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Information On Joining A Pelikan Hub?

Cursive Child

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I just found out from another post here about the existence of these events. This year's is on September 20 at 6:30 PM.



Any experience with these? It seems (according to the facebook page) that the registration closed in June. If someone can tell me how to join in to the ones around Washington DC, that will be great. I suppose for security reasons, they don't mention the location, but very small number of participants.


I'd like to go, but there don't seem to be links to register. In this day and age of meetups, and flashmobs, and rapid organization, why the need to close registration for an event 3 months in advance? ( Are they giving out a free Stresemann to everyone ? ;) ).


Sorry that slid into a rant..... (Missed the DC pen show....)

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I just found out from another post here about the existence of these events. This year's is on September 20 at 6:30 PM.



Any experience with these? It seems (according to the facebook page) that the registration closed in June. If someone can tell me how to join in to the ones around Washington DC, that will be great. I suppose for security reasons, they don't mention the location, but very small number of participants.


I'd like to go, but there don't seem to be links to register. In this day and age of meetups, and flashmobs, and rapid organization, why the need to close registration for an event 3 months in advance? ( Are they giving out a free Stresemann to everyone ? ;) ).


Sorry that slid into a rant..... (Missed the DC pen show....)

Just found out using the facebook group, that the sign up ended because they have a bunch of giveaways that must have been shipped. Might go anyway if they let me.

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Yeah, unfortunately signups for the Hubs ended a couple of months ago. I think that the Pittsburgh Hubmaster mentioned at the last regular Steel City Nibs meeting that someone had contacted him after the deadline too. So that person will get to come and eat (ours is at the church of one of the club members, like last year's Hub, and is a potluck) but can't have any of the swag that Pelikan sends out. I just got around to signing up for the potluck spreadsheet a couple of days ago; my husband found out that he is allergic to bell peppers and paprika (and *possibly* some hot peppers as well -- although they are a slightly different sub-species), so I don't get much opportunity to make potato salad anymore (the secret ingredient in my recipe -- which I got from my mom, more or less, and she in turn got it from BOTH my grandmothers -- is a tiny bit of Tabasco Sauce). So my husband can't eat it. :(

Yikes! Just realized that the Hub is in just over a week. And I'm going be spending the weekend and a good chunk of next week running around like a chicken without a head -- and that's BEFORE I go shopping for the potato salad fixings.... :headsmack:

Ruth Morrisson aka inkstainedruth


ETA: I suppose you could try to contact the DC Hubmaster and see if you can just go and hang out, even if you can't get any of the goodies Pelikan sends through...

Edited by inkstainedruth

"It's very nice, but frankly, when I signed that list for a P-51, what I had in mind was a fountain pen."

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