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Leonardo Photo Thread

Michael R.

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Lovely pen, Michael. The pictures were worth waiting for.


So, can you tell us more about the Leonardo music nib? How wide a line does it write? How is the ink flow? How much thick/thin line differentiation does it produce?


Thanks in advance for your assessment.


Happy writing!



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Dear David,

Sorry for the quick iPad pictures. Must take better ones soon.

50144933271_306e014ff6_k.jpgOhne Titel by pensninks, auf Flickr


50144392193_94ce6f367c_k.jpgOhne Titel by pensninks, auf Flickr


Still waiting for my Leonardo with Jowo elastic nib to compare.

Ink flow seems wet but can adjusted by positioning the nib more to the front or end of feed. I have to admit that I still need to use it for a longer time to give a better evaluation.

Comparison is between the music nib and current stub nib using the same ink (Leonardo Blue). So what differences can you spot?

The feel is totally different. While the stub is fairly stiff and very smooth the music nib has some tooth/feedback and a more elastic feel.

For a quick summary I'd say the music nibs is a compromise between a flex and stub nib. I have not read much other comments so I'm curious to hear what others think as well.




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Thanks for the writing samples and the comments, Michael!


It appears from the writing samples that the stub is narrower and less crisp than the music nib. You might get more line variation with a drier ink, although I find Leonardo ink to be drier than average.


Your Stromboli is gorgeous. Shipping to Absurdistan must be faster from Italy than shipping to California. My Vesuvius just arrived at Charles de Gaulle!


Enjoy your new Leonardos, and thanks again.



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Thank you :-)


It appears to me that line variation is more obvious on the stub while the music has more flexy chatacter.


The pen was delivered to Novelli in Rome on Monday and send to my place in Germany the same day. Luckily no customs involved within the EU.


Did you already see your Vesuvio? Lots of variation from pen to pen but all nice.


What nib did you order and did you get one of their colored leather pouches?


I hope yours will arrive soon as well.





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Thank you :-)


It appears to me that line variation is more obvious on the stub while the music has more flexy chatacter.


The pen was delivered to Novelli in Rome on Monday and send to my place in Germany the same day. Luckily no customs involved within the EU.


Did you already see your Vesuvio? Lots of variation from pen to pen but all nice.


What nib did you order and did you get one of their colored leather pouches?


I hope yours will arrive soon as well.






Marco sent me photos of my pen. It looked so different from the photo from which I reserved it, he wanted me to verify that I still wanted it. Mine is on the relatively sedate side, which happens to be okay with me. That said, I have not seen a single photo of one I would not be happy to own.


Here is a (re-sized) photo of mine:


My Vesuvius.jpg


I have three boxes full of pen cases and sleeves. Early on, Leonardo included sleeves with their pens. I have several of them. I did not purchase another. I ordered my Vesuvius with a stub.


I'm hoping to have it within a week.



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Marco sent me photos of my pen. It looked so different from the photo from which I reserved it, he wanted me to verify that I still wanted it. Mine is on the relatively sedate side, which happens to be okay with me. That said, I have not seen a single photo of one I would not be happy to own.


Here is a (re-sized) photo of mine:


attachicon.gif My Vesuvius.jpg


I have three boxes full of pen cases and sleeves. Early on, Leonardo included sleeves with their pens. I have several of them. I did not purchase another. I ordered my Vesuvius with a stub.


I'm hoping to have it within a week.




David, I did not get a similar offer of photos to choose my pen. In fact, I fortunately got an email confirming a pen that was NOT my order, which was fortunately cleared up. I realize the variations in Brooks' materials, but when I saw the 'group' shot on FB I almost freaked! Hardly any looked like the 'two' versions of the material, and I hope mine is as sedate as yours. One or two that I saw were straying into the clown show look and I was hoping for a darker, brooding material.


The one thing that I am certain of is that if it is really not something I love (and it has to be in this strata), I shouldn't have trouble finding a new home for it. I love the look of your pen, so my fingers are crossed.




"When Men differ in Opinion, both Sides ought equally to have the Advantage of being heard by the Publick; and that when Truth and Error have fair Play, the former is always an overmatch for the latter."

~ Benjamin Franklin

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Hi, Jon. If there was an error in your order, you are fortunate it could be corrected. When Marco sent me the photos of my Vesuvius he said all of both materials were sold already, and I have seen the same from at least one other shop.


I am somehow confident you will love whatever you get. You might even reassess your feelings about clown shows.


I am hoping for additional collaborations between Brooks and Matrone after this raging success. Like I need another Leonardo! Well, I might as well shoot for 20. You know, a score of Leonardos. (Different from a score of Leonora. Pace Ludwig!)


Happy writing!



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Nice one David! Hope will receive it soon.

I'm happy with mine but also glad I did not had to pick one myself. Tough choice...

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Primary Manipulation by Jonathan Brooks

...doesn't it sound like a work of fiction?
50150746993_14a4326459_3k.jpgP1540507 by pensninks, auf Flickr
50150747703_bf8f33f74f_3k.jpgP1540500 by pensninks, auf Flickr
50151535292_be858c6b62_3k.jpgP1540441 by pensninks, auf Flickr
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50150750503_3632e10b89_3k.jpgP1540464 by pensninks, auf Flickr
50150750233_142e0530ec_3k.jpgP1540468 by pensninks, auf Flickr
50150750048_1feee985f2_3k.jpgP1540470 by pensninks, auf Flickr
50151533102_6bd57f8b55_3k.jpgP1540471 by pensninks, auf Flickr
50150749783_7419ec7b4f_3k.jpgP1540472 by pensninks, auf Flickr
50150749648_69130602fd_3k.jpgP1540473 by pensninks, auf Flickr
50151532647_b85352b648_3k.jpgP1540475 by pensninks, auf Flickr
50150749243_1b7704d6dc_3k.jpgP1540477 by pensninks, auf Flickr
50151296906_9fe2fdabef_3k.jpgP1540485 by pensninks, auf Flickr
50151296676_280452f70f_3k.jpgP1540489 by pensninks, auf Flickr
50150748328_1d6f13bbf7_3k.jpgP1540492 by pensninks, auf Flickr
50150748218_a9087f21aa_3k.jpgP1540495 by pensninks, auf Flickr
50150746708_1f361fbdeb_3k.jpgP1540512 by pensninks, auf Flickr

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I just opened the box of my first ever Leonardo Officina Italiana Momento Zero, in fabulous purple ebonite:



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I just opened the box of my first ever Leonardo Officina Italiana Momento Zero, in fabulous purple ebonite:




Very nice! Use it in good health.


Happy writing!



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My MS Grande Pistone in Jonathan Brooks' Primary Manipulation resin arrived this afternoon. I am not disappointed. :wub:


MZG-PM1 web.jpg


MZG-PM2 web.jpg


MZG-PM nib web.jpg


For me, it hits the right spot on the flashy - sedate spectrum.




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For me, it hits the right spot on the flashy - sedate spectrum.


I agree! I have a Scriptorium pen in PM #3 (he seems to do them with various formulas of colors) and that one is pretty wild. I got something that is just one degree more sedate than yours and I'm pleased.


Question: I know these are limited runs, but they aren't numbered, are they? I don't see anything on the pen or in the papers.


Congrats, David, handsome an unique pen.

"When Men differ in Opinion, both Sides ought equally to have the Advantage of being heard by the Publick; and that when Truth and Error have fair Play, the former is always an overmatch for the latter."

~ Benjamin Franklin

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I agree! I have a Scriptorium pen in PM #3 (he seems to do them with various formulas of colors) and that one is pretty wild. I got something that is just one degree more sedate than yours and I'm pleased.


Question: I know these are limited runs, but they aren't numbered, are they? I don't see anything on the pen or in the papers.


Congrats, David, handsome an unique pen.


Thank you, Jon! Looking forward to your photos.


No. These are not numbered. As you know, there were only 50 each of the Vesuvius and the Stromboli, but I have reason to believe there will be more made and released late this year - also in limited quantity.



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My MS Grande Pistone in Jonathan Brooks' Primary Manipulation resin arrived this afternoon. I am not disappointed. :wub:



For me, it hits the right spot on the flashy - sedate spectrum.





When I first saw images of these pens recently, I thought WTH.....and what is Brooks smoking.....sniffiing too much celluloid or something....


But when I see your pen now, I'm taken by the strange beauty of it and all the colors.....


Yikes, I probably want to get one now.....






FP Addict & Pretty Nice Guy




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I am currently considering between a Van Gogh and a Momento Zero. You guys aren't making it any easier for me with these gorgeous photos. :gaah:

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When I first saw images of these pens recently, I thought WTH.....and what is Brooks smoking.....sniffiing too much celluloid or something....


But when I see your pen now, I'm taken by the strange beauty of it and all the colors.....


Yikes, I probably want to get one now.....







I assume you know this is a slippery slope. Salvatore has exquisite taste in materials, in my opinion, and his pens are very well made, write wonderfully well and ... did I say I rather like them?



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My Leonardo Primary Minipulation Stromboli with music nib came in yesterday. I saw actual pictures of the pen I was buying from the seller before shipping, but I was still surprised to see how muted the colors of my pen are in real life. I'm a little disappointed that it's so different from the promo photos, where the resin is so vibrant, exploding with impressionistic color. I do like this pen and I'm hoping I will grow to like it more in time. At least, I do really like the many shades of deep blue you can see in the photos. It has a kind of mysterious "depths of the ocean" look to it.




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