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Three Asas Demonstrators Polished


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Hey folks! A few days ago, I posted a nice baakulized Wality 71JT. Here's the other thing. Three ASA Demonstrators that usually come with the baakul finish, now polished to a mirror like gloss. The interiors were also polished on the caps.




I plan to offer aftermarket finishing services soon, once the pandemic has died down. Do let me know how you like them.


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Beautiful work! Would you mind sharing some of the process/materials, or do you want to keep it confidential? ;)

Edited by WLSpec
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Beautiful work! Would you mind sharing some of the process/materials, or do you want to keep it confidential? ;)


Its the usual stuff with polishing, available for the world to see on many websites :), so nothing is confidential.


I wet sand the pen with 400 grit, 1000 grit, 3000 grit, and 7000 grit to first fully polish the pen and I finish it on a buffing machine.

For polishing the inners, I made a makeshift tool out of a ballpoint pen by using a hot blade to make a slit. Then I polish inside the cap with the same above grits. It doesn't give it a super clear finish, but it appears transparent after that :)

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A ballpoint as a mandrel. That's a great idea. :)


Actually I based it off on an idea you gave in a thread. Using dowel sticks as a mandrel.


The ballpoint doesn't get inside the barrel due to the thinner diameter and it isn't all that precise because of my wobbly hands and a handheld drill. Also it took almost an hour to get this done


What do you use for your pens? The clear Shinobi is super polished!!!

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An hour sounds about right, per pen. Did you do it in an hour on all 3? Dang.

I do the same thing - slotted mandrel (made of steel but sanded smooth on all the little edges) and I run through all the grits, up to 1200 or 1500, whatever I have on the shelf. And then I use paper towels and run plastic polish. I use a real heavy cut automotive polish from Meguiar's. Usually that's enough to get it nearly crystal clear.



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An hour sounds about right, per pen. Did you do it in an hour on all 3? Dang.

I do the same thing - slotted mandrel (made of steel but sanded smooth on all the little edges) and I run through all the grits, up to 1200 or 1500, whatever I have on the shelf. And then I use paper towels and run plastic polish. I use a real heavy cut automotive polish from Meguiar's. Usually that's enough to get it nearly crystal clear.



It took an hour on each pen just for the inners. Dang, I didn't get it clear though I ran it up to 7000 grit. I think I should rather cut down on the grits and use a heavy cut automotive polishes like you mentioned.

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Yeah once you get past about 1200 or 1500 grit, as long as you got all the deep scratches from previous grits out, polish will finish it up. And you might want to use a finer polish after that heavy cut. It depends on the material you're polishing.

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Yeah once you get past about 1200 or 1500 grit, as long as you got all the deep scratches from previous grits out, polish will finish it up. And you might want to use a finer polish after that heavy cut. It depends on the material you're polishing.


I'm getting Meguiar's PlastX for the final finish. When I've got proper rotary tools and a dowel, I'll get that polish you linked to for the inners. Thanks Shawn :)

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The extra effort to get the clear look is well worth it! Looks great!



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Meguiar's PlastX


I never cared for this actually. Go for something with a heavier cut if you can.


I would need a heavier cut for the final finish? I was under the impression that lower the cut, the lesser micro scratches on the surface.

Should I go for Autosol instead?

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These are beautiful! I am stunned and enthralled! I want one! The orange Nauka is amazing.


Thank you! Shoot an email to Mr Subramanium of Asa Pens. He should be able to make a polished version of the orange Nauka once the pandemic has died down.

I haven't started this aftermarket service yet, but once I do, I could do it on any Indian pen you have.

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