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Your Most Recent Impulsive Ink Purchase? (Replacement Bottles Don't Count.. Only 1St Timers!)


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13 hours ago, mge01park said:

Levenger Peony Pink

Thank you for this notice of a new Levenger ink. 

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Though it's been a while since I bought it, Noodler's Kung Te-Cheng. 

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For me it was

Colorverse Cats Eye Nebula (which reminds me on dirty dishwashing water), J.Herbin Essential Orange Soleil (which IS dishwashing water) and J.Herbin Shogun (which is great!) and four of the Robert Oster Mudpack inks (where I need to figure out if they are good or bad behaving). All those arrived the same day from two different vendors.

I really should re-think my buying habits. ;) 

One life!

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>I really should re-think my buying habits


Isn't that a typo? Didn't you mean I really should re-ink my buying habit?


Optimistically Yours,

Claes in Lund, Schweden

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The Birmingham inks , although its been a while were probably my last impulsive ink purchased

Ohio River

Emerald Fusion

Basil Pesto





"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind" - Rudyard Kipling
"None of us can have as many virtues as the fountain-pen, or half its cussedness; but we can try." - Mark Twain

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I bought a few new Birmingham inks:  Kenai Fjord, Ploughman’s Pebble, and Saltmarsh.  Fjord is blue, and the last two are murky colors of brown-sepia and brown-green that are described as color changing depending on ambient light.  This characteristic does seem to add to their attractiveness as murky, hard to pigeonhole colors/hues.



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On Dec 8 under Market Watch I said Amazon.jp had a ton of Japanese inks in stock, including almost all of the Sailor Workshop.  I just returned after a couple of months away, and all the inks had arrived.  Definitely my largest ink purchase ever, and maybe I will stop buying more inks? 




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Tons of these... each bin numbered, then each ink (I don't keep boxes) with a number on top.  If I want Diamine Ho Ho Ho, I know it is 11 in box 29.  All the boxes are on book shelves.  With a couple of exceptions all of the above inks are 20 ml.


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Unfortunately my ink bins are surrounded by other things that are personal and I would not want to share on the forum.  But also, the advantage of these bins is that they allow efficient storage.  The disadvantage is you can't see a thing except the labels when you look at the book shelves.  I look up the ink in my ink registry, pull the appropriate bin & pick out the bottle I want.

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I’m plotting to buy a new ink. If I happen to want to buy a new Kaweco pen, there is a Midori anniversary ink in navy. It is made in Austria, in a bottle a bit similar to what Kaweco used to use. I don’t know where all it is sold, but I’m looking at Vanness. They have limited edition anniversary notepads that I’d like also. Then I really need to put an end to buying for awhile. 

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@lascosas: Wowsa! I bet you are looking forward to testing those out!


I had to look up the Art Nouveau ink because I had never heard of it before. FYI, for others: it is by Kuretake and sample images can be seen at the Stilo e Stile site: https://www.stiloestile.com/en/manufacturer/kuretake


The SKB inks are intriguing too. You probably know that SKB is a Taiwanese company. Sample images of SKB inks can be found here: https://pinkoi.com/product/8bE2Yrwy


My pens for sale: https://www.facebook.com/jaiyen.pens  

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19 hours ago, lascosas said:

On Dec 8 under Market Watch I said Amazon.jp had a ton of Japanese inks in stock, including almost all of the Sailor Workshop.  I just returned after a couple of months away, and all the inks had arrived.  Definitely my largest ink purchase ever, and maybe I will stop buying more inks? 




Nice! Really nice!

Now you don't have to buy any ink for the next couple of months...😜



Instagram: inkyandy

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