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Efnir: Diamine Misty Blue


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Is it bad that I really want one of these now? Even though I don't need one, since I have a trackpad on my laptop?

Ruth Morrisson aka inkstainedruth

It is the Hamster mouse, available on Amazon at least.

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Now you have the wizard and the cat offended ;)

The wizard turned the hyena into a mouse to feed the aggrieved cat that had been told by quick fox, who had in turn been told so by the lazy dog, that she was related somehow that mangy spotted four legged freaky character was related to her, but to wizard's surprise the hyena turned out into an inanimate object.

The cat, applauded the craftiness of the creature, yet to to teach it a lesson, threw it in a jug of water....

You can continue the rest in the next episode ;)


Still want one though.... Maybe I can talk the husband into getting one for me for Krampus Night.... After all, he's got a couple of silly kiddie ones (he got the first one for a former job, to keep track of which mouse was HIS during meetings).

"Hamster mouse" you say. Hopefully I can get one directly from Amazon, since I've had some back luck with 3rd party vendors.... :angry:

Ruth Morrisson aka inkstainedruth

"It's very nice, but frankly, when I signed that list for a P-51, what I had in mind was a fountain pen."

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Still reading my mind, are we?


Have it. Love it. A real bottle, too, not just a sample vial! Thanks.

:D Blame the wizard!


Yeah, I've got an 80mL bottle.

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It is the Hamster mouse, available on Amazon at least.


Man! That wizard can't get anything right - thinks a hyena is a lazy dog, then tries to turn it into a mouse and makes it a hamster-shaped computer mouse... ::smh::


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Here's the line width measurement. The line is one of those used for dry time.  Magnification is 100x.  The grid is 100x100µm.  The scale is 330µm, with eleven divisions of 30µm each.  The line width for this ink is roughly 270µm.



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