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I love me my Taupes (R&K Sepia) and Brownish Greens (10,000!), but these three, each of which I thought might be "the one" at purchase, I've never really enjoyed them in a writing pen . . . . but looping around again I spilt some water on Melon Tea and got some lovely pinks, which made me start wanting to explore possibilities for ink and wash. The scans do not get the colors right, especially that pink (which is more orange than violet), but they do show the differences. Inkteresting?

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Inks of the Great War III.jpg

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In the latter the first stanza is dilute El Lawrence, the second Verde Muschiato.
My Sailor Shirakashi arrived today, so keen to explore and compare!

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On 12/24/2020 at 2:13 PM, pgcauk said:

Inks of the Great War III.jpg


In the latter the first stanza is dilute El Lawrence, the second Verde Muschiato.
My Sailor Shirakashi arrived today, so keen to explore and compare!


Yesterday I inked Robert Oster Bronze for the first time - Oh my!  I'm in murky heaven! :D

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14 minutes ago, LizEF said:


Yesterday I inked Robert Oster Bronze for the first time - Oh my!  I'm in murky heaven! :D


Almost purchased that but KWZ IG Green Gold won out by a hair.  I'll should get another sample.

Add lightness and simplicate.


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21 hours ago, LizEF said:


Yesterday I inked Robert Oster Bronze for the first time - Oh my!  I'm in murky heaven! :D

Bronze is a curious one, huh? I was convinced that it would be "the one", but, as with Rikyu Cha, I haven't ended up using it much in practice. There is something "metallic" about it, which shouldn't come as a surprise given the name, but it leaves a funny taste in my mouth! In the scan here it does seem the closest of this bunch to "army", but there's a curious coldness (some blue undertone)? 

I'm in my third day of enjoying Shirakashi - maybe this one will be a keeper? It's pretty much a toned down Rikyu Cha, but this works for me as where Ricky is "spectacular", Shira is simply gentle!

I haven't tried the KWZ. I think I'm afraid I'd want them all! (At least the ones with "gold" in the title, but that's close to a half-doz!)

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1 hour ago, pgcauk said:

I haven't tried the KWZ. I think I'm afraid I'd want them all! (At least the ones with "gold" in the title, but that's close to a half-doz!)


This a problem?  😋😋😋

Add lightness and simplicate.


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1 hour ago, pgcauk said:

Bronze is a curious one, huh? I was convinced that it would be "the one", but, as with Rikyu Cha, I haven't ended up using it much in practice.

Well, time will tell whether I get a bottle.  But I really like it. :)

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Curses! I have a new bottle of Shirakashi sitting here calling to me and now I really want to open it.


I just can't decide what pen to put it in. I've got a 140 still sitting in it's long bath of shame to try to get the collar out. I don't think it had been cleaned for at least 30 years and that was going to be the one for it as I think it has a rather interesting OB nib. Perhaps I'd better go and cut down a chopstick to see if the collar will release yet. 

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. . . . before I put them away . . . .
Bit more of a fair comparison here as all with the same dip nib rather than whatever I had currently inked and dip for the rest. Golly, that Bronze is gorgeous in a swab, so I'm thinking I just haven't found the right nib for it yet? Maybe a brush pen or a fude?

Shirakashi is holding it's place! A lovely soft grey with more interest than KiriSame, maybe?


Inks of the Great War IV.jpg

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59 minutes ago, pgcauk said:

Golly, that Bronze is gorgeous in a swab, so I'm thinking I just haven't found the right nib for it yet? Maybe a brush pen or a fude?


I found the paper makes a big difference.  On Tomoe River, Bronze paled as it dried and became more muted, with less interesting shading.  Cream colored paper really makes it stand out.

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On 5/18/2020 at 1:50 PM, Tas said:


Murky is a little enigmatic.


Not sure anything bright can be classed as murky, nor anything too saturated . . . although Sailor Doyou could be classed as murky and it's very saturated.


The definition of murky is perhaps a little murky :rolleyes:

To me, murky means swampy, and any color you can pull from it. I've recently become a fan. It used to be my least favorite color. Go figure.🙃

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This adds nothing, but slightly improved execution? . . . and I do like to add a splash of orange to the muddy fields of Flanders!


Inks of the Great War V.jpg

Oh, that Kokeiro looks alluring! Yellow greens is a whole 'nother territory!

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  • 2 months later...

So I gots myself a designated murky pen, the Sailor 1911 ringless Epinard with a 21k Zoom nib. Super wet and broad! Rather than sticking with a single ink I have been travelling through Murklandia with a different ink each fill. Here's impressions so far:

Kobe #49 is a favorite ink that I thought might be "the one" for this pen, but nope, far too green and kinda dull! Oh well, I have plenty of other pens that love this ink.

Dilute El Lawrence was my first big hit and could well have been stuck with. The warterproofness has value, although I'm (without warrant) a bit nervous about Noodlers' inks and 'nice' pens?

Marone was meh!

Oster Bronze was terrific, the first time I have seen this ink achieve its potential. Will definitely stay in rotation.

I finally got around to a couple of KWZ IG Golds, first up was the Green Gold, which was a near perfect match for the pen, but just ended up looking drab. Switched it for the regular IG Gold and I was very, very happy! Love the 'Ina Ho' type straw gold of the fresh ink and then tarnishing down to near black. Really, this is a great ink. Good (waterproof?) sketching ink! Could have stuck with this but . . .

Oster Khakhi is a weird fish, often too "caca" for comfort, but in this vehicle it worked well, a lot of fun for ink and wash. A little bit of skipping?!

Currently I'm on Diamine Safari, another ink that I "had to have" and then barely used previously. A good match with the pen and quite fun so far. A bit lighter than some of the prior murk.

I wish I had kept a very methodical sample page allowing clear comparisons between each of these. Working on it now but some gaps I'm not going back to fill.

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1 hour ago, pgcauk said:

So I gots myself a designated murky pen, the Sailor 1911 ringless Epinard with a 21k Zoom nib. Super wet and broad! Rather than sticking with a single ink I have been travelling through Murklandia with a different ink each fill. Here's impressions so far:


I wish I had kept a very methodical sample page allowing clear comparisons between each of these. Working on it now but some gaps I'm not going back to fill.

Thank you for sharing!  Love this kind of multi-ink report.  Looking forward to the comparison page whenever it happens. :)

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Here's the last four that I did think to do a line with on a comparison page:

Epinard 01.jpg

That's KWZ IG Green Gold, KWZ IG Gold, Oster Khakhi and Diamine Safari.

At first the Safari looked quite close to the Green Gold, but it has a lot less "body"!

I do have a page with everything, but its a horrid mess so message by request!

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