entreat you to do so, and judge for yourself what is right, correct, and valid. I may be wrong, and my position or say-so is no more authoritative and carries no more weight than anyone else's here.

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  • 2 months later...

Late reply, but the difference is in the paper used.  Rhodia’s 80g paper is not very good for demonstrating ink sheen.  It’s one of the least sheen-friendly papers out of the commonly respected good paper (better ones for sheen being TR, Fabriano Bioprima (slightly better though uncoated), various Japanese paper).

“I admit it, I'm surprised that fountain pens are a hobby. ... it's a bit like stumbling into a fork convention - when you've used a fork all your life.” 

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  • 1 month later...

Thanks for the review! Seems like I don't need a bottle of that and okuyama, especially as it seems both sheen on tomoe paper

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