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Leonardo Photo Thread

Michael R.

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2 hours ago, mauckcg said:

They keep multiplying like rabbits!  🤣


:) I still don't see a problem.... well, except that you and your pens have not visited me yet.  

Fountain pens are my preferred COLOR DELIVERY SYSTEM (in part because crayons melt in Las Vegas).

Create a Ghostly Avatar and I'll send you a letter. Check out some Ink comparisons: The Great PPS Comparison 

Don't know where to start?  Look at the Inky Topics O'day.  Then, see inks sorted by color: Blue Purple Brown Red Green Dark Green Orange Black Pinks Yellows Blue-Blacks Grey/Gray UVInks Turquoise/Teal MURKY







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23 hours ago, amberleadavis said:


:) I still don't see a problem.... well, except that you and your pens have not visited me yet.  

I'm not sure i'll be out west anytime soon but you never know.  🤣

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Since I have one Leonardo, I hope it’s ok to share that Edison Pens has some Jonathan Brooks material. I love my Beaumont. 

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Two Momento Magico pens in wonderfull green saft and red scarlett, each limited to just 10 pieces, great Leonardo craftsmanship


Schermafbeelding 2022-03-27 om 13.11.49.png

Schermafbeelding 2022-03-27 om 13.12.18.png



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'Scuse me. I have to get a broom to sweep up the shards of my resistance. 


I wish a Leonardo 14Kt stub were on option. Fortunately, Frank's "nib whisperer" does great work.



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  • 1 month later...
On 11/7/2021 at 1:43 AM, Mezu said:

Indeed, the diameter of the feed is the appropriate measurement.  Usually, the length tends to be substantially larger as well.  Although, Jowo #8s did not follow this trend.


In your pictures, you can see that the #6 is seated further out due to ink/wear like on the nib and the #8, is seated fairly deeply, with the Hallmark partially hidden.  The tines seem to be nearly the same length as well.  Again, very much appreciated this photo!



Old post but still useful.

It always surprises me that the definition of International nib size is still not fully clear.

Consider a nib, a feed and the section of the pen, without any housing, as though you were friction fitting the nib in the section.

International nib size is the measure of the diameter of the feed, of the hole in the section and of the curvature of the nib. If you take the nib curvature, complete the circle, and measure the diameter of that circle, that is the nib size! The unit measure is mm! 
so a size 6 nib and feed fit in a hole that has diameter 6 mm, same for size 8, 8mm diameter. The rest of the nib can be different dimensions but the “International “ nib size is defined by the hole it fits in! 
when considering nib housing the size is defined by the diameter of the internal hole of the housing. 
a lot of other factors play in when you want to fit a nib to a pen, the length  of the nib, how wide it is shoulder to shoulder, the geometry of the nib and feed which not always match even when they have the same “international size”, the different threading if using a housing, etc. 


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On 3/27/2022 at 1:13 PM, FrankvK said:

Two Momento Magico pens in wonderfull green saft and red scarlett, each limited to just 10 pieces, great Leonardo craftsmanship


Schermafbeelding 2022-03-27 om 13.11.49.png

Schermafbeelding 2022-03-27 om 13.12.18.png

Great looking pens, btw!

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  • 1 month later...

This is my last Leonardo, an Ogiva Mosaico, the nib is an architect grinded by Salvatore Matrone.





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My Momento Magico in Scarlet celluloid arrived from Fontoplumo a couple days ago. It is number 02/10. I was not able to get the one with a Stub nib, but Frank's nib specialist, Bruce S., did his usual outstanding job grinding a B nib to cursive italic for me. Note that this pen is the newer style Momento Magico, with the ink window hidden when the pen is capped and the two metal rings on the ends of the ink window. Also, note the red celluloid feed.


I am very happy with the pen's appearance and how it writes. I inked it with Leonardo Black, but it seems to be asking for a red wine-colored ink.  









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11 minutes ago, dms525 said:

My Momento Magico in Scarlet celluloid arrived from Fontoplumo a couple days ago. It is number 02/10. I was not able to get the one with a Stub nib, but Frank's nib specialist, Bruce S., did his usual outstanding job grinding a B nib to cursive italic for me. Note that this pen is the newer style Momento Magico, with the ink window hidden when the pen is capped and the two metal rings on the ends of the ink window. Also, note the red celluloid feed.


I am very happy with the pen's appearance and how it writes. I inked it with Leonardo Black, but it seems to be asking for a red wine-colored ink.  










Beautiful!! I was just admiring some of these at Fontoplumo's table at the Dutch Pen Show today. More for my wish list! Also good to know they can do such a nice cursive italic.

Co-founded the Netherlands Pen Club. DM me if you would like to know about our meetups and join our Discord!


Currently attempting to collect the history of Diplomat pens.

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16 minutes ago, dms525 said:


I am very happy with the pen's appearance and how it writes. I inked it with Leonardo Black, but it seems to be asking for a red wine-colored ink.  



Leonardo Taurasi (Taurasi is a wine produced in south Italy) could be a good choice.



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1 hour ago, DvdRiet said:


Beautiful!! I was just admiring some of these at Fontoplumo's table at the Dutch Pen Show today. More for my wish list! Also good to know they can do such a nice cursive italic.




Fontoplumo's web site says they are sold out of the two celluloid LE's.


This is the 5th nib Bruce has ground for me, I think - maybe more. He does excellent work, IMO.


On a per capita basis, The Netherlands has more of my favorite pen venders than any other country. I bet the Dutch Pen Show is lots of fun.



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1 hour ago, alfredop said:

Leonardo Taurasi (Taurasi is a wine produced in south Italy) could be a good choice.




I have a bottle of Taurasi! Good suggestion.


I was also thinking about Visconti Bordeaux.



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12 hours ago, dms525 said:




Fontoplumo's web site says they are sold out of the two celluloid LE's.


This is the 5th nib Bruce has ground for me, I think - maybe more. He does excellent work, IMO.


On a per capita basis, The Netherlands has more of my favorite pen venders than any other country. I bet the Dutch Pen Show is lots of fun.




Oh, yes, I saw the olive green and wine red versions at the pen show yesterday, where they had them on display as part of their 10th anniversary, I believe. But they said that they are, indeed, sold out. The colors are absolutely beautiful though!

Co-founded the Netherlands Pen Club. DM me if you would like to know about our meetups and join our Discord!


Currently attempting to collect the history of Diplomat pens.

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  • 3 weeks later...

What an inspiring thread I just stumbled upon. I was already going to visit Casa della Stilografica when I´m visiting Florence next week, but now I´ll be looking for a Leonardo.

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