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1930S Lever Fill


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I stopped by a local antique store to see if they had any fountain pens, and I saw a 1930s sheaffer lever fill ( and a marble desk blotter) and was wondering 1. How likely is it that I will need to replace the ink sac (shopkeeper could not vouch for it), 2 how difficult is it to replace the ink sac, and 3, what does a pen of that sort go for? I did not pick these up yet, maybe next time I stop in. I could not get a picture, but the body had stripes going along it in a deep green, and the nib was only marked sheaffer, 3, and made in usa.

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Yes, it will need a sac. Usually easy to do. You need a sac, shellac, and talc. Might not be worth buying supplies if you only plan on doing the one pen. Worth buying the supplies if you may do more pens. Otherwise thewritepen is reasonable. Or if there is a pen club near you perhaps someone could do it.


Price depends on condition and details. #3 is a small nib, probably a small pen. If you like the look and feel, buy it. If not, don't.

One test is worth a thousand expert opinions.

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+1 on TheWritePen.

Baptiste knew how to make a short job long

For love of it. And yet not waste time either.

Robert Frost

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I totally agree on the sac replacement. I would caution you from trying to move the lever if you encounter any real resistance (you may crack the body or damage the lever).

A hair dryer applying controlled heat will asist in slipping out the section, which press-fits into the body, it may have shellac "gluing" it in place. The section/feed/nib will likely

need a cleaning as well.


Now, for price... it is sad to say, but desksets frequently have a "depressed price" compared to pocket pens. There are exceptions. Next time you are at the shop, take a

picture of it, and post it here. The price depression is due to the fact that a lot of collectors don't like taking up the space of a deskset in their collections. Less competition

usually means lower prices unless the deskset has something special about them (unusual nib, especially unobainable base or accents). I have bought Fountain desk sets for as

low as $16.99. The highest price I ever paid for a desk set was $125, but then, it has a RED keyhole nib and all of the deskset's appointments were Bronze, as versus brass,

AND it was part of a figural set from the 1920s with additional goodies.


The second highest price I paid for a deskset was an White Dot Sheaffer "accountant set" which had a black and red marked trumpet pair of two pens in a single set. I snagged it for about $90.

I figured that two pens at a total of $90 seemed reasonable. After restoral, I sold the set to a friend for $100.


Picture of that set below (before restoral).



Edited by Addertooth
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