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Ink T O D - Show Us Your Murky Inks


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Members ask for favorite MURKY inks. Now, we all know, that Amber is really into Retina Searing colors, so I've reached out and asked some of the lovers of Murky inks to add their swatches here. This thread is not for comparisons or detailed reviews. Merely for you to show us some of your samples.

Also, some murky are actually orange, red, green or brown so let's not get to crazy with eliminating colors. If it looks Murky to you, put it here.


BTW, Blue was here.
Brown was there.
Red was in the woods.
Did you ask about violet (or was it vioLeNt) purples?
Green was leafing us.
Orange is bouncing around.
Black is back.
Here be Pink.
Yellow is Spot On.
Jim says we must share our Black-n-Blues or was it Blue-Blacks?

and now Make It Murky

Fountain pens are my preferred COLOR DELIVERY SYSTEM (in part because crayons melt in Las Vegas).

Create a Ghostly Avatar and I'll send you a letter. Check out some Ink comparisons: The Great PPS Comparison 

Don't know where to start?  Look at the Inky Topics O'day.  Then, see inks sorted by color: Blue Purple Brown Red Green Dark Green Orange Black Pinks Yellows Blue-Blacks Grey/Gray UVInks Turquoise/Teal MURKY







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Oooo. I lurv :wub: a murky ink . . . Let me have a little look in the folder of swatches and post some for you.

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I genuinely thought I had more. Oh well. This should get things started. Have fun.

*The KWZ ink is Pea Green - not sure if it's still made. The nearest thing I've found to it is Troublemaker Kelp Tea (no swatch as yet)

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No fair, Graphophile. I bet you already have your little cards made up and just leaf through them to show us your wares!

I can guess how to make cards; what I don't know how to do is take the beautiful clear pictures you are showing...are they scanned? And looks like a fancy border of some sort. Do tell.

The only inks I have that come close to murky are a couple of purples and Vert Empire...I'll post as soon as I have time.

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Almost all of my inks are "murky" by choice -- will be fun to watch this thread.

“I admit it, I'm surprised that fountain pens are a hobby. ... it's a bit like stumbling into a fork convention - when you've used a fork all your life.” 

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Almost all of my inks are "murky" by choice -- will be fun to watch this thread.




No fair, Graphophile. I bet you already have your little cards made up and just leaf through them to show us your wares!


I can guess how to make cards; what I don't know how to do is take the beautiful clear pictures you are showing...are they scanned? And looks like a fancy border of some sort. Do tell.


The only inks I have that come close to murky are a couple of purples and Vert Empire...I'll post as soon as I have time.


Yep. All have been posted her on FPN somewhere at some time.

The cards are all Mnemosyne Word Cards sadly no longer made. Col o ring make something similar now but with a different paper.

Simply shot with a phone camera by a window somewhere and colour corrected to my eye before posting.

Vert Empire would qualify as murky. It's been on and off the list here so many times. Looking forward to seeing yours. :)



A quick shot of what I have right under my eyes:


Diamine Wagner. Lovely colour, great shading, but so dry... (using a wettissimo Pelikan M1000 here).

Hmm. Not murky enough by my standards. :P

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I have a few inks I could put here! What paper is that card you're using, Tas? Because WANT.

My latest ebook.   And not just for Halloween!

My other pen is a Montblanc.


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I have a few inks I could put here! What paper is that card you're using, Tas? Because WANT.



Mnemosyne Word Cards - alas no more :(

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Add lightness and simplicate.


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My only murky inks. I generally prefer bright, clear colors. But I absolutely love Swan Illusion. While some may thing that Taccia Ebi and Taccia Uguisi aren't necessarily murky, the contrasting sheen to the original color really tones the color down and makes it murky.



"Today will be gone in less than 24 hours. When it is gone, it is gone. Be wise, but enjoy! - anonymous today




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Ur MURKs...

I haz dems. 😜




You can see the yellow/orange halo. Wheee!

My latest ebook.   And not just for Halloween!

My other pen is a Montblanc.


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These are posted elsewhere, but happy to gather here:






I'm so happy for this post. Lurking through topic, I kind of fell in love with Salamander... only to discover in this post it's very similar to Rikyu-Cha (which I have and love). At least: the text is, the leafs less. So thanks for preventing near duplication! (and saving me some € once the Rikyu-Cha is empty)



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