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Sailor White Russian L.e.


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This beauty arrived today! Ive not been tempted by any others in the cocktail series, but I had wanted one of Sailors translucent Walnut coloured pens. This has (I think) the same colour body and section and finial as the Walnut, but with a rich creamy beige solid-coloured cap - and is half the price.


Its quite difficult to judge the cap colour from photos, but in life its exactly like cream on a coffee - I think theyve done a great job with the colours on this pen. Plus they go so well with the rich gold of Sailors nibs - love it.


It is a Europe-only exclusive - The Writing Desk in the UK has a good deal on it at the moment.





I chose my user name years ago - I have no links to BBS pens (other than owning one!)

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The barrel colour reminds me of amber,... apt for Russia. Pro-Gear Slim size or standard Pro-Gear?

Congrats & enjoy in good health.

*Sailor 1911S, Black/gold, 14k. 0.8 mm. stub(JM) *1911S blue "Colours", 14k. H-B "M" BLS (PB)

*2 Sailor 1911S Burgundy/gold: 14k. 0.6 mm. "round-nosed" CI (MM) & 14k. 1.1 mm. CI (JM)

*Sailor Pro-Gear Slim Spec. Ed. "Fire",14k. (factory) "H-B"

*Kaweco SPECIAL FP: 14k. "B",-0.6 mm BLS & 14k."M" 0.4 mm. BLS (PB)

*Kaweco Stainless Steel Lilliput, 14k. "M" -0.7 mm.BLS, (PB)




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Thank you, Driften and Tinta! It is the Pro-Gear Slim, hence the cheaper price, but I find that size perfectly comfortable and I’ve got quite large hands for a woman.

I chose my user name years ago - I have no links to BBS pens (other than owning one!)

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A very nice looking pen, congrats!


Moranga in Berlin still has one, I think. I was dancing around it for a while and still can only barely manage to NOT get it as I have to be a bit more frugal at the moment. So, please, can someone get it so that I do not have to think about it anymore! :lticaptd:

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  • 1 month later...

This beauty arrived today! Ive not been tempted by any others in the cocktail series, but I had wanted one of Sailors translucent Walnut coloured pens. This has (I think) the same colour body and section and finial as the Walnut, but with a rich creamy beige solid-coloured cap - and is half the price.



Congratulations! How is your feeling about that pen right now? :)


I'm also thinking about this pen. Once I saw it in person, but didn't fall in love (lucky for my wallet) but... I feel more and more at I want a brown pen and something different ;) And ok, white russian is great drink and I like it (as I'm not 'drinks' person hahaha)

I do like Walnuts Sailor :)


I have decided to go for another Sailor (I have to, both with medium nib, little too broad for me, need EF or F, but they are great!). And I almost decided for 1911s demo (I saw only pictures but... soon my retailer will have one, just for me, I guess it will help to decide but... still I have some doubts - maybe White russian ?(found store in eu). What to do? :lol: :lticaptd: B) ;)

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Thanks, Nikaa (sorry, only just seen your post!)


Well, it’s still a lovely pen, still great Sailor quality, what’s not to love?


But if you saw it and didn’t fall in love, maybe it’s not the one for you. Pensachi always have a great variety of models, have you looked at their site?

I chose my user name years ago - I have no links to BBS pens (other than owning one!)

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