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Girthy Pens With Snap Caps Or Short Threads?


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I'm not quite satisfied with my current pens for daily use (college student). Some are adequately sized but require more than a full turn to unscrew (MB 146, for example), while others have snap caps but are thin (Parker Sonnet and Pilot Metropolitan).


Could you recommend a pen that's nicely sized and has a snap cap or a short cap thread (no nail nibs, though)?



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The Lamy 2000 would be my suggestion.



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you may also want to check the Visconti Homo Sapiens, the cap lock mechanism is very fast.

Since they are now back to gold nibs, in my experience their F gold nibs are true fine line.


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Pelikan! M1k or 800.


A lot of Indian pens can be very girthy too, I don't know about the threads because I don't have them but some like the Guider Zimbo and the Gama Hawk or Ranga model 5 or model 9 look very nice and girthy. And you could put different nibs on those.


The Lamy 2000 would be my suggestion.

Agreed. Another very good one.


you may also want to check the Visconti Homo Sapiens, the cap lock mechanism is very fast.

Since they are now back to gold nibs, in my experience their F gold nibs are true fine line.


Also agree. Visconti makes some nice ones.

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A lot of Indian pens can be very girthy too, I don't know about the threads because I don't have them but some like the Guider Zimbo and the Gama Hawk or Ranga model 5 or model 9 look very nice and girthy. And you could put different nibs on those.


girthy but lots of turns to uncap!


Another pen that uncaps fast is the Franklin Christof Marietta 20.

I would not say it's a really girthy pen but certainly more than the Metro and Sonnet

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It has a perfect cap but the extra fine isn't fine enough for me.


get one and spend $40 having gena salorino grinding it into an XXF or needlepoint.

Selling a boatload of restored, fairly rare, vintage Japanese gold nib pens, click here to see (more added as I finish restoring them)

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girthy but lots of turns to uncap!


Another pen that uncaps fast is the Franklin Christof Marietta 20.

I have one of these. A nice pen. +1

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Platinum Procyon!

3/4 of a turn to get the cap off.
Uses converters, so is easy to ink up.
The nib is semi-flexy: you have to apply pressure for the line variation but it's not hard to do.

The nib is also easy to write with in non-flex mode: I prefer the EF width as I can write really tiny/write in thin line width, which I prefer for note taking and omg, all the writing I do in longhand.

It has the slip-n-seal inner cap, so your pen will not dry out.

It's also quite affordable, about 52 bucks US.

An added bonus, it's a metal body pen but is of a light metal so it's not heavy in your hand. I've dropped mine (cap on!) and it suffered no ill effects.

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On the cheap side, Jinhao 450 or 750. But they only come with a medium #6 nib.

If you are to be ephemeral, leave a good scent.

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Lamy 2000, as PAKMAN suggested.


If it isn't fine enough for you find a good nibmeister. I would suggest contacting Fritz Schimpf in Germany and ordering the pen from them. They have an excellent nibmeister who could easily produce an EF for you. They give excellent customer service.


If you do not want to spend that much, you might want to consider a Lamy Studio or Lamy Aion. Also a Scala is nice. Nice snap caps and very reliable nibs and pens. If you really need a fine nib, you may want to purchase the pen from someone who has a nibmeister available.

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Think a lot of people here need to look up what girth means as many of the suggestions are either average in width or narrower than normal ...


One which might be worth you trying, but whose shape some find to be a little off is the Faber Castel e-Motion. This is a wider pen than most, though nicely shaped and it can feel natural to hold - some do not find this to be the case. Also it is a heavy pen. Testing it takes about 3/4rds a turn to uncap.


Here's a picture I've just taken with a Lamy Al-Star, a Lamy 2000, a Visconti Oversized Homosapiens (Medici), a F-C eMotion, and a Jinhao X750 (Montblanc 149 clone)


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