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Your Most Recent Impulsive Ink Purchase? (Replacement Bottles Don't Count.. Only 1St Timers!)


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I bought a bottle of Diamine Golden Sands that I have no specific use for.

I just fell in love with how cool it is. I’ll have fun thinking up decorative flourishes

and calligraphy with it.

So how is it?

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Decided that since I absolutely adore the old Japanese woodblock prints, I needed the other half of the Taccia Ukiyo-e ink collection - the 4 inspired by prints from Sharaku.


There should be 8 more coming soon for sale in the states, I reckon. So, Ill be back for those too!

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I bought sample vials of all the new and pricey Jacques Herbin inks--including the scented ones! I'm surprised by how much I like the green and purple, since those aren't colors I often use.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Monteverde Brown Sugar. An impulsive purchase since I already have Monteverde Brown/Marron/Cafe and wasn't sure if it would be the same. The real reason for the purchase was as salve for the uber-long wait for some other inks stuck in transit. This one was sitting on a shelf in a shop - a real shop - a newsagent (Garden City, Booragoon for any interested locals - not a huge range but enough to lift the spirits a little if a trip to the city isn't an option). I tipped the bottle around a few times peering at the ink through the glass trying to see it was different. Anyway, my swatch makes it look a lot darker even if similar when thinned out (and I can't find the brush and nib I used last time so it's not an exact comparison).



Will work for pens... :unsure:

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  • 2 weeks later...

KWZ iron gall blue black. Love iron galls, and wanted to try an alternative to Diamine Registrar.

Physician- signing your scripts with Skrips!

I'm so tough I vacation in Detroit.

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Some Robert Oster inks: Motor Oil, Dragons Night, Velvet Storm, and Caffe Crema.

Just 25 days ago I bought 3 of these R O inks including Velvet Storm on the basis of rave reviews. Highly overrated. Bought 10 bottles of Taccia. Nine are doing fine. Ruri, Sabimidori, Fukaki Hanada, Koiai are a revelation, no less. So Smooth. Will buy them again just like Sailors, Iros & MBs.

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Just ordered Ackkerman SBRE Brown, admittedly half for the wonderful bottle. But I am searching for the perfect brown, Looking at swatches and colors on screen can be so tempting but also so misleading.


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Let us know how you like SBRE Brown. I've been curious about that one.

Ruth Morrisson aka inkstainedruth

"It's very nice, but frankly, when I signed that list for a P-51, what I had in mind was a fountain pen."

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KWZI IG Blue Black- comparing it to about a dozen other BB samples I have, it seems about the most blue of them but is still very dark blue when the color change happens(not as black/dark as Diamine 1864 BB or Akkerman Stormächtig Blau). It seems virtually identical in color to Sailor Kano Cho Midnight, without much gray or purple from what I've seen so far.

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I got a new phone a month or two ago, and a few days ago, got around to using Amazon to get accessories -- an otterbox, chargers, and cables. Then I tacked on a sphygmomanometer and a radiant temporal artery thermometer. Then I tacked on a 30ml bottle of Pilot Blue Black. I've been waffling over a blue-black for years, and I finally decided to just go with this ink that Sandy1 reviewed so very highly.

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My last 'new ink to me' purchase was Sailor Yomogi; that was several months ago now. I've been using it fairly regularly.

It's hard work to tell which is Old Harry when everybody's got boots on.

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35 bottles of Diamine ink in different colours. Five of those are colours I already have; the rest are new to me.


Still waiting on news about the four bottles in the new series of Sailor Manyo inks for 2020 that I pre-ordered several weeks ago.




Oops! Only now that I've updated my spreadsheet did I discover there were two unintended repeats of colours I already have. I just can't remember what I have any more! Hopefully Cult Pens will amend my order in time as per the request I sent them just now, and replace them with two other Diamine colours.


Once all these inks on order have arrived, I'll have 301 different ink colours in retail bottles — not counting 'back-up' bottles in my hoard, and not counting any ink sent to me by fellow hobbyists as samples. That's way too many.

Edited by A Smug Dill

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Cult Pens obligingly amended my order, on Sunday in the UK, no less. So now, 30 new-to-me Diamine ink colours and five top-ups of what I already have, are on my way to me.


Then, today I ordered one more 'new' ink from Amazon: Monteverde Brown Sugar. Not that my storage space isn't already bursting with brown inks! I excuse myself for needing to find something to pad my order for other Prime-eligible international items, so that the whole lot will qualify for free shipping to Australia (even though Amazon automatically split my order into three separate pieces to be shipped independently of each other).


This is hopeless.

I endeavour to be frank and truthful in what I write, show or otherwise present, when I relate my first-hand experiences that are not independently verifiable; and link to third-party content where I can, when I make a claim or refute a statement of fact in a thread. If there is something you can verify for yourself, I entreat you to do so, and judge for yourself what is right, correct, and valid. I may be wrong, and my position or say-so is no more authoritative and carries no more weight than anyone else's here.

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Pilot Blue-Black cartridges.

I usually use bottled ink, and I love swapping in new inks. However, I have a Pilot Vanishing Point with a stub nib that really goes through ink. Another VP user recommended using and refilling cartridges with a syringe for greater capacity...and, as it happens, I’ve been wanting to try Pilot Blue-Black. I tend to like blue-black inks, so if the ink is as good as the reviews, I’ll be buying a bottle before too long.

(I’m a long time FPN reader, but I think this is only my first or second time posting.)

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New to me: Visconti Blue, Pelikan 4001 Brilliant Black and Edelstein Moonstone.


Top-ups: Platinum Blue-Black, Diamine Graphite and a bunch of blues.


All in the name of getting free international shipping...

Edited by A Smug Dill

I endeavour to be frank and truthful in what I write, show or otherwise present, when I relate my first-hand experiences that are not independently verifiable; and link to third-party content where I can, when I make a claim or refute a statement of fact in a thread. If there is something you can verify for yourself, I entreat you to do so, and judge for yourself what is right, correct, and valid. I may be wrong, and my position or say-so is no more authoritative and carries no more weight than anyone else's here.

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Montblanc James Purdey & Sons Single Malt


Yes, it does smell like whiskey.


Crazy Impulse because I cant see myself using a burnt orange color much, no matter how pretty it looks on the paper.

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On Saturday I went to an estate sale and picked up two small bottles of Sanford Pen-It: the Green is mostly full, and the Brown is roughly half full. Haven't had a chance to try them yet (I've been trying to empty and flush pens before filling up too many more). I may have paid a bit too much at $2 per, plus tax. But I'm also hoping that they will be still "good" (unlike the bottle of Pen-It Blue Black where the IG part had clearly gone bad... :().

Ruth Morrisson aka inkstainedruth

"It's very nice, but frankly, when I signed that list for a P-51, what I had in mind was a fountain pen."

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On Saturday I went to an estate sale and picked up two small bottles of Sanford Pen-It: the Green is mostly full, and the Brown is roughly half full. Haven't had a chance to try them yet (I've been trying to empty and flush pens before filling up too many more). I may have paid a bit too much at $2 per, plus tax. But I'm also hoping that they will be still "good" (unlike the bottle of Pen-It Blue Black where the IG part had clearly gone bad... :().

Ruth Morrisson aka inkstainedruth



Never heard of them. But a quick google teaches me that they became Sharpie.

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