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Help With Assembly Of A 149

Waltz For Zizi

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So I got myself my first Montblanc, a used 149, and from what I can tell from the post with dating it, the pen was made between 1984-1985, and this pen had a nib very misaligned with the feed, a real eyesore. I don't know how good it wrote like this, because the pen was full of dry ink and since I was cleaning it I decided to disassemble the nib and align it properly. All good and done, but now I can't put it back, because the feed has extremely tight fit with the collar.

I tried with a little silicone grease, carefull not to get it in the main ink channel, but the thing won't go inside the collar even halfway by pushing, and I do go to the gym, I'm not weak.


Any ideas how I can put it back, without sending it to Montblanc or anyone else? Is there a tool they maybe use for this procedure?

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It might be because assuming you just pulled the nib and feed, rather than unscrewing the nib collar. You may find that the inside of the nib section has taken the shape of the feed with nib attached so unless you put them back in exactly the same place it will no fit properly.


Try pulling the nib and feed again, then as you put it back rotate the pen to try to find the indentation left by the nib by feel, then on finding the correct position push them both home.


Give it a try.



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It might be because assuming you just pulled the nib and feed, rather than unscrewing the nib collar. You may find that the inside of the nib section has taken the shape of the feed with nib attached so unless you put them back in exactly the same place it will no fit properly.


Try pulling the nib and feed again, then as you put it back rotate the pen to try to find the indentation left by the nib by feel, then on finding the correct position push them both home.


Give it a try.



There was no chance to pull the nib and feed. I got it completely disassembled. It's the type with two parts in the body of the pen. The nib and feed I got them out of the collar by putting a rod on the back of the nib assembly and gently striking it with a hammer, there's a youtube video on youtube of the procedure, but that person's assembly is much more loose than mine, and I struggled a bit since it was so stiff, like an idiot I didn't realise it would be like this going back in. LoL.

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It might be because assuming you just pulled the nib and feed, rather than unscrewing the nib collar. You may find that the inside of the nib section has taken the shape of the feed with nib attached so unless you put them back in exactly the same place it will no fit properly.


Try pulling the nib and feed again, then as you put it back rotate the pen to try to find the indentation left by the nib by feel, then on finding the correct position push them both home.


Give it a try.



Oh, wow, what a dumbass I am. I do was putting it upside down from the position I pulled it out. Thank you so much!

The back of the collar has a notch and I thought the feed channel needs to be aligned with it. That threw me off. They were supposed to be on opposite sides.

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Next bit of advice, when you screw the bib collar back in put some silicone grease on the treads and around the collar, this will help seal it, otherwise you will have issues with inky fingers every time you use it.


Montblanc use or used to use, some sort of 2 part red silicone as their sealant which is not available, but thick silicone grease does just as good a job, and in some cases better job.



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Next bit of advice, when you screw the bib collar back in put some silicone grease on the treads and around the collar, this will help seal it, otherwise you will have issues with inky fingers every time you use it.


Montblanc use or used to use, some sort of 2 part red silicone as their sealant which is not available, but thick silicone grease does just as good a job, and in some cases better job.



Nice. Thanks!
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