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Replacing A Waterman Laureat Nib Feed


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Hello everyone,


I'm exactly sure where to put this, but repair seems most apt to me.


I'm fairly new to FPs, having bought a Pilot Metropolitan F about a year ago, and have especially started using them in the past few months. Apart from my Metro, I have a Waterman Laureat Mk1 M, which was given to me by my mother. She got it in the 90s, and I don't think she really used it more than a few years after that. I'm pretty sure she never even bought more than one bottle of ink. Considering that, it's been sitting in storage for at least a year, if I remember correctly it was not entirely clean either. So, the nib has what I assume is some corrosion on the nib. Overall though, it wrote perfectly fine over the past year, I never even took the nib out, just flushed it with water and soaked it awhile.


That is, until I recently purchased a set of random ink samples from Goulet Pens. I got a couple shimmering inks, which is exactly what I didn't want, since the Waterman is only a medium and I tend to only use it once or twice a week. But, I was going to write a letter to a friend, and thought I'd just put the ink in to write it, then clear it out immediately. I used De Atramentis Indian Blue-Copper. Well, I wrote all of one line of carefully constructed greetings, slowly tilting, rolling and flipping the pen all the while before the nib was entirely gunked up. The copper was pooling on top of the nib channel and all underneath it as well, it pretty much entirely stopped writing.


Well, I can't give up immediately, so I figured I would take out the nib and feed, clear it up, and try once carefully once more. Maybe the sample, or what I had syringed of it, had an inordinate amount of copper, and there'd be less now. I took it out, wiped the nib and feed off and rinsed it a bit, but didn't entirely 100% clean it since I was going to use the same ink.



(Sorry for the bad quality pic, but you get the idea.)


Yep. I didn't realise I needed to put it back in in a particular orientation, and in the attempt, after quite awhile, managed to snap the front of the feed off. Not my proudest moment by far.


I doubt I can economically (at least relative to the price of another Laureat) or with a good chance of success repair it. It's a fairly clean break, but also a very small surface area to work with. I'm not sure I can glue it (I assume) back together, have it set properly and not just snap again. So, I assume I could buy another and just replace the feed. But, I was also curious if anyone knows of another feed or even entire front end of a pen that can work with the Laureat body and nib. I already contacted Waterman and as expected they stated they were unable to provide any replacement parts.


That's about it I think. Just looking for some informed opinions on if I have any alternatives to trying to snag a duplicate, which I'm not even sure how pricey that could end up being. Of course, if anyone here just happened to have a feed or pen, I'd be happy to buy it. Though it didn't get used much, this pen has some history with my mother and I'd hate for it to just become a useless decoration in a box.


Thanks for reading. Any input is appreciated, including the scolding I'd expect. I deserve it...

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Hello and welcome to FPN


No, it's not really viable to repair a snapped feed, you will need to find a replacement.


Same thing happened to me, a few years back. The Laureat isn't a particularly expensive pen and - after a few weeks of searching, I managed to buy a tatty old Laureat from ebay - which was fine for my purposes, as i only wanted the feed.

It may take a while to find, but patience and perseverance will be your best bet in repairing this pen.


Unfortunately, I don't know of any other suitable feed replacements for this model, but other more knowledgeable members may chip in with suggestions?


Good luck.

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The nibs on Laureat seem to need replacement from time to dime due to corrosion. I have used nib and feed from older Waterman pens with small nibs. Not sure of the nib size, possibly #2 nib? A nib and feed that will friction fit into Laureat.


Edit adding: I have replaced the nib and feed from a couple of Laureats with the nibs and feeds from a couple of recent Watermans, bought from Dutchpen, a member here.

Edited by pajaro

"Don't hurry, don't worry. It's better to be late at the Golden Gate than to arrive in Hell on time."
--Sign in a bar and grill, Ormond Beach, Florida, 1960.



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Oldtimers is getting me, but I think I remember buying two Waterman Expert nibs and feeds to use in two Laureats. Took me a while to remember this. I needed both the nib and the feed, because I was putting two Laureat IIs together from parts. I had two barrels, two matching caps and two sections. I just needed the nib and feed for each pen. The Laureat I (flat cap jewel) uses same size nib and feed as Laureat II (domed cap jewel).

Edited by pajaro

"Don't hurry, don't worry. It's better to be late at the Golden Gate than to arrive in Hell on time."
--Sign in a bar and grill, Ormond Beach, Florida, 1960.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello again, after getting the replies here and searching around some, I eventually did manage to snag another Laureat off Ebay for quite cheap (partially because the pen came with no converter and was totally gunked with old ink, but hey, that's pretty much the sort of thing I was looking for), and the new feed is working just fine, so I'm very happy.


It wasn't a complicated problem, but good to get some confirmation, cheers.

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