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Mb Starwalker : Stripped Cap Threads Repair


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Hi all,

Just finished a challenging repair on a Montblanc Starwalker.
The weak cap threads were completely stripped.
I'm not surprised given the threads engage only on a length of 1.5mm over a poor mating depth of 0.25 mm….
The owner contacted his local Montblanc boutique but got the response Montblanc does not service these pens anymore…
Attached a few pictures showing my repair approach.
Aiming for strong and wear resistant cap threads I decided to use black Ketron Peek for making the new thread ring
The cap entry collar being chromium plated brass over a depth of 1mm, I’ve turned a chamber in the cap starting just behind the entry collar.
Doing so the new thread ring will be axially secured in the cap.
Chamber was turned on a diameter of 11.35 mm over a length of 5.2mm.
I’ve made the new Ketron Peek thread ring on a 0.05 smaller outer diameter and 0.2mm shorter providing radial/axial space for the epoxy glue.
The thin walled thread ring allows deformation so I could deform it radially allowing introduction in the 0.5mm smaller cap entry.
After applying a thin layer of epoxy in the new cap groove I've deformed the thread ring, introduced it in the cap entry and helped it to expand perfectly in its cap groove seat.
Worked perfectly, both the owner and myself are very happy!
Best regards,
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That's pretty impressive, Francis.


I didn't know what Kreton Peek was as I read your post, so I went to find info on it and discovered it's a high impact polymer with specific technical properties and applications. I guess you have this knowledge from your mechanical engineering endeavours.


Very interesting and thanks for posting the outline of the repair.

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Hi francis, I'm always surprised how you succeed to find a way and method to do your repairs.

Making the ring on the edge of weakness to install, briljant !

Certailnly when you succeed an upgiven MONTBLANC pen, that must be a good feeling... Look, thats the way !


We enjoy and learn from you !

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Deep respect to your work, Francis!



The owner contacted his local Montblanc boutique but got the response Montblanc does not service these pens anymore…


That's unbelievable!!!


Montblanc collector since 1968. Former owner of the Montblanc Boutique Bremen, retired 2007 and sold it.
Collecting Montblanc safeties, eyedroppers, lever fillers, button fillers, compressors - all from 1908 - 1929,
Montblanc ephemera and paraphernalia from 1908 to 1929,
Montblanc Meisterstück from 1924 up to the 50s,
Montblanc special and limited editions from 1991 to 2006
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How old is the Starwalker range? Didn't think it was THAT old to be on the too old to service list, are they cutting down so only service current models now, not a good sign if that's true.

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I never considered the Starwalker as a MB.

As for the repair, did the boutique refuse to repair this type of damage or did they refuse to service/repair Starwalkers entirely?

If it is the latter, maybe they ought to consider dropping a zero from the price.


OTOH, great skill and expertise shown by the OP. thumbup.gif

Glad the owner is pleased, even more so if it should hold sentimental value.

Engineer :

Someone who does precision guesswork based on unreliable data provided by those of questionable knowledge.

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Hi all,

Thanks for your friendly comments !

The owner received this pen 5 years ago as a present from his father , hence the pen has a great sentimental value for him . As for the refusal of the MB boutique to repair the pen he wrote the following , quote :

"I just got a call from the MB shop in Cannes: the sanction falls, this model is no longer repaired, no parts available anymore...!

I might as well tell you that I am furious and that I asked for a manager to call me back... without much hope but he will take it for his rank!

What a shame... a model still (certainly not easily) found in ADs but not repairable, a real highlight! " Unquote



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The entire collection is still for sale on the MB website.


I will sell you a £500 pen but will not repair it. wallbash.gif

TBH, not surprising coming from MB.

Engineer :

Someone who does precision guesswork based on unreliable data provided by those of questionable knowledge.

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Possibly the local boutique clerk looks up against all the hassle involved in getting the pen repaired?

They surely prefer selling new pens !
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  • 1 month later...

I have a Starwalker fountain pen with precisely the same issue.


Are you willing to fix it, and at what price?



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  • 1 year later...

I have exactly the same issue with my Starwalker. It has been repaired twice. The third time MB refused. Are you still doing this repair? If so, can you let me know how much? Thanks. 

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