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King Of Pen Section Swap?


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I have an ebonite King of Pen I love. Anybody know if I could swap its section (the section, itself, is plastic) with a Pro Gear King of Pen? I'm thinking if I were to get another King of Pen down the road, I would probably want a Pro Gear since the ebonite model looks just about like the 1911 KOP.


It seems logical to me that all the KOP sections would be identical (except for color, etc.)




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So do you want to know if you can unscrew your section and nib from the ebonite and screw it into a KOP Pro Gear body? Yes you should.

If you want less blah, blah, blah and more pictures, follow me on Instagram!

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  • 4 weeks later...

So do you want to know if you can unscrew your section and nib from the ebonite and screw it into a KOP Pro Gear body? Yes you should.


Yep. that's exactly what I want to know. I kind of figured I could. Can anyone confirm for sure? Has anyone given it a try?

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