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Your Most Recent Impulsive Ink Purchase? (Replacement Bottles Don't Count.. Only 1St Timers!)


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Just got a bottle of the new Akkerman Limited Edition "Out of the Blue" ink (one of the advantages that the shop is only a fairly short train ride away). When opening the bottle I was reminded of Diamine Sargasso Sea. And this was just by opening of the bottle: I find Sargasso Sea to have a pretty distinctive smell (and one I don't care for). The same smell form this Akkerman ink. So time to dig out the Sargasso Sea (hidden somewhere, really don't like the smell of it). I think the smell is pretty much the same, maybe a little less pronounced on the Akkerman version.


Put on paper a very nice vibrant dark blue. Compare it with the Diamine, and it looks very much the same. Once the sun is really out, I can try again, but for now I'm saying they're (virtually) identical. This is a kind of a disappointment: a special edition ink truning out to be a rebranded regular ink.


Out of the blue.jpeg

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2 hours ago, Geert Jan said:

Just got a bottle of the new Akkerman Limited Edition "Out of the Blue" ink (one of the advantages that the shop is only a fairly short train ride away). When opening the bottle I was reminded of Diamine Sargasso Sea. And this was just by opening of the bottle: I find Sargasso Sea to have a pretty distinctive smell (and one I don't care for). The same smell form this Akkerman ink. So time to dig out the Sargasso Sea (hidden somewhere, really don't like the smell of it). I think the smell is pretty much the same, maybe a little less pronounced on the Akkerman version.


Put on paper a very nice vibrant dark blue. Compare it with the Diamine, and it looks very much the same. Once the sun is really out, I can try again, but for now I'm saying they're (virtually) identical. This is a kind of a disappointment: a special edition ink truning out to be a rebranded regular ink.


Out of the blue.jpeg

How disappointing - especially as I've just ordered it. Is it as smeary as Sargasso Sea as well? 


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Akkerman inks are made by Diamine, but have slight differences; often said to the better.

In reference to P. T. Barnum; to advise for free is foolish, ........busybodies are ill liked by both factions.      Banker's bonuses caused all the inch problems, Metric cures.

Ransom Bucket cost me many of my pictures taken by a poor camera that was finally tossed. Luckily, the Chicken Scratch pictures also vanished.

The cheapest lessons are from those who learned expensive lessons. Ignorance is best for learning expensive lessons.




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I finally gave in and bought R&K's Alt-Goldgrün. What an unusual ink! You write for a few words and occasionally the flow will just dramatically increase and write a lot darker. Extremely weird, and creates a patchy look, but it's nice to try new things (that are very cheap). I've only tried it in a fairly broad nib, so I'm curious to try it in an EF. I quite like the colour, but it's the curious behaviour that has me writing a lot with it.

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1 hour ago, RJS said:

R&K's Alt-Goldgrün

Is a must have ink that I don't use much, but one must have it just in case. Once one has been exposed to it.

Semi-flex is too wet for that ink, in on good paper it shades.

Which now that I think about what you wrote might be what that weirdness is.

Ink pools deeper in wider letter parts

In reference to P. T. Barnum; to advise for free is foolish, ........busybodies are ill liked by both factions.      Banker's bonuses caused all the inch problems, Metric cures.

Ransom Bucket cost me many of my pictures taken by a poor camera that was finally tossed. Luckily, the Chicken Scratch pictures also vanished.

The cheapest lessons are from those who learned expensive lessons. Ignorance is best for learning expensive lessons.




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@Geert Jan I've narrowly avoided compulsively buying those Akkerman Inks, just for the gorgeous bottles. Knowing that they're just a rebrand of Diamine may stay my hand on the buy button a little bit longer. Thanks for the info/public service announcement. 


@RJS and @Bo Bo Olson That R&K Alt-Goldgrun is such a wonderful shading ink. I only ever really use it in very broad nibs or wet noodles that have a really wide line variation just to see the range of yellowish greens it lays down. I wonder how the EF nib will show it? it seems like the narrow nibs, while much more practical, really lose a lot of the visual impact of these unusual inks. I need to revisit that one. 

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On 1/13/2024 at 1:26 PM, mizgeorge said:

How disappointing - especially as I've just ordered it. Is it as smeary as Sargasso Sea as well? 


I was wondering if it was as badly behaved as Sargasso Sea.  I tried a sample of that early on, since there were people on FPN who said it was a good replacement for Parker Penman Sapphire, but didn't like some of its behaviors, particularly -- as I recall -- it being somewhat cloggy (although my old notes list it as being relatively fast drying; and it is a really nice color).

Ruth Morrisson aka inkstainedruth

"It's very nice, but frankly, when I signed that list for a P-51, what I had in mind was a fountain pen."

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3 hours ago, DilettanteG said:

wet noodles that have a really wide line variation just to see the range of yellowish greens it lays down.

Got to do that, my 'latest Wet Noodle is loaded with Kon-Piki, a 1925 Waterman Gothic.


But the black and gold '30's cap no marked pen that has a Soennecken nib wet noodle is empty. (My two WN 52's also...but it's suddenly time to ink it with  R&K Alt-Goldgrun. Looks like a # 2 nib, and is ...eyeballed Oblique Broad.

On regular  copy paper it's not much....but on extra smooth 170g paper Its much nicer, At lest the shading. Somehow I didn't remember this ink as so green,. It could well be that it was sitting some 10-12 years.

On Mondi 100g Color Cop R&K Alt-Goldgrun is darker and shades better, still no yellowish tones.

My fancy letter L, is of course more ink and shading in the wider Snidely Whiplash mustache section of the L in the bottom of the letter.

....Should really have more than one fancy letter.:unsure:

In scribbling there appears to be a slight yellow tone that dries to that  odd green.

To check an ink and or a paper I used a 1 1/2"/ 7cm thick 4 inch/10cm  long. Honking thick magnifying glass.

With a 10X loup is too much, every ink and paper looks woolly.


The slick extra smooth Avery Zweckform  170g paper,was best for not having the impression that a woolly line could happen. There are faults to that and any other Avery papers I've bought over the years or it would not have ended up in the printer.


All three of these papers are 'almost' a woolly line. Not quite a clean line.

The Mondi paper is .....not perfect, but good enough. At first i had thought this a great paper before down grading it to pretty good.

Papyrus color copy 100g, is a slight hair under Mondi.

Clairefontain Claralfa 120g, is the nearest to a woolly line. After DCP it goes into the printer.


Clairefontain DPC 100g has a woolly line, and no shading. It will go into the printer next.


 I'll start on how I nit pick.

 I'm OCD/AR on woolly lines and feathering. This is my system of clean line vs woolly and or feathering.


BEF....bare eyed feathering/woolly line....seen while sitting.... :angry:


NEF....near eye feathering or woolly line....seen while looking at it near my eye. Looks just about OK while sitting. There are many like that. When one takes a close look, it shows feathering/woolly line. No clean smooth line. :(


With a Big Honking Magnifying glass. 1 1/2 inch by 3 x 4 inches or 2.7 by 7 1/2 x 10cm. (No you can't use your 10X loupe...everything has a woolly line under that.)


Mag F...what I'd consider a descent ink/paper combo....if I like the tone, I will buy it again. Feathering/woolly line can be seen under magnification only. :thumbup:


NoMAG F.......great ink ...buy more...buy stock in the company. (Remember the paper.) No feathering/woolly line at all, even when looking through the big, thick magnifying glass. :notworthy1:


There is a difference between a clean line, an almost clean line, and slightly woolly.

Many doing ink reviews, show woolly lines and never mention it, in they are not as AR as I am. Or think that normal.

Paper makes such a difference.

In reference to P. T. Barnum; to advise for free is foolish, ........busybodies are ill liked by both factions.      Banker's bonuses caused all the inch problems, Metric cures.

Ransom Bucket cost me many of my pictures taken by a poor camera that was finally tossed. Luckily, the Chicken Scratch pictures also vanished.

The cheapest lessons are from those who learned expensive lessons. Ignorance is best for learning expensive lessons.




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On 1/13/2024 at 7:26 PM, mizgeorge said:

How disappointing - especially as I've just ordered it. Is it as smeary as Sargasso Sea as well? 


I just tested: Oxford Optik after over a day of drying. The Sargasso Sea definitely smears, the Out of the Blue is a little better behaved. Trying with a slightly damp finger I can get it to smear as well, just not as badly. The same for the smell: it's there but not as pronounced.

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@Bo Bo Olson :

"My fancy letter L, is of course more ink and shading in the wider Snidely Whiplash mustache section of the L in the bottom of the letter.

....Should really have more than one fancy letter.:unsure:"


LOL. I could read review like this all day. Please post more. 👍

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Okay, now I have a rough idea of how old Bo Bo is -- because I remember watching cartoons as a child, which had Snidely Whiplash in them.... :rolleyes:

Ruth Morrisson aka inkstainedruth

"It's very nice, but frankly, when I signed that list for a P-51, what I had in mind was a fountain pen."

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500ml of Perle Noire. No, not all for me, I'm going to share with my local pen club members, if they want some.


"When Men differ in Opinion, both Sides ought equally to have the Advantage of being heard by the Publick; and that when Truth and Error have fair Play, the former is always an overmatch for the latter."

~ Benjamin Franklin

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Ruth, I left the States in the summer of '64.


I have a card, with a feather in a ink bottle, in between.

Have pen,


Will Travel.


There was in the late '50's- early '60s Western TV series where a rich bored man dressed in black with a silver night on his black gun holster, Paladin, goes off to solve problems, some times with his gun, other times not. (Richard Boone, the first or second non handsome hero.**

Germans of course don't get that, and I guess none of the youngsters, looking forward to retiring, either. :happyberet:


**In another TV western there was a man even ugly-er, a tough side kick; but he was the second most decorated war veteran of WW2.

In reference to P. T. Barnum; to advise for free is foolish, ........busybodies are ill liked by both factions.      Banker's bonuses caused all the inch problems, Metric cures.

Ransom Bucket cost me many of my pictures taken by a poor camera that was finally tossed. Luckily, the Chicken Scratch pictures also vanished.

The cheapest lessons are from those who learned expensive lessons. Ignorance is best for learning expensive lessons.




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Second most decorated?  I presume you mean "second" after Audie Murphy.

I hate to tell you how old *I* was in 1964....  But I am old enough to remember Beatlemania -- when it was happening....  

I vaguely remember the Kennedy assassination, but I think I didn't really understand what was happening -- I just remember news footage of all these people standing in line at the tomb on The Today Show  (but also remember a segment -- the same day I think -- about flamenco dancers... :huh:).

Ruth Morrisson aka inkstainedruth

"It's very nice, but frankly, when I signed that list for a P-51, what I had in mind was a fountain pen."

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18 minutes ago, inkstainedruth said:

Second most decorated?  I presume you mean "second" after Audie Murphy.

I hate to tell you how old *I* was in 1964....  But I am old enough to remember Beatlemania -- when it was happening....  

I vaguely remember the Kennedy assassination, but I think I didn't really understand what was happening -- I just remember news footage of all these people standing in line at the tomb on The Today Show  (but also remember a segment -- the same day I think -- about flamenco dancers... :huh:).

Ruth Morrisson aka inkstainedruth

I'm old enough to remember seeing the original Star Wars in theaters.


I vaguely remember Watergate, but also didn't understand what was happening.


Kinda like this way of describing your age.

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20 minutes ago, inkstainedruth said:

But I am old enough to remember Beatlemania -- when it was happening....  

I vaguely remember the Kennedy assassination, but I think I didn't really understand what was happening -- I

When I was about 7-8  I remember Elvis the Pelvis ruing a western by wiggling his hips while strumming a guitar....and as a 7-8 year old I knew they didn't do that back then....So I hated Elvis, for ruining a perfectly good movie. 

Until the Beatles came in. At least Elvis could sing.

It was dark over in Germany, when this lieing kid from upstairs, came screaming down the stairwell that JFK had shot and killed. I'd not believed that kid had he tole me the sun rises in the east.



Nixon wasn't a crook, just a criminal....and as much as he was mistrusted, and disliked...he was only caught once....back when once was more than enough.

Comparatively speaking, line deleted for good taste.

In reference to P. T. Barnum; to advise for free is foolish, ........busybodies are ill liked by both factions.      Banker's bonuses caused all the inch problems, Metric cures.

Ransom Bucket cost me many of my pictures taken by a poor camera that was finally tossed. Luckily, the Chicken Scratch pictures also vanished.

The cheapest lessons are from those who learned expensive lessons. Ignorance is best for learning expensive lessons.




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4 minutes ago, Bo Bo Olson said:

When I was about 7-8  I remember Elvis the Pelvis ruing a western by wiggling his hips while strumming a guitar....and as a 7-8 year old I knew they didn't do that back then....So I hated Elvis, for ruining a perfectly good movie. 

Until the Beatles came in. At least Elvis could sing.

It was dark over in Germany, when this lieing kid from upstairs, came screaming down the stairwell that JFK had shot and killed. I'd not believed that kid had he tole me the sun rises in the east.

For my generation the equivalent , "Where were you when?" seems to be the Challenger explosion. Or maybe when the Towers fell.

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Back to inks - just bought a bunch of interesting Van Dieman's inks on sale.  I really don't need them, but heh, might as well try some new ones, right?



Using right now:

Jinhao 9019 "EF" nib running Birmingham Railroad Spike

Waldmann Tango Starburst "F" nib running Private Reserve Tanzanite

Osprey Scholar EFF nib running Jacques Herbin Rouge Hématite

Visconti Opera Typhoon "B" nib running Pelikan Edelstein Aquamarine


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10 minutes ago, DilettanteG said:

I'm old enough to remember seeing the original Star Wars in theaters.


I vaguely remember Watergate, but also didn't understand what was happening.


Kinda like this way of describing your age.

Yeah.  I didn't get to see Star Wars until I was a freshman in college, but it came out the summer between high school and my freshman year.  

I remember some social studies teacher in middle school lining us up as to whether we would have voted Republican or Democrat, and he was sort of amazed at how many would have voted GOP, and he was going "But what about Watergate?"  And we were all kinda going?  "What's that?"

But I remember the Challenger -- I was working at the time for a place that put out localized phone directories and some of my co-workers (mostly proofreaders) tended to each lunch together and watch some soap on the TV in the break room and they came rushing into the Art Dept. going "OMG!  You won't believe what just happened!" when the news broke.

As for the Twin Towers?  I found out when my mother-in-law called me that morning (I had just finished breakfast and hadn't even turned on the TV.  And she said "Everyone's alright!" and I immediately thought "Car accident" but was kind of going "Huh?"  And then she said that my sister-in-law was okay (she lives in Midtown Manhattan) and I'm STILL thinking "car accident" because even though she and her husband don't have a car -- too expensive to keep -- she's often taking cabs places, and she and her husband often would walk all the way back from some restaurant in Greenwich Village to where they live.  And my mother-in-law then said "Turn on your TV!"  And then we heard later that my sister-in-law had been in Building 7 that morning.  She may have seen the second plane hit :o (we don't know for sure).  And she later had throat cancer (very rare for someone who does not drink or smoke).  She called her admin assistant (she works out of her apartment) and that woman asked "Should I wake your husband up?" and she said not to -- he'd just worry.  And then of course the phones all went out in Lower Manhattan, and I think she WALKED most of the way home....

It wasn't until later until I heard about the 4th plane (the one that crashed in Shanksville, PA).  And of course I'm then trying to get hold of my brother, who lives in NJ and often worked in the city, to find out if HE was okay, and I heard about that plane from HIM.  

Ruth Morrisson aka inkstainedruth

"It's very nice, but frankly, when I signed that list for a P-51, what I had in mind was a fountain pen."

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