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Vote On The New Jacques Herbin Glitter Colour


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From the Jacques Herbin site:


"To celebrate the 350th anniversary of Jacques Herbin’s original brand, we are letting the people who know us best, our fans, choose the new colour of our next anniversary ink. This will form part of the official Jacques Herbin collection.


Our ink experts have designed four very distinct shades. The range varies from pastel to dark, soft to flamboyant and tender to lively, each with shimmering and radiant reflections. Each one unique. And to mark this vintage in an even more spectacular way, we decided to create a unique Jacques Herbin ink with both silver and gold glitter that will add sparkle to your writing!


So what do you need to do? You have until 16th March to vote and let us know your favourite below. The result will then be verified, and we will reveal the results by email in early April. As if you needed more of a reason to vote, the Jacques Herbin team will then randomly select FIVE voters to exclusively preview the new ink in the luxury of their own home.


The winning ink will be available from selected stationery retailers, ink specialists and boutiques for purchase from September 2020."



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Don't care for the colours. Didn't do glitter in the 70s and see no reason to start now. I may, however, get a J Herbin 350th Anniversary 500ml Perle Noir. Because Perle Noir

Edited by Karmachanic

Add lightness and simplicate.


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Hm I was intrigued by "Light Blue", which looks a lot like Troublemaker Milky Ocean, but I don't think gold shimmer fits with that ink. Fir Green was my second choice, but again, that pale gold sheen is not very attractive to me. Out of the two--when combined with the shimmer--I went for Fir Green.

“I admit it, I'm surprised that fountain pens are a hobby. ... it's a bit like stumbling into a fork convention - when you've used a fork all your life.” 

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I haven't voted yet. Still trying to decide. I don't really like the looks of either of the greens (I'd have been happier if they had gone for a green that was a little yellower-tinged than either of these -- and the mint green just turns my stomach). I'm leaning towards the light blue, but realized that it looks an awful lot like Diamine Lightning Blue (which I think I may already have). The magenta one looks like someone mixed Lamy Vibrant Pink with Edelstein Star Ruby and I'm not really sure it works (it might be stellar if they put it in the 1798 line (with the silver dust) but of course that doesn't really work for the "350th Anniversary" part.

Sigh. I guess my choice is going to be the light blue after all.... Other than for Rouge Hematite (I have the original formula with the large gold flakes, rather than the reformulated version with the gold dust), the ones I've liked of both the 1640 and 1798 lines have been because of the base ink color (I mostly tried Rouge Hematite to begin with just to see what the fuss was about, and didn't expect to like it). Which means I've really only liked about half of the two lines, overall (I have a sample of Kyanite but haven't had a chance to try it yet).

Ruth Morrisson aka inkstainedruth


ETA: Huh. This is odd. After voting, there was a message thanking me for participating -- but under that was a link to "Submit another response".... :huh:

Which seems to suggest that I could use my other email accounts to vote twice more -- once for the magenta and once for the fir green (there's no way on God't green earth that could compel me to vote for the Mint Green :sick:). Or possibly even just vote again with my main email address.... I feel like I'm at Chinese raffle, stuffing the jar with the tickets to give myself better odds; or at silent auction, hovering near the stuff I want most before the time is up, in order to not get outbid....

Edited by inkstainedruth

"It's very nice, but frankly, when I signed that list for a P-51, what I had in mind was a fountain pen."

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fir green... and then i went and bought two bottles of ink.. bleu de minuit and bleu austral.. :)

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350 years and that's it?!


I would have thought a tie in to their history.


Oh well I went for the darkest: fir green; I can pretend it's like nautical Perle noir with seaweed

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I see a few of you went for fir green; I did the opposite and went for the mint green! Mostly because I don't see that color around often, and I can't imagine using it as a daily writer unless it had that extra oomph (read: added sparkles) to make it shine.


It reminds me of my gel pen days with bright, bold colors, so that's a combination of childhood nostalgia and whimsy kicking in. The reds and blues are well-covered for me in plenty of palettes from other brands, while the fir green is that kind of tricky green I've always tried to love and failed, from Sailor Epinard to Tokia-Matsu. It's exactly the hue I like--understated and muted yet with something a little special--but always fails to wow me on paper.


(Now if they could guarantee it had some crazy sheen along with the sparkles, I'd have a change of mind over my vote).


Looking forward to April! It's cool that they're soliciting consumer feedback for this stuff!

Sheen junkie, flex nib enthusiast, and all-around lover of fountain pens...

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There’s Diamine Spearmint Diva Shimmertastic ink for a similar color.

“I admit it, I'm surprised that fountain pens are a hobby. ... it's a bit like stumbling into a fork convention - when you've used a fork all your life.” 

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There’s Diamine Spearmint Diva Shimmertastic ink for a similar color.


Oh...you're right! I just went to look that up and it seems to match my tastes perfectly. I guess I haven't really considered Diamine shimmer inks since the last one I tried (Diamine Arabian Nights) has such trouble flowing consistently compared to the J. Herbin Emerald de Chivor.


But I'll put it on my list to sample one day.

Sheen junkie, flex nib enthusiast, and all-around lover of fountain pens...

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I'm having a bit of that difficulty myself with Diamine Lilac Satin, but it's partially due to the pen--a vintage Sheaffer Balance. I need to wet the nib a bit after not using the pen with the ink overnight. But then the flow is perfect until I put the pen down again. No problems with Enchanted Ocean which is in a better sealing modern pen.

Edited by Intensity

“I admit it, I'm surprised that fountain pens are a hobby. ... it's a bit like stumbling into a fork convention - when you've used a fork all your life.” 

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I voted for Mint Green. The blue was nice, but they have a lot of blues.

And 2 blue shimmer inks.

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Lest I'm seen as always bucking against the position of “the majority” of my peers for no good reason, other than just to stand out as being different, I went ahead and cast three votes for Fir Green. :P


(It's the colour I would have chosen otherwise anyway.)

I endeavour to be frank and truthful in what I write, show or otherwise present, when I relate my first-hand experiences that are not independently verifiable; and link to third-party content where I can, when I make a claim or refute a statement of fact in a thread. If there is something you can verify for yourself, I entreat you to do so, and judge for yourself what is right, correct, and valid. I may be wrong, and my position or say-so is no more authoritative and carries no more weight than anyone else's here.

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I am torn between Magenta and Vert Sapir/Fir Green.

.... *torn* ....


.... *scrolls down, spots the LARGE swatches* ....


.... *stares* ....

.... *stares* ....

.... *stares* ....


... *chooses* ...

Light Blue.

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And like inkstainedruth, once I submitted my choice I also got the link to submit another choice.

So I did, curious to see what would happen if I submitted it using the same information as before.

(I chose Vert Sapir/Fir Green, btw)

It went right through and offered me yet another chance to submit another choice.

I'm letting it go. I've submitted my top two choices. As for Magenta, it occurs to me that it's really similar to a couple of Diamine Inks I already have.

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From the Jacques Herbin site:


"To celebrate the 350th anniversary of Jacques Herbin’s original brand, we are letting the people who know us best, our fans, choose the new colour of our next anniversary ink. This will form part of the official Jacques Herbin collection.


Our ink experts have designed four very distinct shades. The range varies from pastel to dark, soft to flamboyant and tender to lively, each with shimmering and radiant reflections. Each one unique. And to mark this vintage in an even more spectacular way, we decided to create a unique Jacques Herbin ink with both silver and gold glitter that will add sparkle to your writing!


So what do you need to do? You have until 16th March to vote and let us know your favourite below. The result will then be verified, and we will reveal the results by email in early April. As if you needed more of a reason to vote, the Jacques Herbin team will then randomly select FIVE voters to exclusively preview the new ink in the luxury of their own home.


The winning ink will be available from selected stationery retailers, ink specialists and boutiques for purchase from September 2020."



Thank you, Olya, for posting this! This was fun, despite the agony of choosing. :lol:

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And like inkstainedruth, once I submitted my choice I also got the link to submit another choice.


So I did, curious to see what would happen if I submitted it using the same information as before.


(I chose Vert Sapir/Fir Green, btw)


It went right through and offered me yet another chance to submit another choice.


I'm letting it go. I've submitted my top two choices. As for Magenta, it occurs to me that it's really similar to a couple of Diamine Inks I already have.


Thanks for doing the experiment. I wasn't sure if it was ethical for me to try. I might go back in and pick a different color, or I might just shrug and say "let it go".

The 1670 and 1798 inks have always been hit or miss for me. For every one I can't live without, there's at least one that I wouldn't touch with a ten-foot pole.

Ruth Morrisson aka inkstainedruth

"It's very nice, but frankly, when I signed that list for a P-51, what I had in mind was a fountain pen."

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