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J. Herbin Rouille D’Ancre


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Band-aid, skin, flesh, raw meat, flamingo neck, trampled sakura flower in dirt, Calamine, spat-out bubblegum, Pantone 2019 Colour of the Year… Ladies and gentlemen, the ugliest ink in the world (IMO) - J. Herbin Rouille d’Ancre.

Some of you may know I hate passionately pale, undersaturated “red” inks (De Atramentis Document Red, Sailor STORiA Fire Red, inter alia), as well as pale, pastel “orange” inks (eg. Caran d'Ache Electric Orange). J. Herbin Rouille d’Ancre successfully combines both. Stuff of nightmare. Blech.
On the other hand, this ink writes very wet and smooth. But that won’t change how ugly it is to me. Please don’t write to me with it.
Writing sample
(Tomoe River)
Post Script: Yes, the 2019 Pantone Colour of the Year Living Coral is disgusting.
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I love your hatred towards this type of watered-down, washed out ketcup leftovers. Rust itself (as the name purports) can be a really crass, beautiful, sharp, intense red-brown (or brown-red), but not this barf. To be frank, that's why I'm not all that hot about most of the original 30 Herbin water-paints because they are IMO all too watery.

Life is too short to drink bad wine (Goethe)

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I love your hatred towards this type of watered-down, washed out ketcup leftovers. Rust itself (as the name purports) can be a really crass, beautiful, sharp, intense red-brown (or brown-red), but not this barf. To be frank, that's why I'm not all that hot about most of the original 30 Herbin water-paints because they are IMO all too watery.



Honest hatred - but the review itself is top-notch ;-)

I like the pastel-tone of this ink, but it’s a bit too red for my taste. No solid hate here, but no love either.



:lol: :lol: Pale dirty orange red is to me as cyano-turquoise is to Visvamitra!

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Thanks as always for the review.

This one? There's a part of me that wants to pick up a sample of it at some point -- just to see if it's as bad as it looks on my screen. (Because I'm with you: I thought that D'A Document Red was AWFUL, and that Noodler's Empire Red was clearly a case of Nathan Tardif being "political" again -- I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt here, of course, because there is no other fathomable excuse for Empire Red... :rolleyes:).

But there is, at the same time, this weird fascination I have with Rouille d'Ancre -- possibly because a couple of years ago someone on here was looking for a "dusty rose" colored ink and from the other reviews and scans I'd seem I thought that it would fit the bill perfectly for what that person wanted...

Ruth Morrisson aka inkstainedruth

"It's very nice, but frankly, when I signed that list for a P-51, what I had in mind was a fountain pen."

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I share your hatred for this color (mauve?)


I like colors that many people would call ugly like muddy greens and browns but this ink makes me gag. There’s something out there for everybody though!

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I, on the other hand, loooove Rouille d'Ancre. :P I spent a fair amount of time bouncing around pink reviews & wasn't initially impressed by it, but it just kept coming up in recommendations. Eventually, I caved & burned some ebay credit on a bottle & it turned out I really like it after all. I keep it, appropriately enough, in a red Sailor.

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I feel your pain, Lg - Harmonious Green has the same effect on me. I don't find this color *that* bad, as colors go; it reminds of the Crayola formerly known as Flesh (now renamed Peach).

It's hard work to tell which is Old Harry when everybody's got boots on.

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Thanks for the review... I think. I loathe this ink and gave it away after buying a tin of cartridges. (I have a feeling the recipient through them in the bin.)

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In theory, this ink is everything I dislike in inks. Too pale to read, not saturated enough, too blah.


But I received a sample and was surprised by how much I liked it in person. For the right project, with the right nib, it can be a beautiful shade of pink.


Never say never.

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Currently, I have Colorverse Dark Energy inked up in a pen that is still not dry so the ink is not at full strength. I thought of R'dA and how sometimes that superlight ink can have a place.

Fountain pens are my preferred COLOR DELIVERY SYSTEM (in part because crayons melt in Las Vegas).

Create a Ghostly Avatar and I'll send you a letter. Check out some Ink comparisons: The Great PPS Comparison 

Don't know where to start?  Look at the Inky Topics O'day.  Then, see inks sorted by color: Blue Purple Brown Red Green Dark Green Orange Black Pinks Yellows Blue-Blacks Grey/Gray UVInks Turquoise/Teal MURKY







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