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Your Most Recent Impulsive Ink Purchase? (Replacement Bottles Don't Count.. Only 1St Timers!)


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Thank you so much @inkstainedruth now I think I don’t need or want either ink. Maybe I’ll get the Pink Cliff pen, and that’s it. 

I truly appreciate what you found out about the inks and pens. Since the Pink Cliff pen is mostly gray, it is a good color to add to the Lamy pens I already have. 

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How dry are those Lamy inks?........My Agate is by far the driest ink I've ever tried.

In reference to P. T. Barnum; to advise for free is foolish, ........busybodies are ill liked by both factions.      Banker's bonuses caused all the inch problems, Metric cures.

Ransom Bucket cost me many of my pictures taken by a poor camera that was finally tossed. Luckily, the Chicken Scratch pictures also vanished.

The cheapest lessons are from those who learned expensive lessons. Ignorance is best for learning expensive lessons.




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On 3/1/2024 at 10:15 PM, DilettanteG said:

I’ve bought several bottles from the Jacques Herbin line. The Rouge d’Orient and the Bleu Austral are beautiful, flow very nicely ,are  easy to clean out, and just generally behave well in my Pelikans and Montblancs. I hope yours works out as well with your Optima. They just seem such a nice line of inks.


The Bleu Astral seems nice, yes. I may switch the nib on the orange with a medium on another, that I think could benefit from a narrower line with Dark Forest and the Soleil would benefit from the wider line.

It's hard work to tell which is Old Harry when everybody's got boots on.

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On 2/22/2024 at 7:33 PM, inkstainedruth said:

At an estate sale last weekend, I picked up several vintage pens, plus a half full bottle of Skrip Blue (yellow box, jar with the inkwell shelf); and a mostly empty bottle of vintage Quink Washable Brown (40s era style bottle) -- but I'm thinking there's enough for maybe a couple of fills left.

And the pens, the inks, and a paperback cost me five bucks total.  Can't beat that.... :thumbup:

Ruth Morrisson aka inkstainedruth


Washington Nationals 2019: the fight for .500; "stay in the fight"; WON the fight

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Ironically, I had seen some pens in one of the photos for that listing, but when I got into the sale they turned out to be ballpoints.  But I figured I'd poke around the rest of the sale, and when I spotted the boxes with the ink bottles, figured that if there was FP ink, there might just be a pen kicking around.  

Got two of the pens from that sale fixed over the weekend at the Baltimore/Washington Show: the Waterman Ideal ringtop (although it isn't inked up yet) and  one of the Esties (the black Dollar pen with a 3668 Firm Medium Sunburst nib).  

Of course, NOW I'm going "How did I not start looking at Sunburst nibs before now...?"  :wallbash:

Ruth Morrisson aka inkstainedruth

"It's very nice, but frankly, when I signed that list for a P-51, what I had in mind was a fountain pen."

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This 久久 red ink was $5 something on Amazon, so I bit. large.IMG_0770.jpeg.e7ad32d29e9b9ff31ef4ec6c19d4fb1b.jpeg

Top 5 (in no particular order) of16 currently inked pens:

MontBlanc 144R F, Diamine Bah Humbug

Parker 45 Deluxe M, Lamy Turmaline 

Unknown Chinese Maker A-108 Acrylic Pen M, Diamine Dusted Truffle 

Waterman Caréne Black Sea, Teranishi Lady Emerald

Pilot 742 FA, Namiki Purple cartridge 

always looking for penguin fountain pens and stationery 

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Sheaffer Coastal Blue. I was looking for Latte, but the blue was available and cheap. It's all about trying one of the new bottles anyway. I'm sure the blue is very nice...

Will work for pens... :unsure:

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Another blue ink, but this one came from a real bricks and mortar shop. I have in hand a bottle of Quink Blue, being very careful to get that, and not the Washable version, cos @Mercian recommends it.


I'm hoping it will be just right for the TWSBI Eco Dark Sapphire which is in transit. 💙

Will work for pens... :unsure:

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Congratulations @AmandaW  My little bottle of Iroshizuku Tsukushi arrived today. It was in the high 30s F today, so I let the little bottle warm up. It’s not going to be used soon though, as another brown ink is in line ahead of it.  

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My  impulsive purchase was last week:

Jacques Herbin Encre parfumée verte et parfum Citron




I have to say, in general I am not a fan of scented inks, but this one rocks. A very vibrant & fresh green and it brings the distinctive fragrance of Italian cologne. 
I love their 10 ml bottles! They are like small ampules for your briefcase, forget expensive travel containers. 


Just the right thing for me as I hate text markers 😊

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On 3/6/2024 at 4:01 PM, Penguincollector said:

This 久久 red ink was $5 something on Amazon, so I bit. large.IMG_0770.jpeg.e7ad32d29e9b9ff31ef4ec6c19d4fb1b.jpeg

What brand is that?  

Ruth Morrisson aka inkstainedruth

"It's very nice, but frankly, when I signed that list for a P-51, what I had in mind was a fountain pen."

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27 minutes ago, Todor said:

My  impulsive purchase was last week:

Jacques Herbin Encre parfumée verte et parfum Citron




I have to say, in general I am not a fan of scented inks, but this one rocks. A very vibrant & fresh green and it brings the distinctive fragrance of Italian cologne. 
I love their 10 ml bottles! They are like small ampules for your briefcase, forget expensive travel containers. 


Just the right thing for me as I hate text markers 😊

I blow hot and cold on scented inks.  The rose scented ones by J Herbin and De Atramentis are quite nice (they really smell like vintage roses -- and I DON'T mean R. foetida cultivars :o --  but I've tried others that turned out to smell awful (the lavender scented ones by both companies; and the De Atratmentis Patchouli just smelled nasty).

Ruth Morrisson aka inkstainedruth

"It's very nice, but frankly, when I signed that list for a P-51, what I had in mind was a fountain pen."

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3 hours ago, inkstainedruth said:

What brand is that?  

Ruth Morrisson aka inkstainedruth

  It’s a Chinese brand of red (dried pink, very similar to Lamy Vibrant Pink, which I wasn’t expecting) ink that translates to “long time” 久久,but Amazon calls it “Dunhjor.” It was half off, but it’s full price now, and not worth $10 unless you really like the color. I’ll use it for something, I’m sure. 

Top 5 (in no particular order) of16 currently inked pens:

MontBlanc 144R F, Diamine Bah Humbug

Parker 45 Deluxe M, Lamy Turmaline 

Unknown Chinese Maker A-108 Acrylic Pen M, Diamine Dusted Truffle 

Waterman Caréne Black Sea, Teranishi Lady Emerald

Pilot 742 FA, Namiki Purple cartridge 

always looking for penguin fountain pens and stationery 

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I am now officially done buying pens and ink, and likely paper, for the forseeable. We've discussed S.A.B.L.E. (stash acquisition beyond life expectancy) in various threads, I think. Pretty sure I'm there, in terms of ink, especially after yesterday 😊🤪


I ordered from Pen Chalet last week, knowing full-well that I was going to Dromgoole's yesterday. So in order of ordering:


Pen Chalet, full bottles

  • Monteverde Gemstone Olivine - This may be the green I've been trying (and heretofore failing) to find, but it may be too wet for the pens I'd like to use it in.
  • Monteverde Gratitude Magenta - The name is confusing, as I associate "hot" colors like magenta with "hot" emotions like lust and anger. But it's a nice enough shade of deep pink and is trying to shade a bit around the edges of the drops on my swatch card.
  • Lamy Blackberry Violet - Yes, I jumped on that bandwagon. It's a very deep, very saturated purple-black on my swatch card; unsurprising, given the name. I won't pretend I don't like it, but I also won't pretend it's got much on de Atrementis Aubergine in terms of saturation or depth of color. It needs to do something special on better paper.
  • Lamy Pink Cliff - is blue. I knew that going into the purchase, but I was still hoping for some shading to justify the name. Maybe Lamy can share with us the inspiration for the name so we can agree it's a good name for what seems like an otherwise unremarkable blue ink.

Pen Chalet, samples

  • PC Exclusive Robert Oster Lost Dutchman's Gold - hard to tell what color this is under all the gold shimmer in the sample vial but looks deep orange
  • Herbin 1670 Rouge Hematite - needs no introduction, I'm sure
  • Van Dieman's Solar System Venus - brown, sheens green, might shade burgundy
  • Van Dieman's Solar System Saturn - a less-saturated brown than Venus, sheens deep brown or possibly greenish-brown
  • R&K Verdigris - I was hoping for something like the brilliant coppery-turquoise patina that develops on old copper when it's ignored for decades. The sample dot on the vial is a deep denim blue, however. Maybe it will show differently when I swatch and write with it.


On to the Dromgoole's haul

  • Two inks from their clearance rack, which itself was a thing of beauty!
    • Sailor Jentle Black - It's black, and I look forward to using it in my Sailor pens particularly
    • Sailor Jentle Shuu-shuu, or Chu-Shu maybe, or Naka-Aki maybe - Google Translate gives me something slightly different every time. This is a dusky gray-purple despite the turquoise stains on the label. Its clearance ink so I'm happy it even has a label since there were a couple of things without
  • Herbin Emeraude de Chivor - Blue-leaning teal with subtle gold shimmer. I had been after a sample of this for a while but since there was a full bottle staring me in the face...
  • Herbin Kenzo Takada Sho-gun - brownish-black with subtle gold shimmer. Last bottle on the shelf and I couldnt leave it there all by itself!
  • Colorverse 2024 Blue Dragon - gold and silver; they were sold out of blue shimmer or I'd have had that as well. Super-blue behind the shimmer, was iridescent on my clear glass dip nib. In a large juicy nib I bet this stuff will be *the bomb*.
  • KWZ IG #5 - another blue ink, another IG ink. This is a darker blue than the #6 that was also available, and I hope it cures to a near-black indigo color. Time will tell, and I wrote today's date on my swatch card
  • KWZ IG Gummiberry - Blue-leaning purple. I was afraid it would be quite similar to Platinum Lavender-black but that's a red-leaning purple. Again, wrote today's date on the swatch so I can see how it ages over time. 
  • ETA - Nearly forgot the Lamy Dark Lilac - Dromgoole's yesterday had 80 bottles, so if you can't find it elsewhere give them a call today (NAYY). On Tomeo River 52 this stuff was pretty much nothing but green and bronze sheen with a little rind of dark purple. I nearly didn't get a bottle because I knew I'd have the Violet Blackberry on the porch when I got home, but after I saw the TR swatch I had to have it. 


Beauty shot. Please ignore the background, which is a poor representation of supplies related to my primary hobby/avocation. 


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Robert Oster Heart of Gold and Lamy Crystal Peridote and Topaz.

It's hard work to tell which is Old Harry when everybody's got boots on.

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Yesterday I was passing through the Seattle neighborhood with Kinokuniya, so I stopped by to ogle the paper.  After realizing I needed to have my parking validated with a purchase I ended up walking out with a bottle of Sailor Manyo Koke.  Of course, it would have been cheaper to not buy anything and pay for parking.  And I have too many pens inked at the moment so it'll be a while until I open the bottle.  If you're ever there they do have a hand-made notebook of writing samples and swabs of all of the inks that they carry.


I did, however, resist paying $45 for a SakaeTP Tomoe River S notebook.

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On 3/10/2024 at 10:12 AM, SLinkster said:

I am now officially done buying pens and ink, and likely paper, for the forseeable. We've discussed S.A.B.L.E. (stash acquisition beyond life expectancy) in various threads, I think. Pretty sure I'm there, in terms of ink, especially after yesterday 😊🤪


I ordered from Pen Chalet last week, knowing full-well that I was going to Dromgoole's yesterday. So in order of ordering:


Pen Chalet, full bottles

  • Monteverde Gemstone Olivine - This may be the green I've been trying (and heretofore failing) to find, but it may be too wet for the pens I'd like to use it in.
  • Monteverde Gratitude Magenta - The name is confusing, as I associate "hot" colors like magenta with "hot" emotions like lust and anger. But it's a nice enough shade of deep pink and is trying to shade a bit around the edges of the drops on my swatch card.
  • Lamy Blackberry Violet - Yes, I jumped on that bandwagon. It's a very deep, very saturated purple-black on my swatch card; unsurprising, given the name. I won't pretend I don't like it, but I also won't pretend it's got much on de Atrementis Aubergine in terms of saturation or depth of color. It needs to do something special on better paper.
  • Lamy Pink Cliff - is blue. I knew that going into the purchase, but I was still hoping for some shading to justify the name. Maybe Lamy can share with us the inspiration for the name so we can agree it's a good name for what seems like an otherwise unremarkable blue ink.

Pen Chalet, samples

  • PC Exclusive Robert Oster Lost Dutchman's Gold - hard to tell what color this is under all the gold shimmer in the sample vial but looks deep orange
  • Herbin 1670 Rouge Hematite - needs no introduction, I'm sure
  • Van Dieman's Solar System Venus - brown, sheens green, might shade burgundy
  • Van Dieman's Solar System Saturn - a less-saturated brown than Venus, sheens deep brown or possibly greenish-brown
  • R&K Verdigris - I was hoping for something like the brilliant coppery-turquoise patina that develops on old copper when it's ignored for decades. The sample dot on the vial is a deep denim blue, however. Maybe it will show differently when I swatch and write with it.


On to the Dromgoole's haul

  • Two inks from their clearance rack, which itself was a thing of beauty!
    • Sailor Jentle Black - It's black, and I look forward to using it in my Sailor pens particularly
    • Sailor Jentle Shuu-shuu, or Chu-Shu maybe, or Naka-Aki maybe - Google Translate gives me something slightly different every time. This is a dusky gray-purple despite the turquoise stains on the label. Its clearance ink so I'm happy it even has a label since there were a couple of things without
  • Herbin Emeraude de Chivor - Blue-leaning teal with subtle gold shimmer. I had been after a sample of this for a while but since there was a full bottle staring me in the face...
  • Herbin Kenzo Takada Sho-gun - brownish-black with subtle gold shimmer. Last bottle on the shelf and I couldnt leave it there all by itself!
  • Colorverse 2024 Blue Dragon - gold and silver; they were sold out of blue shimmer or I'd have had that as well. Super-blue behind the shimmer, was iridescent on my clear glass dip nib. In a large juicy nib I bet this stuff will be *the bomb*.
  • KWZ IG #5 - another blue ink, another IG ink. This is a darker blue than the #6 that was also available, and I hope it cures to a near-black indigo color. Time will tell, and I wrote today's date on my swatch card
  • KWZ IG Gummiberry - Blue-leaning purple. I was afraid it would be quite similar to Platinum Lavender-black but that's a red-leaning purple. Again, wrote today's date on the swatch so I can see how it ages over time. 
  • ETA - Nearly forgot the Lamy Dark Lilac - Dromgoole's yesterday had 80 bottles, so if you can't find it elsewhere give them a call today (NAYY). On Tomeo River 52 this stuff was pretty much nothing but green and bronze sheen with a little rind of dark purple. I nearly didn't get a bottle because I knew I'd have the Violet Blackberry on the porch when I got home, but after I saw the TR swatch I had to have it. 


Beauty shot. Please ignore the background, which is a poor representation of supplies related to my primary hobby/avocation. 


Well, you've certainly been busy!

I'm curious as to how you end up liking the Pink Cliffs ink.  I've been eyeing that one every since I saw a writing sample and swab at the B/W show (but by the time I got back to the table which had it, they were of course sold out).  Haven't been all that enamored of the swatch for Violet Blackberry or the reboot Dark Lilac.

I did really like KWZI IG Gummiberry a lot.  As for for the J Herbin Rouge Hematite, I have the original version with the big flakes of gold in it.  Didn't think I'd like the base ink color, but was pleasantly surprised (it was more of a brick red, instead of brown-red).

I picked up a bottle of the Herbin Shogun ink a while back but haven't had the guts to try it yet (I'm becomingly increasingly *un*-enamored of shimmer inks, but that one really caught my interest nonetheless...).

Ruth Morrisson aka inkstainedruth

"It's very nice, but frankly, when I signed that list for a P-51, what I had in mind was a fountain pen."

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