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Kyonooto Bengarairo


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Kyonooto inks are made by or for Takeda Jimuki company and are available in two lines: Kyo No Oto and Kyo-Iro. Kyo no Oto inks are said to be traditional japanese colors that has been used since heian era (roughly 1000 years ago),and expressing a tinges that have been nurtured in long history and profound culture for long time.

I'm a huge fan of both lines and wanted to try two new inks as soon as I learned about them. Unfortunately, the cost of shipment from company's Rakuten shop is bonkers so I canceled my ordered. Happily, one of FPNers - MythicalUnicorn sent me a nice batch of ink samples to try. Burengairo was one of them.Thank you Daniel.


Bengarairo surprised me. I expected some kind of pinkish bordeaux. Instead, it's like cinnabar red (?). I dunno. Anyway, the ink behaves rather well.

Drops of ink on kitchen towel


Color range


Oxford, Kaweco Classic Sport, medium nib



Tomoe River, Kaweco Classic Sport, medium nib



Water resistance


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Nice review! Cinnabar sounds good. I first thought of copper but cinnabar (mercury sulfide) is much better a comparison! Thanks for the information that the Kyonooto inks are split into those two lines.

Life is too short to drink bad wine (Goethe)

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An attractive ink & especially for this season of fall. I am glad to know there re more colors available in these inks. It reminds me of a Robert Oster ink I just received, "Frankly Scarlet," created for Federalist Pens, 2nd anniversary, but I think part of his regular line of inks.


Thank you for your introduction to this ink & I will keep a watch for it's appearance in the US.

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Not really a color for me (the closest to it that I actually like is Diamine Terra Cotta, which a bit lighter and more orange-tinged, and well, the color of terracotta planting pots). But thanks for the review.

Ruth Morrisson aka inkstainedruth

"It's very nice, but frankly, when I signed that list for a P-51, what I had in mind was a fountain pen."

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  • 9 months later...

Very nice review!


This is one of my very favourite red-browns. The name in Japanese means "colour of Bengal", I believe. I found a shop in Rome which had a stock, and immediately bought three bottles- so I have a secure supply of this wonderful ink! :)

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I wrote TAG asking why this ink is not readily available. The answer;


Hello, Thanks for your inquiry about our products.
This is Nakai from TAG STATIONERY.
We are sorry that this is the limited edition for domestic market.
It isn't distributed outside Japan.
We are glad to hear you are interested in it.
But for now the only way to get it is purchasing in our website.

Add lightness and simplicate.


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  • 11 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Yes, Stilo e Stile is the shop in Rome where I bought my stock of Bengara Iro.


In London there is a wonderful and relatively new shop called Choosing Keeping (https://choosingkeeping.com/), which stocks Kyo No Oto inks (https://choosingkeeping.com/collections/ink-bottles/products/kyo-no-oto-ink-bottles) but I don't think they have the Bengara Iro. It is a pity these wonderful inks are so hard to find outside Japan.


One suggestion I have is to use White Rabbit Express (https://www.whiterabbitexpress.com/) a company that specialises in finding Japanese goods that can't ordinarily be found outside Japan. They will buy and package them for you for a small price. I used them for buying the Iroshizuku "Edo-Murasaki" purple ink that Pilot brought out again for a limited period at the 2020 Tokyo Pen show, and found their service excellent.

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Hate to see an ink that I believe I will like, that is so hard to come by! Thanks for the review!



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Great review. Love the kitchen towel ink splotch. Reminds me of Diamine's Ancient Copper, though this has better shading.

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Well, since this thread was started, the Kyo-no-oto inks have become a bit more readily available in the US. I don't know about this color, per se, but I bought a bottle of Sakuranezumi yesterday in Bob Slate Stationers in Harvard Square, and I know a couple of online sellers carry the Kyo-no-oto inks (I think that Anderson Pens is one of them, and quite possibly also Vanness).

Ruth Morrisson aka inkstainedruth

"It's very nice, but frankly, when I signed that list for a P-51, what I had in mind was a fountain pen."

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