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Parker 61 Poor Threading


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today I got a nice set

there are however problems:

1) the treading in the plastic ball point mechanism is poor and slips through, half the time the ball point ends up in two parts

2) the treading of the black plastic of the section is even worse (item 6 in the line up). The cap gets stuck and the section loosens. The black plastic section part looks worn.

any idea why this made in England gold plated 61 set is so poorly manufactured?

are there any fixes? or is the only option getting parts?




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May simply be that the pen set has had a lot of usage by the original user and is somewhat worn out.



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May simply be that the pen set has had a lot of usage by the original user and is somewhat worn out.


or man handled set ;-)


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Mind you, you're lucky the arrow is still attached. Don't let it within a barge pole's length of an ultrasonic bath!

Edited by nigelg

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Mind you, you're lucky the arrow is still attached. Don't let it within a barge pole's length of an ultrasonic bath!


yes I am. it appears it has been converted badly, but that won't explain the ball point treading issues. I hope finding a replacement capillary part at a reasonable price.


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Some P61's suffer from degradation of the plastic of the connector.

If you look at the thread under a magnifying glass, does the plastic look chipped and crazed (like mud at the bottom of a dried out puddle)? If it does, then this may be the source of your problem. The solution is to replace the connector. New ones are made by someone in the UK from brass and they are good -I have used one in one of my P65's. Look for http://www.custompenparts.co.uk . I fact, that reminds me, I need another for a P61.


It may be the same material problem with the BP, but I'm not sure anyone makes spares.





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thank you - so we are speaking of threading. I had this problem with a P65, and bought the brass connector you speak of and it worked a treat. I seem to recall you must specify which pen and model - there is more than one specification made.

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Some P61's suffer from degradation of the plastic of the connector.

If you look at the thread under a magnifying glass, does the plastic look chipped and crazed (like mud at the bottom of a dried out puddle)? If it does, then this may be the source of your problem. The solution is to replace the connector. New ones are made by someone in the UK from brass and they are good -I have used one in one of my P65's. Look for http://www.custompenparts.co.uk . I fact, that reminds me, I need another for a P61.


It may be the same material problem with the BP, but I'm not sure anyone makes spares.








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  • 2 weeks later...

The Custom Pen Parts piece came by mail this morning and it works like a dream. The 61 is now working perfect with an all metal converter for a 51 (made in England).

The ballpoint seems to have a broken threading (hairline crack in the plastic part). So if I can find a matching mechanism for the ball point (none in my box of parker parts) that would be fine.

thanks for the tip.


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Some P61's suffer from degradation of the plastic of the connector.

If you look at the thread under a magnifying glass, does the plastic look chipped and crazed (like mud at the bottom of a dried out puddle)? If it does, then this may be the source of your problem. The solution is to replace the connector. New ones are made by someone in the UK from brass and they are good -I have used one in one of my P65's. Look for http://www.custompenparts.co.uk . I fact, that reminds me, I need another for a P61.


It may be the same material problem with the BP, but I'm not sure anyone makes spares.





thanks for the ideal tip


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sorry to seem extremely unintelligent - what is 'treading' please?



Any chance of the moderator correcting the simple spelling/typing error in the title so that future searches will find this?




PS Thanks for the link to the parts site. I was hoping to find a connector to solve this same problem on the Parker 75, but it seems it's not available there.

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If it's a common problem, and I don't know the P75 well unlike the P61, maybe you could suggest it as a spare to CustomPenParts. They have increased what they do, a lot, since starting.





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