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Your Most Recent Impulsive Ink Purchase? (Replacement Bottles Don't Count.. Only 1St Timers!)


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44 minutes ago, Misfit said:

Hmm, if I’d waited one day, and seen your post, I might would have passed on the Noodler’s.  I have a similar ink or two to that. J Herbin Rouge Opera and De Atramentis Mark Twain or Kermesin red are likely similar. Impulsive is not always good. 


Sorry, I hadn't swatched it yet. It's not *bad* but not very Christmas-like. If you find it hideous I imagine somebody at your local pen club will be happy to adopt it 😆

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@SLinkster It looked more red on the Pen Boutique website.  Though screens and color accuracy… I’m looking at both on an iPhone. So far, I like Faber-Castell Garnet the best. I have Pelikan Edelstein Garnet as well. 

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On 12/19/2023 at 4:58 PM, PithyProlix said:

Please consider showing vintage ink in the vintage ink thread. (Which I just revisited and noticed that I promised to show some inks but evidently forgot to do so. 😅




I didn't know there is a Vintage Ink thread inside FPN. Where is it?

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@welch if you go back a page, there is an embedded link to the thread on vintage ink. It’s in the second post on page 7 of this topic in @PithyProlix ‘s post. Click on Inky T O D Show Your Vintage Ink. 

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1 hour ago, Misfit said:

@SLinkster It looked more red on the Pen Boutique website.  Though screens and color accuracy… I’m looking at both on an iPhone. So far, I like Faber-Castell Garnet the best. I have Pelikan Edelstein Garnet as well. 

:notworthy1: Thanks for the tip about Pen Boutique having the ink!  Order confirmed (although I had to reset my password to log into their website, because I didn't remember it) and the ETA with USPS ground is in a week (just 3 days after Christmas :D).  Although when it arrives I'm NOT putting it in the Christmas present pen (the M200 Café Créme).... :huh:  Thinking that's gonna get Edelstein Smoky Quartz, or maybe Edelstein Olivine....

Ruth Morrisson aka inkstainedruth

"It's very nice, but frankly, when I signed that list for a P-51, what I had in mind was a fountain pen."

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@inkstainedruth glad I could help. I’ve been buying garnet named inks in honor of my Dad’s memory. I’m not sure what pen I’ll put the Grinch Garnet in. 

My Café Créme started with J Herbin Cafè des Iles, since it’s had Oster Caffe Crema in it. 

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In honor of your dad?  What a lovely sentiment!  

Of course I'm now wondering what Grinch Green looked like....

The ink is making up (at least a little) for our Christmas travel plans getting scrubbed -- my husband has been coughing a lot, and I've had a scratchy throat all day yesterday -- and his sister doesn't want us coming through if we're sick (his brother and sister-in-law have already bailed on going to NYC to visit my sister-in-law and her husband, and also to see their daughter & son-in-law and their kid (who I think is around 2 at this point), because my brother-in-law and his wife both tested positive for COVID last week....  

So I had to call my brother last night and say, "Well...  guess I'm tossing your Christmas present in the mail...."  And now I'm at loose ends for the weekend....  Since the plans were going to include going to the Lamy SoHo store in lower Manhattan and MAYBE trying to get out to Brooklyn to Yoseka Stationery (I've never been there).  And when I was looking at other potential shopping destinations, one stationery store said they carried Miquelrius journals, and I wanted to stick my nose in and see if they had any of the 600 page ones in stock.... :(

But thanks again for tipping me off about another place to get the ink -- Dromgoole's was completely sold out by the time I went to their website.

"It's very nice, but frankly, when I signed that list for a P-51, what I had in mind was a fountain pen."

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My Papa died August 16, 2021. I got the pen Regal 82 William in his memory as that was his given first name. Then I started buying Garnet inks. Not all because I’m not sure I like the color of Monteverde’s. The Regal William has had Edelstein Garnet in it. For some reason, though this ink was an ink of the year, it’s still available on amazon. I got GvFC garnet recently, and really like it. I used some rewards money to get the price down on the GvFC. 

@inkstainedruth sorry about your travel plans. Those would have been cool stores to visit. Do you have any idea what is up with Fountain Pen Hospital?  I read it was “defunct” in a thread here. Saw it was only open on Saturdays in December. 

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I saw the same post as you did.  I had just been looking at their website a day or two before, and was confused by not being able to find store hours.  
I never bought a lot of stuff there, the times I went, but it had become a sort of yearly pilgrimage down to FPH when I was in NYC visiting my sister-in-law & her husband.  A few blocks down to Heralds Square to get on the subway, and then down to the City Hall stop.  And then the store was only about a block and a half away, once I got out of the subway.

And of course, while I love living in the Pittsburgh area, I grew up about 50 miles north of NYC (after living about 25 miles north until I was about 8).  And have always loved the energy of Manhattan.  When I was kid we'd go to the Bronx Zoo, and to museums, and took a tour of Radio City Music Hall, and there would be school bus trips down to matinees of Broadway shows; then, when I was in college, I'd take the train down from Bridgeport to go museum and art gallery hopping for the day on a regular basis.

I remember a number years ago us calling up my sister-in-law to see if she could get us tickets to Spamalot (the original Broadway cast included Tim Curry!) -- but Mary just laughed at us and said, basically, "Yeah, keep dreaming...."  We did get to see a touring company as a matinee -- a friend's husband snagged a bunch of tickets and said "Who's interested?"  And of course we were amongst the people going, "Ooh!  Me!  Me!"  and while it didn't have the big name cast, they threw in some location-related jokes; although I don't think they were QUITE prepared for having to basically stop dead in their tracks with the "Knights who no longer say 'Nee'" scene, when one of them said (very slowly and carefully) "Pol-a-ma-lu" because the audience was laughing so hard -- or just HOW popular Troy Polamalu IS around here even though he's no longer playing pro football (I became a huge fan -- even beyond how good a player he was -- when some reporter asked him once if he was going to become a coach or a sportscaster after he quit playing for the Steelers -- and he said "I'd like to be a high school history teacher!"  And I'm betting that if he ever did that he'd have classes full of students paying rapt attention and trying to ace the class.... :thumbup:).

Ruth Morrisson aka inkstainedruth

"It's very nice, but frankly, when I signed that list for a P-51, what I had in mind was a fountain pen."

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2 hours ago, Misfit said:

@inkstainedruth glad I could help. I’ve been buying garnet named inks in honor of my Dad’s memory. I’m not sure what pen I’ll put the Grinch Garnet in. 

My Café Créme started with J Herbin Cafè des Iles, since it’s had Oster Caffe Crema in it. 

I'm sorry about your Dad.


Also, Perfect Pairing!

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@DilettanteG thank you. I miss him very much, so very much. There was a line on The Lincoln Lawyer TV series that I feel is accurate for my Dad. “We shall not look upon his likes again.”

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10 hours ago, Misfit said:


@inkstainedruth Do you have any idea what is up with Fountain Pen Hospital?  I read it was “defunct” in a thread here. Saw it was only open on Saturdays in December. 


I think FPH is open Monday through Friday, 9am to 5pm, plus open on Saturdays this month, 10am - 5. No indication that it is "defunct". I remember reading that the owners, the Wiederlight brothers, had sold the place...maybe a year ago. I haven't been in FPH for a couple years -- I live at the opposite end of Manhattan, and haven't needed to go so far downtown -- so maybe the new owners closed it. But the web site suggests it is still open.

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@welch -- They are still open under the new ownership as an e-business, apparently.  But when I was looking at their website a week or so ago, I couldn't find hours listed anywhere.  And then saw someone's post in another thread about how he and his son had gone to a couple of pen shops in Tokyo recently and was comparing the experiences to going to FPH, and he's the one who said they were no longer open as a B&M store. :(

Of course, as it turns out, we're NOT going to NYC over Christmas after all, so even if they WERE still open as a B&M business I wouldn't be able to do my annual "pilgrimage" there.  

Ruth Morrisson aka inkstainedruth


"It's very nice, but frankly, when I signed that list for a P-51, what I had in mind was a fountain pen."

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Well the bottle of Grinch Garnet arrived this afternoon.  So much for me having stopped the mail for the (then cancelled) trip out of town....

Also got two credit card bills (one overdue because apparently we didn't GET the November bill 😡) and my husband got a couple of what look like medical things and we got some begging letter from Old Sturbridge Village.

Ruth Morrisson aka inkstainedruth

"It's very nice, but frankly, when I signed that list for a P-51, what I had in mind was a fountain pen."

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