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"montblnac - Movie Legends" Series, Please?


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Isn't it time Montblanc issued more attention to entertainment industry? The Art series or other ones barely pick any person from film industry. I remember seeing only Marilyn Manroe special edition and a Hitchcock ink. Seriously? So many pens after writers, musicians, politicians and others. Why not filmmakers or actors or producers?

Please add the special film people you wish to see Montblanc special editions in.

My list:


(Look of pen perhaps inspired by Dr.Zhivago's winter visuals or Lawrence of Arabia's brown desert against blue sky theme or even the 'mirage' scene that introduces Omar Sheriff)


(Design perhaps inspired by the final drop of the bomb in "Dr.Strangelove" much like the current Antoine Saint-Exupéry limited edition. Or, the "War Rooom" design from the same film. )


(Design inspired by the ultimate evil look of the poster of “A Clockwork Orange”)


(Inspired by the eerie twins in the corridor scene in “The Shining” OR the Jack Nicholson scene at the door with the axe (“Here is Johnny”) OR the ‘maze scene’ in the climax)


(Look inspired by “A Space Odyssey” product design or art direction which more or less can be a similar theme for a limited edition pen in honor of Steve Jobs)


(An eternal youth look inspired by “Loita”)




(Edward Scissorhands or his other umpteen films so beautifully visualized and in Gothic look, perhaps)





















Edited by MarkHanks
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Isn't it time Montblanc issued more attention to entertainment industry?




If Montblanc felt the entertainment industry was worthy of more attention, or their marketing department felt it would be profitable, they would pay more attention.


On that note, Isn't there a James Dean commemorative pen about to be introduced?

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Montblanc felt the entertainment industry was worthy of more attention, or their marketing department felt it would be profitable, they would pay more attention.


On that note, Isn't there a James Dean commemorative pen about to be introduced?






The logic in the query is the fact that Montblanc found dozens of non-film legends worthy enough to honor with a pen or two. Why not a filmmaker or actor (in additon to the only three such ones - Manroe pen, Disney pen and Hitchcock ink?) Surely, Stanley Kubrick was as inspiring and unique in his film work as Virgina Wolfe was in literature?


James Dean is welcome. Terrific actor. But his work spanned only 3 films before he met his untimely death. No doubt, inspiring enough but there are even more people with careers spanning a lot more great films. Brando could've been more opt than James Dean, the latter borrowed the former's bodylanguge a lot, to begin with although both were method actors. James Dean was great actor who did only 3 films but the aura he created in the minds of people and the craze media went over him turning out to be more influencing than his core acting skills and the 3 films he did. I can name at least 10 actors, male and female who are just as great as he was, if not greater, in their acting chops and with a dozen good films to their credit.


The problem with finding a suitable actor for a pen is tough because, actors because of the media frenzy their history comes with makes it difficult to judge their worthiness for an honor amongst themselves. But filmmakers are a different breed. You can't compare two directors as easily as you could two actors. Also, directors when they come to our minds, they do so with less media hangover than actors do. So, I think MB should consider film directors too. Come on, so many decades in business, so many artists, musicians, writers, politicians and what not for nearly a 100 special/annual/limited edition pens and you can't find a film director to add to the list yet?!!



My nominees would be:


Stanley Kubrick

David Lean

Marlon Brando

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If Montblanc felt the entertainment industry was worthy of more attention, or their marketing department felt it would be profitable, they would pay more attention.


On that note, Isn't there a James Dean commemorative pen about to be introduced?




Yes, James Dean MB pen is going to hit market in December, 2018.

Thread: https://www.fountainpennetwork.com/forum/topic/336018-mb-james-dean/

Thanks for the info.

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There are other pens celebrating film legends: Grace Kelly, Marlene Dietrich, Ingrid Bergman, and Greta Garbo are all part of the Muses line. https://www.montblanc.com/en-us/discover/limited-editions/muses-edition.html


There is a Hitchcock pen in addition to the ink you have mentioned.


there may be others I am forgetting.


I don't think MB selected people who are just famous, but those who has some measurable impact (in their estimation, not looking for an argument on the merits of their selections) on culture, though mostly Western culture.


They seem to be getting more into pop culture with the Beatles pens, the Lennon pen, etc. so I would say additional pens in the future from the world of cinema are likely to appear.

If you want less blah, blah, blah and more pictures, follow me on Instagram!

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NO, it's true. The catalogue in retailer stores already has the page dedicated to James Dean, it seems.

ALSO, Montblanc signed with James Dean's estate's people way back in 2015 as you can check it in the URL here:



I should have been clearer. It's all marketing noise. There's no correlation between the names and the pens. Not picking on MB in particular.

Add lightness and simplicate.


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There are other pens celebrating film legends: Grace Kelly, Marlene Dietrich, Ingrid Bergman, and Greta Garbo are all part of the Muses line. https://www.montblanc.com/en-us/discover/limited-editions/muses-edition.html



Thank you. Good to know. Still the film section is dominated by women achievers here - as many as 6 or 7. Only Disney and Hitchcock from the other side. There must be something more going into the equation when Montblanc picks its pick - permissions from the estates of the dead people and the politics and price involved etc. Surely Stanely Kubrick's impact on the craft and industry is more valuable than Grace Kelly? Not to pick an argument, though. I am sure Montblanc has a lot to think and resolve before it is allowed to go with any particular name.

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And there is also a rule that MB follows for the Great Characters series: the person must be dead.


Aw. That solves a lot of trouble for Montblanc. Easier to deal with an estate of a dead person than all the issues it might have to if the person is alive and the world around him/her attuned to the news. Still, almost all people honored with special/annual/limited edition pens are very remarkable. Although most of the pens try too hard to depict the personality in their design - some of them actually ending up looking freakish a bit, sorry to be blunt. The Beatles one looked ridiculous. Personally I loved the designs of Saint-Exupery, Hemingway, JFK blue, Miles Davis, UNICEF among others. Hope they make the James Dean edition dark and brooding enough to remind the roles he played so well.

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I suggest Jeffrey "The Dude" Lebowski. The 149 could easily be repackaged to resemble a big, fat joint. Perhaps this will be MB's first appealing homage pen of the century!

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A lot of MB is by men, for men. If they choose to ignore half the world’s population, I’m not expecting much from their design team. After all, they still associate “feminine” with small and fragile. I’m waiting for someone to drag them kicking and screaming into the last century any day now.


I’m not sure James Dean was acting. Sulky, self-destructive and rebellious seems pretty standard from a certain age group in Hollywood.

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I'd line up to purchase this! Maybe do it like the Gandhi but using darker rolling paper!


I suggest Jeffrey "The Dude" Lebowski. The 149 could easily be repackaged to resemble a big, fat joint. Perhaps this will be MB's first appealing homage pen of the century!

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A lot of MB is by men, for men. If they choose to ignore half the world’s population, I’m not expecting much from their design team. After all, they still associate “feminine” with small and fragile. I’m waiting for someone to drag them kicking and screaming into the last century any day now.


I’m not sure James Dean was acting. Sulky, self-destructive and rebellious seems pretty standard from a certain age group in Hollywood.


Not just that; the so called Muses Editions consists of almost only women. Whoever said there was never a male muse for a man or a woman. Also, almost all the designs in Muses Editions are hardly any different from one another AND the none of them is done with the kind of beautifully intricate design thought going into them when compared to the lavishness of thought they put into male tribute pens. The basic design thorughout Muses Editions is just that - basic. Plain barrels as if all women turned up to the party in plain long gowns and that the work they did is less important than those gowns.


Thinking of women and Montblanc and the women they have chosen so far, I wonder why they have found Audrey Hepburn and Margaret Thatcher interesting enough yet. One thing about Audrey Hepburn, I am sure they will end up making the slimmest of pens. Can't believ there was no media furore over the size zero expectations she so willingly met all her life - she looked almost a skeleton in some photos. So frail a body that her head seemed to belong to someone else. Great actress and great work, though. "Sabrina" is timeless. And she was at her best in "Wait Until Dark", a lesser known film among all those bigger vehicles she turned into blockbusters.



  • grace-lowres.png.adapt.248.248.jpg
  • bergmann.png.adapt.248.248.jpg
  • dietrich.png.adapt.248.248.jpg
  • garbo.png.adapt.248.248.jpg




Edited by MarkHanks
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