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Inoxcrom Caravel 1920


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After owning different models of Inoxcrom, I have managed to score a first generation with 3 ring of a Caravel 1920. Pen was listed never used on Ebay, but I have found some deep scratches on cap’s lip, also dried ink in the feed/nib assembly. Also the box is wear and scuffed on the outside, but still has the leaflet. The nib was a bit dry and was writing with a fine line, I had to reset and give a proper clean, and now it writes with medium/fine line, quite wet.






1. Appearance/Design 10

Obviously this pen looks like a Montblanc Meisterstück Classique, but I don’t have a MB to compare their sizes. Also it looks like a Sailor 1911 Large, but is half cm longer. From across a meeting table has a MB classic look, or like a cigar shape black with gold trims. On the cap’s middle ring is marked INOXCROM - SPAIN - INOXCROM - 1920.

Online there are some stories that MB forced Inoxcrom to stop the Caravel production due to close look. I cannot find anywhere if this story is true or not. The first generation of Caravel has 3 rings on the cap; these ones are quite rare and more sought after, also there are ones with only 2 rings on the cap but their prices can go half as the 3 rings one. There is a second generation of Caravel, but that one is slimmer, has a slip cap, and smaller nib too.








2. Construction/Quality 9

Nice thick resin with electroplated golden trim. All the threads are very well made, decent gold plated trim, and the section has a long metal thread that secures the converter and the body. I like the long and strong clip attached on the cap, make the pen feels secure in the shirt’s pocket.






3. Weight/Dimensions 10

I do like big and heavy pens; I mostly use them for short period to write quick notices. Very well balanced, can be used posted, but it has a long body and is feels better un-posted. This one is not too heavy, and is pretty big:

Capped 14.8 cm / 23.5 g

Uncapped 13.5 cm / 13.5 g

Cap 6.9 cm / 10 g

Posted 16.7 cm /23.5 g

Add another 3 grams for full ink converter.


4. Nib/Performance 9

It has original Caravel two tone medium nibs, the one with a ship designed on, a beautiful design. I had to reset the nib and feed assembly, and now it is writing with fine medium line. It looks like a #6 nib, so it can be changed if needed. As far as I know Inoxcrom was producing their own nibs in-house, and from personal experience their nibs are running half size finer than European nibs.






5. Filling system/Maintenance 9

This is a standard C/C pen, easy to take out the nib and feed, easy to maintain. My pen comes with the original green convertor, but I have swapped with a Beaufort Ink convertor. Personally I prefer C/C to other filling systems.






6. Cost/Value 10

I have purchased from Ebay for £60, not bad if consider these are usually going for double or more that price; but this is the pleasure of waiting and hunting pens off Ebay. After seeing and using the pen I think is worth more, especially this was produced only for short period in the early 90’s, I believe was made only in 1992.


7. Conclusion 9.5

If you are a user or a collector, get one if you have the chance. Is well worth the money, has very good quality resin, has a classic cigar shape, golden trims, large pen, and great nib.



Comparative picture:

Lami Safari
Sailor 1911 Large
Inoxcrom Caravel 1920
Inoxcrom Sirocco Negra
Inoxcrom Sirocco Plata
Inoxcrom Corinthian Azul









Edited by usk15
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Thanks for the review. Any chance of seeing a writing sample?

If you are to be ephemeral, leave a good scent.

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That's a great review.

I'm lucky enough to have the first generation Caravel with matching ballpoint.

It's a lovely pen to write with.



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That's a great review.

I'm lucky enough to have the first generation Caravel with matching ballpoint.

It's a lovely pen to write with.




Thank you Al!


Can you please post a photo with your set? I'm curious about the ballpoint pen, how big/small it is comparing with the fountain pen. I might get one...



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