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Bohler 56Gt Set


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Info wanted , anyone have one of these ? Has OM Degussa nib . Looks like it might be a good diameter and is in a length range that I seem to prefer. Not as pretty as the ones that Bo Bo has but I like it anyway .


Thanks <*)))><






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I hate pushing the wrong button too soon.

It's just as pretty....go for it. BCHR, black chased hard rubber............one needs at least one. Cant quite read if it's a '56 or 66.....but looks to be a tad thicker than a '54. Defiantly thicker than a '62/3.

That is the first I've seen with a white tipped Final.


Degussa nibs are great, be they gold or steel. Degussa took over the Osmia nib factory in 1932 for debt. They ended making the Osmia and other folks nibs in the Osmia factory, in the workers refused moving 50 miles...pre VW.


I don't know if 'your' Degussa nib is semi-flex, maxi-semi-flex or even first stage of superflex....Easy Full Flex. I have 5 or so of the latter. A loose semi-flex....perhaps a regular flex.


I'm not sure if Degussa made Lamy's Artus's nibs....if so Degussa of course made regular flex nibs too. Could be Lamy's nails also....though that could have been made by Herlitz.


Some one said that Boehler's Gold pens were his second tier ones......I'd like to see his first tier then. The full tortoise and that fancy BCHR one with the fancy clip and HB final are 'gold' models.

That one with the spiderweb ink window only has 76 on it nothing else....and an Italian/Croat/Chech nib....in gold had been stolen by A. Hitler, but the Italians could export gold plated nibs and Boehler needed a bit of gold look for his new on the market pen.

I've not seen a 'first class' Boehler...........so I'd not worry about it....some folks second class is better than other's first class.................well the Pelikans we all see are also second class....not made in gold or silver or a Toledo.


Boehler and Osmia were very exact with which foot one was getting on the oblique pen. ML= OM, left foot. BR, OB, right foot. A BBL = OBB left foot.

Edited by Bo Bo Olson

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I bought it this morning before I posted this . If the nib dies not suit me I will find another Degussa nib to take it's place as all else is just what I like . I am right hand mostly so the OM will be right for me . Would have maybe prefered OF as I have several OM's already and no OF. As to " Class" , most would say I would struggle , were I a pen to be a low grade of school pen so even second tier would be above my station . Probably gave too much for it but I can live with that since I got such a deal ( My Opinion ) on the nice green marbled pen .



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He's a picture of one of my grail pens...an early-mid thirties Osmia Supra button filler...the one they chased Soennecken and MB with. At the time that showed up some 8 years ago, it went for E350, and I was cringing at E70....which I'd reached only once.


I'd be in the same situation as then, if it was to show up now for the same price on the Buy Now Idiot section...................not enough money to be an Idiot. :wacko:




button filler



Fancy pure signature pen............got to be BBB or more....could be BBBB.

A small nib....a #2. So that pen is not a large one.


Hell of a fancy cap.


Edited by Bo Bo Olson

The Reality Show is a riveting result of 23% being illiterate, and 60% reading at a 6th grade or lower level.

      Banker's bonuses caused all the inch problems, Metric cures.

Ransom Bucket cost me many of my pictures taken by a poor camera that was finally tossed. Luckily, the Chicken Scratch pictures also vanished.

The cheapest lessons are from those who learned expensive lessons. Ignorance is best for learning expensive lessons.




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To show off what was for sure Osmia's first class pen.


I have a Pelikan 500 with a OBBB that is way too wide for me also. To write my full legal name would take 2/3rds-3/4ths a page.

I have a cheap 'Manuscript' BBBB pen that is only good for headings. I find vintage OBB to be good enough.


German vintage pens are 1/2 a width narrower than modern.....so a B is closer to a fat M. A B or OB is a writing nib....not the signature nib of today.


I have two OBB's (BBL) from Osmia....one is noticeably thinner a OB1/2...so even then they had tolerance. :)


Well with in a month or two you will have more Osmia/Boehler pens than me.....good!!! B)

Edited by Bo Bo Olson

The Reality Show is a riveting result of 23% being illiterate, and 60% reading at a 6th grade or lower level.

      Banker's bonuses caused all the inch problems, Metric cures.

Ransom Bucket cost me many of my pictures taken by a poor camera that was finally tossed. Luckily, the Chicken Scratch pictures also vanished.

The cheapest lessons are from those who learned expensive lessons. Ignorance is best for learning expensive lessons.




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Actually misstated above as I do have an OF Montblanc but it has cracks and leaks around the nib cover .

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How do you like the MP.....I hated Mechanical Pencils back in the day....Jotters. By accident, I tried my 450 Pelikan MP and fell in love with it....better balanced than the Jotter.

The Reality Show is a riveting result of 23% being illiterate, and 60% reading at a 6th grade or lower level.

      Banker's bonuses caused all the inch problems, Metric cures.

Ransom Bucket cost me many of my pictures taken by a poor camera that was finally tossed. Luckily, the Chicken Scratch pictures also vanished.

The cheapest lessons are from those who learned expensive lessons. Ignorance is best for learning expensive lessons.




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I like them just fine . I have them for my Pelikans (Most ) but need them for my Montblanc's . Looking at several that should mate up well with the 100 and 100N's that I do not have them for .

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I only have a few vintage MP's left, should get out the camera. I have five that seem old enough...vintage. They were inherited.

One is from when they only had 4 numbers in the local telephone.It looks like some '30s Parker clone.The other is a '50's Designer' piece. I had that once in Randsombucket.


I gave half or more to someone who collected MP's.


Once Parker made a MP cartridge, that looks like the Jotter cartridge. I don't know if they still do. My P-75/MP/BP had one.........still got lead in it. ;) That is one thin BP/MP but they were 'chasing' the thin Cross BP. :P

The Reality Show is a riveting result of 23% being illiterate, and 60% reading at a 6th grade or lower level.

      Banker's bonuses caused all the inch problems, Metric cures.

Ransom Bucket cost me many of my pictures taken by a poor camera that was finally tossed. Luckily, the Chicken Scratch pictures also vanished.

The cheapest lessons are from those who learned expensive lessons. Ignorance is best for learning expensive lessons.




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The set came today and is in fact mint , Even has the Bohler marked plastic sleeves for both pen and pencil . The finial is domed black hard rubber not white , must have been the light . No wear on anything . Age patina on the gold bands and clip but 0 wear . I picked the perfect time to look for something from the Bohler line . Bo Bo , glad you posted the pictures of your Bohler's on the other thread . That is what peaked my interest . The nib is a medium oblique and very easily flexed .

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Degussa nibs can quite easily be fond that are first stage of superflex; Easy Full Flex.

Do have lesser flex in Degussa also, a regular flex.............besides the normal semi&maxi flexes in the Osmia nibs.


Pewado is a 'no name' of a solid black plastic war pen (no cap band but a lot of rills like the edge of a dime)pen, black rubber final and piston knob.


Most of a decade ago, I'd been looking for what was then called a 'flexi' nib and at the time thought Swan would give me my best bet. I spent six weeks chasing Swan so slowly I didn't catch any. Learning about the pens, seeing the sellers had no idea what Gramps old pen was for flex, or what condition the rubber sac was in....there were many complicated ways around the basic fountain pen patents that Swan had to use...so those cost extra and needed to be repaired by someone who knew what they were doing. The '50-55 Torpedo was a basic lever pen. That was my choice, but wanted a 'flexi;' nib. Eventually deciding to spend more money and buy from one of the two restorers that knew what flex of a Swan pen they were selling. $$$ but worth the money; for restored and a 'flexi' nib.


I then lucked out at a antique/junk store and got that 'flexi' Pewado, with the Degussa nib, and for lots cheaper. So for quite a long time I was quite happy with my 'Easy Full Flex' superflex nib....still am just I do have a couple wet noodles also, since then.


Could be Eddy, your Degussa nib is Easy Full Flex.

Would be like 1/8th the pressure needed to mash regular flex,

Semi-flex is half the regular flex............maxi = 1/4th.....so the 1/8th is the next flex level up.

Check it vs your Supra nib...(maxi)...........you do have enough nibs to use/guess my @ system of flex measurement.

The Reality Show is a riveting result of 23% being illiterate, and 60% reading at a 6th grade or lower level.

      Banker's bonuses caused all the inch problems, Metric cures.

Ransom Bucket cost me many of my pictures taken by a poor camera that was finally tossed. Luckily, the Chicken Scratch pictures also vanished.

The cheapest lessons are from those who learned expensive lessons. Ignorance is best for learning expensive lessons.




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It is as flexi as the Supra + but is smoother . The Supra has a bit of tooth unless you write slowly but this Degussa does not . It really takes no real pressure to make it flex , more like you have to pay attention not to over flex . My Swan Blackbird Overfeed Eyedropper is similar . I have one Waterman number 2 that has more flex than any of the other number 2 Watermans that I have that is very similar but is still just short of flexing this much . I would guess that #2 at 1/16th compared to a regular flex Esterbrook I own that is from the 40's .


The Green Pen is in and I will be adding some comment to that thread and maybe some to the Arengo later . Trying to pass Kidney stones today , not gonna be a good day ! Still waiting on a 264 Montblanc , the Osmia 52 SM purple pen , and a Waterman 94 in green and bronze marble with a flex nib , I am thinking they will all be here by the end of the week . Tracking puts all but one having cleared customs in New York . Exception being one coming from Serbia and they quite often do not track after they leave Serbia . Usually just show up a week or so later .



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Very lightly micro-mesh smoothing might get rid of that tooth on the Supra....or if one looks hard enough with enough power....everyone's pre-war nibs were often lumpy and chunks could fall off. Tipping was perfected in WW2.

So anything I have that is pre-war, I'm extra careful when 'smoothing' pre-war nibs. I'm willing to take less, than what I'd want if I a smooth post war nib.

I'm not necessarily looking for butter smooth, the step lower....good and smooth...a step over toothy does for me.

Butter smooth takes a lot of work....so being lazy am satisfied with good and smooth....similar to when polishing a pen, am willing to go with a well maintained look, than do the hard work for the NOS look.

The Reality Show is a riveting result of 23% being illiterate, and 60% reading at a 6th grade or lower level.

      Banker's bonuses caused all the inch problems, Metric cures.

Ransom Bucket cost me many of my pictures taken by a poor camera that was finally tossed. Luckily, the Chicken Scratch pictures also vanished.

The cheapest lessons are from those who learned expensive lessons. Ignorance is best for learning expensive lessons.




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The 264 from Serbia was in the box yesterday . It is a great pen fine and flexy but not too much so . Looks like a new pen .


I'll live with the little bit of tooth , it will be good for my eriting in the long run to have to learn to use it as it is . When I have it mastered then I will have a pro tune it up . I am afraid I would only ruin it . It is a lot easier than the Elster to deal with , that pen will really dig a ditch if you get off with the way you hold it and address the paper .


I'm with you Bo Bo . like smooth but don't have to have perfect .



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  • 1 year later...

Thanks everyone for the great exchange of info.

I just received today a Bohler Gold 56f, with 14k Bohler nib. Not the same as Osmia, but i do enjoy the flex and the flow of your nib! Anyone else has a Bohler Gold with gold nib experience?

Mine is not as smooth as I hoped....but maybe it's just my perception....

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