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Adding To The Flock


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Today I received two pens that have long been on my wish list. The M600 turquoise and the M600 transparent. They were the last ones in the store, so I received a substantial discount on the purchase price and two bottles of Edelstein ink. They came in a beautiful gift box. They are now lying next to their friends in the display case.
Now save for the pink version of the M600 and I just read that there is also a variant in violet coming. I have to wait a little while with that until the gap in the bank account is filled.




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Grats! And how convenient you had 2 open slots in your case. ;)

It's hard work to tell which is Old Harry when everybody's got boots on.

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12 or so years ago I went to a pen club meeting and one of the members brought in a pen I just had to have. He said he would never sell it so I looked on line and found it to be out of my price range. I've watched them over the years but never found one at a price I would give in and pay. It was indeed my grail pen. The pen is the LE M-800 Blue Ocean! What a beautiful pen! Last weekend at the Arkansas Pen show a vendor had one but again sadly the price was above what I was willing to pay. I noticed my old pen club friend had a table and went over to talk, and there it was THE Blue Ocean that had started it all and it was for sale! He had a good price on it and came down a bit for a friend discount and we did some pen trading to boot. So after handing over a Gold Filled Parker 51 set and some money, it was finally mine! Dreams do come true, sometimes they just take a while, not only did I get a Blue Ocean but I got THE Blue Ocean. OBB nib is so much fun!


I loved your story about the discovery of your Blue Ocean.... because I am beginning to think that a grail pen is not a grail pen without a story. It's not just a particular model that we are looking for but a particular pen. And you found yours--or it found you. Congratulations, Pakman! And what a great nib, too!



Moderation in everything, including moderation.

--Mark Twain

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M101N Blue Grey Special Edition with M405 Souveran nib (Medium, ground to an italic)


So lovely. Thanks. :)


~ S.

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I contacted the seller and made a deal for this pen back in December. But when the govt shut down I was furloughed and with no paycheck coming for an indeterminate time, a vintage fountain pen was no longer in the budget. I let the seller know of my predicament. He said if I could give him a modest down payment he would hold the pen for me. When we got back to business as usual, I closed the deal on this lovely pen.






I made a new pen stand out of scrap curly maple, it is beautiful wood.





And then there is this one, the Green O'Green. A pen that has been on my lust list since the day it was released. I saw it for a decent price recently but I had spent a LOT on pens at the LA Pen Show (a few more yet to debut here) so thought I was through buying pens for the year, a heck of a predicament to be in. I was standing on the precipice looking over the edge and friend gave me a gentle nudge, that was all it took:


I picked up the ebonite pen pillow in LA, not knowing that a few months later I would acquire a pen that looks so similar.


This pen has a finish unlike anything else Pelikan (or any other maker to my knowledge) has done. It is indescribable, and very hard to capture in Pictures. I'm glad they did it in green (I am a sucker for a green pen) but wish they would have carried the theme forward with other colors. Instead we get an array of candy stripe M600's. These pastel and white striped pens are not for me, but actually I am glad they are making them, and you are buying them, You who fancy them are helping the company stay in business.





If you enlarge this picture it gives you the best idea of what this pen looks like in person.



I have a few others acquisitions to show but this will do for now.

Edited by DrCodfish
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That Green O'Green is quite gorgeous. So glad you decided to get it before it migrated elsewhere!

Moderation in everything, including moderation.

--Mark Twain

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You got a nice one, Dr. Codfish! The Green o'green is my favorite Pelikan finish, I think, beside the white tortoise. And that grey 100N is beautiful, I'd love to add one someday! You are on a roll!!

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Great photos of the Green o' Green! It looks great!


I contacted the seller and made a deal for this pen back in December. But when the govt shut down I was furloughed and with no paycheck coming for an indeterminate time, a vintage fountain pen was no longer in the budget. I let the seller know of my predicament. He said if I could give him a modest down payment he would hold the pen for me. When we got back to business as usual, I closed the deal on this lovely pen.






I made a new pen stand out of scrap curly maple, it is beautiful wood.





And then there is this one, the Green O'Green. A pen that has been on my lust list since the day it was released. I saw it for a decent price recently but I had spent a LOT on pens at the LA Pen Show (a few more yet to debut here) so thought I was through buying pens for the year, a heck of a predicament to be in. I was standing on the precipice looking over the edge and friend gave me a gentle nudge, that was all it took:


I picked up the ebonite pen pillow in LA, not knowing that a few months later I would acquire a pen that looks so similar.


This pen has a finish unlike anything else Pelikan (or any other maker to my knowledge) has done. It is indescribable, and very hard to capture in Pictures. I'm glad they did it in green (I am a sucker for a green pen) but wish they would have carried the theme forward with other colors. Instead we get an array of candy stripe M600's. These pastel and white striped pens are not for me, but actually I am glad they are making them, and you are buying them, You who fancy them are helping the company stay in business.





If you enlarge this picture it gives you the best idea of what this pen looks like in person.



I have a few others acquisitions to show but this will do for now.

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Pelikan M640's: Niagara Falls, Indian Summer, Polar Lights.

A book and paper store was getting out of the high end pen business. The pens were marked half off. The sales offered to knock off another 25%. I couldn't resist. They have never been filled...may have been dipped for potential buyer. They all have medium nibs.

Hope the image is ok. I first took it with the ipad but the image was too big. so took a picture of my picture..


I guess they had only those 3 you bought or are there maybe some 640 left in that store?

(I know, a stupid Q, but I just have to ask - Polar light is my long time wish, Indian summer is also quite high on the wish list).

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I like the Green o' Green, but I have an M620 Berlin, and they superficially look somewhat similar. Has anyone seen a photo of the two together?

-- Joel -- "I collect expensive and time-consuming hobbies."


INK (noun): A villainous compound of tannogallate of iron, gum-arabic and water,

chiefly used to facilitate the infection of idiocy and promote intellectual crime.

(from The Devil's Dictionary, by Ambrose Bierce)

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I like the Green o' Green, but I have an M620 Berlin, and they superficially look somewhat similar. Has anyone seen a photo of the two together?


They are quite different. The Green o' green is more subdued. Here is a thread with some comparisons: https://www.fountainpennetwork.com/forum/topic/276812-m620-berlin-city-series-vs-m600-green-ogreen-differences/

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I bought an old Pelikan 140 today. As far as I can tell it's in very good condition (for it's age). The 14K nib says KF. The gold ring on the cap says Pelikan 140, on other inscription. I'm happy with this new member of the flock.




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Congratulations, you got one of the rarer black ones! The 140 is a great pen and KF nibs should be foolproof. Enjoy your 140.

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Thanks. Why is it a rarer one? (I love the Pelikan pens but I'm still somewhat of a newby when it comes to old pens)



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I cannot answer why the various colours (black, grey, green, blue, burgundy) are less common but they certainly are. The by far most common one is the green striped version, which is kind of the trademark of Pelikan. The black version shows up from time to time and the other colours are really hard to find. And collectors seem to be willing to pay significantly more for the rarer colours.

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