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Sailor Shop Special Joyful-2 Inks: Update


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A reminder that these inks exist. You can get them via any Joyful-2 shop (if not Nita or Utsunomiya, they have to order them for you from there) or you buy at their online shops? or by telephone.

I don't know if they accept orders from abroad. I think you need a proxy buyer.

Price is 2000+tax = 2160 Yen (in autumn sales tax will increase).


Here is an overview of their original inks:





【群馬名所シリーズ】 [Gunma meisho shirīzu]
伊香保マゼンタ Ikaho mazenta 1-2
嬬恋リーフグリーン Tsumagoi rīfugurīn 2-3
草津グリーン Kusatsu gurīn 3-3
尾瀬エメラルド Oze emerarudo 2-1
渡良瀬ミント watara Sera minto 3-1
水上ターコイズ minakami tākoizu 4-2
片品ラピス Katashina rapisu 4-1
四万ライラック Shima rairakku 5-1

【群馬名山シリーズ】 [Gunma meizan shirīzu]
武尊オリーブ buson orību 2-2
榛名グリーン Haruna gurīn 3-2
谷川岳ブルー tanigawadake burū 4-3
赤城バイオレット Akagi baioretto 1-3
妙義アンバー Myōgi anbā 6-3
浅間セピア Asama sepia 6-1

【群馬名物シリーズ】 [Gunma meibutsu shirīzu]
上州焼きまんじゅうブラウン uezu-yaki manjū buraun 6-2

パープルハート Purpleheart 5-2
烏ブラック Karasu burakku 5-3

Number behind the name means row-column (1-1 doesn't exist) in the picture above.


From the list above, only Karasu burakku is sold out.

From purpleheart, Buson olive and Kusatsu green, only few remain - think one-digits.
Sold out are: Earth ocean, Neptune night and Mars rose

Edited by mke
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Sold out are: Earth ocean, Neptune night and Mars rose



You gave me hope and you tore them to shreds again

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> Earth ocean

I was looking for that one actually. Sold out since ages. So I bought Minakami Turquoise instead.

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There are three more in stock - for writing examples search with the Japanese name plus インク:

日光グリーン Nikko green

宇都宮カクテルレッド Utsunomiya cocktail red

益子焼アンバー Mashiko amber







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