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Thanks. Why is it a rarer one? (I love the Pelikan pens but I'm still somewhat of a newby when it comes to old pens)






there are a number of resources available for free that will help orient you to your new passion. as a start consider Pelikan Collectibles . not only good information but amazing pictures (could be a problem for your budget)

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Thanks. Why is it a rarer one? (I love the Pelikan pens but I'm still somewhat of a newby when it comes to old pens)





I don't know that the black with gold trim is necessarily rarer. It is less prevalent than the green striped variants. These were made 1952-65. If the nib is original, yours would date 1954-64. Great pen. In addition to the excellent resource already suggested, you may also be interested in this article that I recently penned; https://wp.me/p4XMw3-1tL.

PELIKAN - Too many birds in the flock to count. My pen chest has proven to be a most fertile breeding ground.


THE PELIKAN'S PERCH - A growing reference site for all things Pelikan

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Thank you all for this information. This helpt me on the way to know a little bit more about these beautifull pens. I really liked your artikel on these pens Joshua. I think my pen looks fine, but yours look all new, very pretty indeed.


Thanks for all the replies,



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This is another pen I picked up at the LA Pen Show. I didn't bring it home so much for the pen its self (I have been on the fence about this pen ever since it came out). I bought it as a substitute for a more expensive Nakaya offered by Mr. John Motishaw.


These two pens are very dissimilar so you might question my reasoning. I will try to explain. Mr. Motishaw had a very nice display of Nakaya desk pens all with custom ground nibs of various treatments. The pen with the architect nib I found intriguing, but intimidating: I am a left handed over writer so this particular nib grind represents challenges for me, as many others do. I waited my turn and then took a seat at the table and gave several of the different nibs a try. All that I tried were buttery smooth, I had better sense than to try the crisp oblique Italic, definitely not for a south paw. When I tried the Architect nib, I almost fell over! It went across the paper like a hot iron on an ice rink! It was so expressive and did not argue at all with my left handed 'disability'. I was not in the market for a Nakaya desk pen but I knew I wanted one of these nibs.


He had a vey nice display of other Nakayas, many of which I had drooled over on his website on the past, and I was VERY tempted to buy one. But, the price of the pen, with the added charge for the nib grind would have blown my budget. I had asked ahead for them to bring this Pelikan along so I could see it in person (he had a good price on it). Eventually, after much hand wringing I settled on this pen with the Architect grind. It's very nice, but I can't get that Nakaya out of my mind. I suspect someday in the future I may have one in my box.


It is a rare day for me to come home with a beautiful new pen and visions of another in my head.

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In my subjective oppinion, M101 N worth to be choosed, especialy this red tortoise finish.


Could I ask share your experience with Architect (or "Hebraic") nib?

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We have non working day there in Lithuania after the Easter and I have some hours to upload one of the latest adds into flocks.

Pelikan 101 Lizard short cap version. Very beautiful pen and one of vintage pelikans, which I searching almost 2 years.




with compatriot



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Wow, I'm impressed, what a beautiful pen! This one is so rare that it sounds almost like a miracle that you searched only two years (well, assuming that you didn't want to pay a ridiculous price). Congrationations.

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Even that this lizard was with defect and it took couple of weeks to fix all, the pen wasn't cheap.

Good news for my wallet is that search for lizard pattern Pelikan already finished. :D

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Beautiful Toledo!

It was on my radar for some time, finally I found one new in a store at the right price.



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I posted in the "Toledo" thread, but I might as well post it here, too. I've wanted an "old style" Toledo M910, the large silver model with the engraved logo disc at the laptop and plain disc on the turning knob, for about 30 years.


Not long ago, I had a milestone birthday, and decided it was time to get one as soon as an example at a price I was willing to pay came up. One finally appeared, and I received it last week. The binde was engraved by CT. The original M nib with PF mark isn't quite right even after lining up the tines and pulling them apart a bit, but I'm probably going to replace it with a B or BB anyway. The pen came with the wooden travel desk ("ecritoire") that Pelikan sold with them as a fancy presentation box, though that's still at my office, so I'll have to post photos of it later.


-- Joel -- "I collect expensive and time-consuming hobbies."


INK (noun): A villainous compound of tannogallate of iron, gum-arabic and water,

chiefly used to facilitate the infection of idiocy and promote intellectual crime.

(from The Devil's Dictionary, by Ambrose Bierce)

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I received two pens today. The M400 brown, W-Germany, never inked so like new. This one has a M nib. And a M600 Vibrant Green also never used. This one has a BB nib. I normally only use the F-nib, so it will be interesting to see how this one writes. I'm happy with both. The brown one came without a box. I used the box of the M600 for the photo's.






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Christof also posted a nice picture of some 140 pens in different colors:




Oh I like that blue-y grey one (the first one on the left).

Thanks for posting the link. And, well, not.... :wallbash: (Why is it that all my REALLY EXPENSIVE pens turn out to be Pelikans?)

Ruth Morrisson aka inkstainedruth

"It's very nice, but frankly, when I signed that list for a P-51, what I had in mind was a fountain pen."

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  • 3 weeks later...

Here's a photo of my M910 Old Style sitting on the ecritoire (writing box) that Pelikan sold as an "extra" when this pen was new. The ecritoire came with the pen when I bought it a few weeks ago.


The construction of the box is of what I'd consider ordinary quality: the divider where the ink bottle sits is loose, the exterior wood isn't terribly smooth and the finish isn't very durable. The red writing surface is very stiff, so the flat wooden pieces that it's glued to don't stay in the grooves in the box they way they should.


-- Joel -- "I collect expensive and time-consuming hobbies."


INK (noun): A villainous compound of tannogallate of iron, gum-arabic and water,

chiefly used to facilitate the infection of idiocy and promote intellectual crime.

(from The Devil's Dictionary, by Ambrose Bierce)

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