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Ink T O D - Show Us Your Murky Inks


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3 minutes ago, pgcauk said:

Here's the last four that I did think to do a line with on a comparison page:


Thats KWZ IG Green Gold, KWZ IG Gold, Oster Khakhi and Diamine Safari.

At first the Safari looked quite close to the Grrn Gold, but it has a lot less "body"!

Epinard 01.jpg

Gorgeous!  Thank you!

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KWZ Hunter Green has always been an enigma (possibly hiding ugliness?), but an intriguing one. Here dilute in a very wet pen (zoom nib) on Maruman paper . . . on Tomoe River it's quite different . . . . also as the light changes!


Hunter is it Green.jpg

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On 3/25/2021 at 6:59 PM, pgcauk said:

KWZ Hunter Green has always been an enigma (possibly hiding ugliness?), but an intriguing one. Here dilute in a very wet pen (zoom nib) on Maruman paper . . . on Tomoe River it's quite different . . . . also as the light changes!


Hunter is it Green.jpg


I really like it.

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Dissolving into brown with blue is quite curious! Closest thing I have is Sailor Manyo Shirakashi, which the Hunter starts to resemble with sufficient dilution. On Tomoe River it looks more Gunmetal, an unappealing industrial grey, but again with dilution I am able to coax out a soft green - like a lizard belly (or possibly slippery elm bark?).

Here is a sketch from yesterday, Midori again.

I used up the first convertor and had to decide whether to refill or replace, and I chose refill, so I think I'm getting somewhere 🥴?



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Quick phone pic of Hunter Green on Tomoe River, which might as well be a different ink. At the level of dilution at the bottom of the page, I think I might like it?!

Will replace with scan once I'm back at hq.
Update: replace photo with scan, and then again with new photo, which shows better that there is some green-brown in the grey, and, just when I thought I had got to something quite pretty, adds a comparison to Shirakashi, which blows the whole thing up . . . . except that I was writing with this in natural light on a glorious Spring day today, and the dilute Hunter Green really does have a charm to it . . . . and looked lovely coming out of this 1911 L Epinard Ringless!



Hunter Green Epinard Pen.jpg

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On 7/17/2020 at 11:36 AM, pgcauk said:

Here's a contribution to the "Murky vs. Stormy" debate.
Oster's Summer Storm (I call it "Soft Snow of Australia") is neither earthy nor dark, in fact it's as pale as Herbin, but it is nicely ambiguous, not grey, not blue, not violet but somewhere between all three.
Is there a genus of "Ambiguous" colors with "Murky" as one species, or does "Stormy" fit here too?

Hmmm, I tried to scan that one and it's useless - far too blue! Ten I look back at this photo and it's the same problem! Too subtle for (my primitive) technology this ink business! The bottom purple is quite close but the top three are much to blue by either technology!

This...This is beauty.
I'm all about Greens and Browns....but this....this...
This is a game changer.
I hope you don't mind, but I'm making this my desktop wallpaper.

Eat The Rich_SIG.jpg

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That 308 is a very pretty pen (and a lot less dollars than a 1911!). The original convertor was a leaker, but they have a parts kit with all sorts of o-rings, convertors and gizmos for about $8, so hopefully it's a working pen now?

I am not inclined to send you the pen, but happy to post off the scribble page if you want to see those colors irl. PM me your address if so.

I was rather pleased that when the folks at Endless Pens started stocking Robert Oster, they tried to sort them by category and Summer Storm got placed with "The Greys"! Oster has quite a number that I could only classify as "on the fence"!

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11 hours ago, pgcauk said:

That 308 is a very pretty pen (and a lot less dollars than a 1911!). The original convertor was a leaker, but they have a parts kit with all sorts of o-rings, convertors and gizmos for about $8, so hopefully it's a working pen now?

I am not inclined to send you the pen, but happy to post off the scribble page if you want to see those colors irl. PM me your address if so.

I was rather pleased that when the folks at Endless Pens started stocking Robert Oster, they tried to sort them by category and Summer Storm got placed with "The Greys"! Oster has quite a number that I could only classify as "on the fence"!

Oh wow...absolutely!!
Sending address info now!
Thank you!

Eat The Rich_SIG.jpg

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Following up the Hunter Green with Sailor Manyo Shirakashi, the two (with HG dilute) really are very close, with Hunter a touch more grey/brown and Shirakashi a hint more green. Both wash out blue! I would say of these two and Rikyu Cha, you would only need one; Hunter if you like saturation, Ricky for splash value or Shirakashi as the gentle version.


Hunter is it Shirakashi.jpg

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Hunter Green's on my  Not Quite Black list. I'd pick that also for the cost per ml value.

What are you dilution ratios?


I've managed to snag a bottle of soon to be released in the UK Muschiatto (and other Stipulas), along with RO Bronze.

Add lightness and simplicate.


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4 hours ago, Karmachanic said:

Hunter Green's on my  Not Quite Black list. I'd pick that also for the cost per ml value.

What are you dilution ratios?


I've managed to snag a bottle of soon to be released in the UK Muschiatto (and other Stipulas), along with RO Bronze.

Muschiatto is a great ink, quite distinct tonally and terrific range of colors. Bronze is probably a "must have" too, although it took me a while to find a nib that brought out its best range. I was surprised to find it not so far from Diamine Safari, but the Safari reads green while the Bronze is more ambiguous. Of the Oster trilogy Khakhi, Bronze and Melon Tea I would certainly go for Bronze . . . . but I still have a few drops of ink in my Melon Tea sample that require my attention (it's not the writing color, but that pink wash!).

I am enjoying rotating my murkies, rather than having to "choose one"! The Zoom nib is great too as it will hose out a convertor in a day or two 🤩😣🤩!

Hunter Green I had filed away with Sailor Doyou as "might as well be black", which doesn't interest me, but dilution can help to bring out what's hiding in the darkness (also big ink delivery systems as fude nibs or brush pens). The thing is, what's hiding in the darkness with Doyou is a lovely grey ash, where what's hiding in Hunter Green is still weirdly ambiguous, just not as dark! Certainly good value, especially if adding water!

My dilution level is "until I like it"! I fill from the bottle then add water drops via an ink syringe.

If you're in a Frankenstein mood, instead of adding water you can add a drop or two of R&K Helianthus! Not my idea but it works surprisingly well!


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27 minutes ago, pgcauk said:

Hunter Green is still weirdly ambiguous


That being the case we should get along just fine! 🤪

Add lightness and simplicate.


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Murkies I am happy rotating, but Greens I seem to need ten on the go at a time.

There is overlap.

Lewis Carrol seems to be this week's thing? 

"Bit of a laugh when her clot disperses" (7) - was one of his!


Diamine Classic Green.jpg

KWZ IG Green Gold.jpg

Oops, didn't label the top one - it's Diamine Classic.
The lower prolly needs some decoration but that smear is proper murky I reckon!

Edited by pgcauk
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 9/20/2020 at 7:33 PM, pgcauk said:



I love me my Taupes (R&K Sepia) and Brownish Greens (10,000!), but these three, each of which I thought might be "the one" at purchase, I've never really enjoyed them in a writing pen . . . . but looping around again I spilt some water on Melon Tea and got some lovely pinks, which made me start wanting to explore possibilities for ink and wash. The scans do not get the colors right, especially that pink (which is more orange than violet), but they do show the differences. Inkteresting?


On 12/27/2020 at 10:29 PM, pgcauk said:

. . . . before I put them away . . . .
Bit more of a fair comparison here as all with the same dip nib rather than whatever I had currently inked and dip for the rest. Golly, that Bronze is gorgeous in a swab, so I'm thinking I just haven't found the right nib for it yet? Maybe a brush pen or a fude?

Shirakashi is holding it's place! A lovely soft grey with more interest than KiriSame, maybe?


Inks of the Great War IV.jpg

Oh my, where have I been? More murky gorgeousness. 😍
Thank you.

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Pennonia Zöldike ink swatch

Source: Pennonia



My eyes keep telling me this is a murky green, closer to what is shown (above) in the manufacturer's image, but in my photos it always comes out more tan/brown.






Edited by A Smug Dill
Added scanned images, with thanks to @mizgeorge's suggestion

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6 hours ago, A Smug Dill said:

Pennonia Zöldike ink swatch

Source: Pennonia



My eyes keep telling me this is a murky green, closer to what is shown (above) in the manufacturer's image, but in my photos it always comes out more tan/brown.



I have some greens that seem to do that. Have you tried scanning it?


It looks a nice colour from the manufacturer's image ;)

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I’m surprised nobody has mentioned Noodlers Sequoia Green yet? I’ll bust out a writing sample just as soon as I get over my intimidation at the lovely handwriting in so many posts upthread.

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