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Gold Duofold Pocket Pen?


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Hello fine folk of the forum! I found this at the flea market, it apears to be a vest pocket duofold, it is only slightly longer than my kaweco sport but I haven´t been able to find pictures of this pattern anywhere. I have seen some jack-knife models with these gold waves but this one has breather holes, an inner cap and the christmas tree feed. It came with a "Warranted 14k USA" nib which seems to be too small for the pen thouh it fits the feed nicely.

The green section and brown tail cap would sugest they aren´t from the original pen buit they fit perfectly. Have you seen these before?

Any aditional info is apreciated :)










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You are correct in regard to the replacement parts. Also, the end of the cap beyond the clip is a replacement as well.

I happen to own one that I received from my grandfather who received it as a gift/ thank you, in the late 40s, or early 50s, well after it was origonally made, but in NOS condition, which it still is today.

I found a photo of it in one of the guidebooks, perhaps 20 years ago, but I can't recall which one and don't have the time to start looking through them today.

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Maybe this was a pen which was custom-made or custom-restored or both. Parker in its catalogue of 1923 mentions that the company did produce pens made from solid gold and gold filled pens. So presumably the skills for a custom order where there. The Parker catalogue of 1923 can be found here: https://archive.org/stream/ParkerPensCatalog1923/Parker%20Pens%20Catalog%201923#page/n5/mode/2up Pictures of a gold filled vest pocket Jack Knife with alternating design patterns can be found here: https://www.peytonstreetpens.com/parker-jack-knife-safety-pen-set-rare-vest-pocket-size-gf-wave-design-superior-restored.html Notice that this Jack Knife does have the christmas tree feed; variants of the christmas tree feed were use by Parker since 1905.

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You are correct in regard to the replacement parts. Also, the end of the cap beyond the clip is a replacement as well.

I happen to own one that I received from my grandfather who received it as a gift/ thank you, in the late 40s, or early 50s, well after it was origonally made, but in NOS condition, which it still is today.

I found a photo of it in one of the guidebooks, perhaps 20 years ago, but I can't recall which one and don't have the time to start looking through them today.

That is interesting, I wonder what the “GC” on the cap stands for. I am guessing your grandfather didn’t like the pen very much with it being in NOS condition still hahah It would be cool to compare them if you get the chance to send a picture.

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Maybe this was a pen which was custom-made or custom-restored or both. Parker in its catalogue of 1923 mentions that the company did produce pens made from solid gold and gold filled pens. So presumably the skills for a custom order where there. The Parker catalogue of 1923 can be found here: https://archive.org/stream/ParkerPensCatalog1923/Parker%20Pens%20Catalog%201923#page/n5/mode/2up Pictures of a gold filled vest pocket Jack Knife with alternating design patterns can be found here: https://www.peytonstreetpens.com/parker-jack-knife-safety-pen-set-rare-vest-pocket-size-gf-wave-design-superior-restored.html Notice that this Jack Knife does have the christmas tree feed; variants of the christmas tree feed were use by Parker since 1905.

Yes that is the one I was looking at but I hadnt noticed the feed. I will be sure to read over the catalogue, it is exactly what I was looking for!

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  • 6 months later...

Hallo, I found a gold Parker Duofold which seller claims is 12 cm tall - which I think makes it a Jr. but it rather looks like the vest pen above. Should I jump on this?



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