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Hi! I am new to fountainpennetwork.com and really happy to have found this place.


I recently came across a Montblanc fountain pen. I want to know the name and year of this pen. This is a piston filler pen and holds a lot of ink. The nib is gold (14k) and a little window is given on the body to check the ink quantity. At the end of the cap, it is inscribed "montblanc meisterstuck". Other than this I have nothing to help me identify this pen. I visited a few local dealers who hold the view that the pen is very old with a make of 1920-1930's. The pen writes buttery smooth and is a charm to write with no problems whatsoever. I am just curious as I don't believe the dealers.


Check the pictures attached to get a better idea of the aforementioned pen.











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Beautiful. Some of the smoothest nibs Montblanc ever made.


I'd guess it's from sometime in the 1950's (earliest) to the1960's (latest) - but I'm afraid I can't tell you the model number, as I'm only familiar with the resin models, wheras this has the metal cap? (Which is a bonus, as the caps were a weak point on the resin 252/254/256 pens!) I recall a 644 sold on the FPG site, which has similarities.*

Judging by the proportions, I'd say it's one of the larger models - but difficult to say without a comparison shot.


Someone with greater knowledge than me will be along soon to help you. In the meantime, ink it up and enjoy it.


And welcome to FPN


* here's a link to the sold pen from FPG



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This is a later 1950s MB, given the winged nib. As CS888 says, without a scale it's hard to determine, but with the gold cap it's either a 642 or 644. The model number should be imprinted on the piston knob. A very nice pen you have.

Hard times don't last, but hard people do.


Thank a Veteran.


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With the rolled gold cap certainly a 642 or 644 from the 1950s. And as you and CS388 say, fitted with buttery smooth nibs.


These were and still are lovely pens to write with and massively underrated in my opinion.

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Thank you for speedy replies. I am so grateful to all of you for having taken time out to reply to my query.

I think the one I have is a 644 as the pictures suggest greater similarity than with 642. I have a few other pens of which I need details. I will soon post regarding them.

Thank you, CS388, Niksch and Chunya


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Thank you all for your support and replies. I think it is 644 based upon the pictorial similarity.



Thank you very much



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