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Best Fabric Type For Ink Rags?


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i use an old microfiber cloth that came with a pair of glasses... lint free

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Just don't get caught in the rain....

I think if you used something cellulose reactive like the noodler's bulleproofs, you'd likely be ok?...

Just give me the Parker 51s and nobody needs to get hurt.

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Old t-shirt for wiping excess ink off nib. Microfiber cloth for light cleaning pen body and wiping off finger prints and oil from hand.

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Just don't get caught in the rain....

I know (assume) you're just joking (and it is an amusing picture you've put in my mind), but....



...I suspect it will work with ink as well as with anything else. And you could run it alone through the washer and dryer - drying seems to set everything.


I've seen some recommend just salt or just vinegar depending on the type of dye, but lots just tell you to use both. Another recommended a cold-water wash as hot water can dissolve the dye better and keep it from bonding to the fabric, apparently (so they said).


Anywho, a bit of googling gives various responses, so I'm thinking anyone wanting to do this has a good chance of setting the dye in their shirt - and when they do, we all expect a photo posted back here!!! (I'm getting tempted to try it myself, though I don't go through ink quickly, so I fear it would take years to dye an entire shirt.

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Pure cotton rags cut out of old bedsheets.


I wash them regularly at 95° C (203° F) which is almost boiling. Noodler's bulletproof inks are really bulletproof, they never wash out.


American washing machines don't reach that temperature, though.


My avatar is a painting by Ilya Mashkov (1881-1944): Self-Portrait; 1911, which I photographed in the New Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow.

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I sometimes use cut up pieces of old Haines mens undershirts, once they get beat up, holes in them, or stained enough to no longer wear.  I also like Viva paper towels, they are fairly lint free, learned this a long time ago when painting with watercolor, to keep the little fibers out of my paintings.  Plus, they are pretty strong, so can be used several times before they need to be thrown away.  I’ve also used vintage handkerchiefs, the kind you can pick up at flea markets and thrift shops for really cheap. I like using them, because they can be found in different colors and pretty patterns, even though using them as an ink rag eventually ruins them.

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