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Fake/ Counterfeit Lamy's Dialog 3 Have Arrived

Waltz For Zizi

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Hope it all works out.


Personally, I have no aspirations for luxury, complex mechanical, or rare pens.


For newbies who are hoping to snag a great deal, a price that is too good to be true probably is too good to be true. Buy your pens from reputable dealers. (I buy only from dealers who support FPN but thats just my low tolerance for risk.) Getting into the gray and used fountain pen market requires experience, knowledge, and not a small bit of discretionary cash that you can afford to risk. I have none of those things.

I ride a recumbent, I play go, I use Macintosh so of course I use a fountain pen.

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An extremely unfortunate situation. :angry:

I would have thought the Scala and Imporium would be comparatively easier to replicate.
Dialog 3 is a very very niche pen (heft and girth), I wonder how many pens the seller intends to shift for all the effort and cost involved?


Since it is not available through the popular sites/channels, you would have to know where to look.

Where is the economic benefit if it is so hard to locate?

Unlike shoes, handbags, clothing etc. the market is a lot smaller and not something your 'local' dealer would be selling.


Where did you buy/find it and how much did you pay, if you don't mind?

For newbies who are hoping to snag a great deal, a price that is too good to be true probably is too good to be true. Buy your pens from reputable dealers. (I buy only from dealers who support FPN but thats just my low tolerance for risk.) Getting into the gray and used fountain pen market requires experience, knowledge, and not a small bit of discretionary cash that you can afford to risk.


Edited by 1nkulus

Engineer :

Someone who does precision guesswork based on unreliable data provided by those of questionable knowledge.

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An extremely unfortunate situation. :angry:

I would have thought the Scala and Imporium would be comparatively easier to replicate.

Dialog 3 is a very very niche pen (heft and girth), I wonder how many pens the seller intends to shift for all the effort and cost involved?


Since it is not available through the popular sites/channels, you would have to know where to look.

Where is the economic benefit if it is so hard to locate?

Unlike shoes, handbags, clothing etc. the market is a lot smaller and not something your 'local' dealer would be selling.


Where did you buy/find it and how much did you pay, if you don't mind?




I bought it from a local but popular internet site similar to ebay.

A few days ago the seller acually deactivated the ad. He might have not known they were not original, and if I did not already have 2 other dialog 3 fountain pens, I might have believed Lamy is a crappy brand. As soon as I tried to extend the nib I realised it was not an original pen. The box and the papers fooled me big time.

I paid approximately half of the price it sells online, and fortunately I recuperated my money back, except for the shipping fees.

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I bought it from a local but popular internet site similar to ebay.

A few days ago the seller acually deactivated the ad. He might have not known they were not original, and if I did not already have 2 other dialog 3 fountain pens, I might have believed Lamy is a crappy brand. As soon as I tried to extend the nib I realised it was not an original pen. The box and the papers fooled me big time.

I paid approximately half of the price it sells online, and fortunately I recuperated my money back, except for the shipping fees.


Great you got a refund. :thumbup:


Keep an eye out, I have a feeling it will be listed again after a while.

The seller just got unlucky with you, who happened to own the originals.


Considering, it has papers and box to match, there has obviously been a dedicated attempt at counterfeiting.

Engineer :

Someone who does precision guesswork based on unreliable data provided by those of questionable knowledge.

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I'm not a LAMY Dialog hawk, but this is the first I've ever heard of a counterfeit. I can believe it, from the photos. There are very obvious signs of forgery. In China, there are artisans who work for companies where they have access to the machinery and can utilize it for "off work" projects. I have no doubt a great number of counterfeit pens and watches are made by such people. They have no clue about their victims, as there are no doubt middle-men involved, the nefarious dealers.


It always amazes me how a fake can go really quite far, and then suffer some very stupid mistakes (like alignment). You have to wonder if this was part of a prototype series that failed, and then someone thought they could still sell them. Because from what is described, this is a "fake by facade"... meaning, trying to visually copy but unconcerned about proper function.

[MYU's Pen Review Corner] | "The Common Ground" -- Jeffrey Small

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  • 2 weeks later...

Picture wise if you post them to some place like imgur.com you can add a letter (be it l, or h for large and huge) at the end of the filename just before the extension, and it'll be small enough to embed with the image icon (where you paste the url in the dialog box).

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  • 2 years later...

I just saw this video on youtube...


and you guys thought I was crazy...

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22 minutes ago, Waltz For Zizi said:

I just saw this video on youtube..

I saw this a couple of months ago and commented that I thought they shouldn't be promoting counterfeit products.  The answer was that they probably weren't counterfeit and just produced by a company that makes the Dialog 3 for Lamy.  I then pointed out that Lamy doesn't outsource pen manufacture, all are made in Germany.  The response to that was it was just hype and all manufacturers outsource.  Some wouldn't even accept it was misleading to have Lamy on the pen and Nib or a lie having the pen marked as gold.  Some people are delusional and all that matters is price.....


Sadly there were a few people asking for details of where they could be purchased on AliEXpress (I think) for $40.



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Thanks for re-animating this thread. It pre-dates my time on FPN and I don‘t typically go searching through past postings, so I would be unlikely to come across it otherwise. I find the subject interesting.


Sadly, when company works hard to establish a premium brand/product, there are often lazy/unethical/dishonest people who will seek to gain something themselves off the creativity, learning, and/or work of others and the aspirations of consumers who value that brand/product. The incentives to cheat are generally large, and sadly, the methods available to prevent cheating are often limited. Sometimes the best one can do is to establish clues or subtle marks to identify the pretender(s).


While I genuinely feel for people who are unknowingly duped into buying fakes (the motivational power of „getting a good deal“ is a strong one), between people who knowingly buy counterfeit products and those who produce them, I am not sure who deserves more contempt.

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If I can not find a reputable dealer I contact the company and ask to order directly. Some company's have let me do that. Others have given me a list of dealers that carry there product so the risk of fakes is low.

I do not order from China, not knowingly. 

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On 5/23/2021 at 5:07 PM, bonnie-scott said:

Sadly there were a few people asking for details of where they could be purchased on AliEXpress (I think) for $40.


Forty bucks! What could go wrong? It's a wiggly world. However, it might be fun to deliberately hunt down and buy a known counterfeit of a great pen, just to have it in the collection.

I ride a recumbent, I play go, I use Macintosh so of course I use a fountain pen.

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Buying a known counterfeit is stealing from the company that produces the original as much as the counterfeiter is. 

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4 hours ago, Glenn-SC said:

Buying a known counterfeit is stealing from the company that produces the original as much as the counterfeiter is. 

I am going to agree with this.  I am going to add that in counterfeits sub par materials are often used, In some cases it can be a health hazard. labor conditions can be exploitative. 

counterfeits are also part of other criminal activities. 

Ill see my self and my soap box out. sorry.


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On 5/29/2021 at 8:35 AM, Glenn-SC said:

Buying a known counterfeit is stealing from the company that produces the original as much as the counterfeiter is. 


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