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Parker 51 Desk Pen C/c Filler?


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I just bought a desk pen off ebay. I'm thoroughly confused and scared.


It has a hooded nib, a thin clutch ring, but it has a CONVERTER. I have neither seen nor heard of a Parker 51 cartridge converter pen.


Maybe just a Parker 61 desk pen, but then I could rip out the nib for other pens, since it was $14.

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There was a Parker 51 C/C pen. According to a dearly departed expert, Old Griz, who had had one, the ink flow was not so good and the pen was not as good as a normal sac filler 51. The converter had a sac. I had one of these pens as part of a hoard, but I gave it away before I tried it. I never got feedback on how it wrote. I think it just became a collectible.

"Don't hurry, don't worry. It's better to be late at the Golden Gate than to arrive in Hell on time."
--Sign in a bar and grill, Ormond Beach, Florida, 1960.



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does it looks like this?


17971322794_6a92037061_k.jpgParker 61(?) Desk Pen by c_m_z, auf Flickr



then, I guess it's kind of a late P61 but without the arrow at the section. I have also one of these but never was able to identify clearly.



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You may have found a really rare bird.


It is possible you have a P51 C/C desk pen. The hood shape is reminiscent of the P61 without an arrow in the hood, but the P51 c/c can also be called 'like a P61 but without an arrow'. The real clincher would be the internals of the hood. If the shell didn't have a collector, but had an odd simulation of the collector, as shown in the image link below:


If however, the internals have a proper collector, then you may have a different rare bird, an arrowless P61 desk pen, and it'd be the first I've heard of (not that I'm an authority!). The hood does seem to be showing dents correct for a P61 suffering from shell shrinkage. The hood tip shape is very P61 like, much more so than the Argentinian P61's even.


The P17 did have variants that had a P61 shape tip on the hood, but I am unaware of any that were c/c, so that is unlikely.


I'm not suggesting you take the hood off if it won't come easily, but it might be worth seeing if it does. I think you have an unusual pen either way.


If however, the internals have a proper collector, then I think





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Christof, the pen that you have is an early 1970s Parker "1C8" desk pen. These pens are 1970 to ca 1974.


From 1970 on, Parker slightly changed the design of the Parker 51 desk pen (which was still present in 1969 Parker dealer pamphlets) and stopped classifying the new desk pens into the previous 51 or 45 series.


Below is a copy from a 1970 dek pen pamphlet showing your pen at the far left:



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