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Moleskine And Ink


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I have some Moleskine notebooks I'd like to use but have had problems with ink bleeding through the page. I've switched to a different brand. But as I said, I want to use up the unused notebooks. I recently saw a video on youtube, inks to use on ordinary papers.



I don't have any of the recommended inks and before I buy any, I'd like to know if anybody has found a suitable ink for use with Moleskine notebooks.



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What size nib? A fine point will have less problem than a broad.


Of inks I have, tested in a small Moleskine...


Platinum Carbon (in Platinum EF and M)

Platinum Classic (I have cassis and forest; forget which pens I used originally; Noodler's pens only bled if trying to flex them)

Herbin Vert Empire (Esterbrook 9556 fine)

Fahrney's (Private Reserve era) Copper Burst (in a Platinum [not-]broad -- the B puts down the same line as a M)

Lamy Violet (cartridge - in a Joy)



Fahrney's (private reserve) Orange Crush

Levenger Smoky

Levenger Shiraz or Claret (forget which was in the pen)

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I learned a lot with Moleskin notebooks some nearly 10 years ago. If you use a CD fountain pen nib with a dry ink you might manage or switch to pencil and ballpoint pens or go one step further and switch to Rhodia notebooks which are so much more suitable for your fountain pen used. I gave all my unused moleskin notebooks to ball point people and my grandkids to color on when we went out to eat. For years I carried old moleskine to entertain them while we waited for food to come. They thought they were special cause they are ad their own pens and paper grandma carried just for them.

Fair winds and following seas.

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On my Moleskine pocket diary (from what I read Moleskine paper is not consistent) I had great experience with Diamine Registrar's ink. Mainly on a cheap Hero 616 Jumbo it did not feather or bleeded the paper.


It succeeded when my go to ink for bad paper failed (Noodler's Bulletproof Black).

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Moleskine paper is unfortunately not fountain pen friendly (the paper is made in China, it seems)

Moleskine received some complaints on quality of its paper by fountain pen users, their reply was that most Moleskine users use a pencil...

I do use moleskine at times despite the bad paper, because I like the form factor (and because in Italy Moleskine is ubiquitous)

two pieces of advice (as already correctly suggested)

-use dry ink, best would really be IG ink, which has non-bleed through characteristics, check KWZ (various colours, I use blue IG#5 with satisfaction ) or R&K Salix and Scabiosa

-use a F or EF nib, to avoid bleed through


drastic advice (I do this) write only on one side of the paper...

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I write mostly with F and XF, especially the Japanese F.


The inks recommended on that video:


Black - Platinum Carbon Black

Blue - Waterman Serenity Blue

Blue-Black - Rohrer & Klingner Salix

Red - Pelikan Brilliant Red, Waterman Audacious Red

Top Colorful inks: Platinum Classic inks

Top Ink for Terrible Paper: Noodler’s X-Feather

FPfan: I have been using Leuchtturn notebooks for the past few years and have been pleased with them.

And I prefer not to use ball post/roller ball etc.




DOMPRED: According to that video, one can actually write legibly on paper towel with the Noodler's X-Feather. I don't have any of the above listed inks and wanted some feedback before ordering any.


Even though I've been using FPs for over 40 years, my exposure to different inks has been minimal. I only used Aurora black for many of those years. It is only recently that I have tried other inks, mostly inks that are readily available (Noodler's, Pelikan, Waterman, etc.). I looked it up and see that KWZ in a brand, but I can't figure out what IG ink is? Also, what is a CD nib?


I have so much to learn, even after all these years.


​A page of commonly used abbreviations used in this forum would be helpful, and if there is one, I haven't found it.

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sorry, IG is iron-gall

a very particular type of ink which derives from an ancient formula in which the ink is actually made starting from oak galls


modern iron-gall ink retains some of the original characteristics (and has lost some of the worse drawbacks) mainly permanence on paper but also a particular way of being absorbed by the paper, which gives rise to very little bleed through


my description is hurried and insufficient, please look it up on the net (and also on FPN) there is huge amount of info to be found

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  On 3/12/2019 at 10:42 PM, sansenri said:

sorry, IG is iron-gall

a very particular type of ink which derives from an ancient formula in which the ink is actually made starting from oak galls


Thanks for the info. I wasn't finding anything online searching IG ink.

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What inks do you have?

Fountain pens are my preferred COLOR DELIVERY SYSTEM (in part because crayons melt in Las Vegas).

Create a Ghostly Avatar and I'll send you a letter. Check out some Ink comparisons: The Great PPS Comparison 

Don't know where to start?  Look at the Inky Topics O'day.  Then, see inks sorted by color: Blue Purple Brown Red Green Dark Green Orange Black Pinks Yellows Blue-Blacks Grey/Gray UVInks Turquoise/Teal MURKY







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I encountered similar problems with Moleskine notebooks; I bought a couple of sets of 6 at our local Costco some time ago. I use them to copy out passages in order to practice my handwriting, and I found that sometimes there is no bleed through at all, but at other times, there is. The paper is of very uneven quality. Bottom line: since I'm merely practicing by using 13 or so of my inked pens and since no one other than me will ever see these notebooks, it hardly matters if there's bleed through. I just charge on regardless but mildly annoyed.

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I only use pencil with the Moleskins in my inventory. EF pens with dry ink and a light touch work, but there is generally at least a little show-through.

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  On 3/13/2019 at 5:51 PM, amberleadavis said:

What inks do you have?


Working from memory now...main ink is Noodler's Heart of Darkness, Aurora black...also have Waterman Mysterious Blue. Diamine Oxblood, Diamine Chocolate, and a 3-Oyster green. I mostly use black ink.

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