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Twsbi 580Al New Color


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Have they announced anywhere when they're going to release a new TWSBI Diamond 580al and what color it's going to be this time? I'm about to buy a new pen and am wondering whether it's worth waiting for a while or spending the money on a different pen (in case I don't like the new al color).

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I somewhat expected another one by now, but maybe the production of the precision took it's place. There has been nothing about a new color on the facebook group which seems to see some of these things first.

Laguna Niguel, California.

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You're right, bbs. Not particularly interesting a color (I have one of the pink ones, and like the color much better, and if the price was right I'd consider some of the discontinued colors like the purple).

Ruth Morrisson aka inkstainedruth

"It's very nice, but frankly, when I signed that list for a P-51, what I had in mind was a fountain pen."

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Just changing chrome for ruthenium and more of a gray aluminum is not much of a special color.

Laguna Niguel, California.

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I was truly hoping they'd come up with 580AL in a nice dark blue color. Now I'm a bit disappointed with this Nickel Grey and still not sure if I get one.

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From what I've seen online, the TWSBI 580 AL R is supposed to be part of the regular line up, not just a special edition.

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From what I've seen online, the TWSBI 580 AL R is supposed to be part of the regular line up, not just a special edition.


That is correct; I asked them on Instagram and they replied it's a regular line now...


I'd imagine they will now release yearly LEs in the 580ALR like they do for the AL...(with the AL, the LEs have matte finished sections anyway)

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I would prefer blue-- always!-- but as one who lightly sanded the silver section of an AL Mini to create more grip (matte vs. the default slick), I welcome what looks to be a tactile improvement-- if at the expense of Shine:







~ S.


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I was truly hoping they'd come up with 580AL in a nice dark blue color. Now I'm a bit disappointed with this Nickel Grey and still not sure if I get one.



IMO, the 580AL is the best in the stable and some quirky LE's would be a treat.

Engineer :

Someone who does precision guesswork based on unreliable data provided by those of questionable knowledge.

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Definitely not an exciting addition. I completely missed out on the two Orange editions, being a latecomer to the FP party. Been waiting for a fresh color. Guess the wait continues..

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I have the 580AL LEs in Turquoise, Lava, Pink and Rose Red. This being a normal run is not putting me in any sort of hurry.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The new grip is a noticeable improvement compared to past models. I doubt I'll use my orange version now.


I had that feeling, thank you for confirming. :thumbup: Might be worth a punt now...

Engineer :

Someone who does precision guesswork based on unreliable data provided by those of questionable knowledge.

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