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First Year Snorkel Question - Restoration


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So, my weekly flea market jaunts have yielded me a gray snorkel (either a Clipper or Sentinel, since I can't remember the cap lines right now), and as I started taking it apart, I discovered that it is probably a first year pen, since it has the gold filler tube.


I noticed something else - unlike any other snorkels I've taken on, the insides of this one were different. Where the sac assembly is normally separate from the plunger tube, and works off the spring, in this pen, the sac assembly actually screws into the plunger. They seem to be a matched and functional pair.


Enlighten me....

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Nope, they're all like that. That's the way the Snorkel tube extends on all the Snorkels and PFMs. The first year does however have a unique spring stop. On the first year model the spring simply butts up to a flat disc on the sac protector whereas the successors all had cup-like stops/retainers.


And the Clipper and Sentinel caps have identical line patterns and differ only in their nibs, with the Sentinel having a two-tone gold nib and the Clipper a PdAg nib.


Keep us posted on how the project is proceeding.

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So, here's the innards. The snorkel tube is clear and the sac can draw in fluid without any issues. I suspect that the plunger tube is my issue. There's a big scratch in it, and I think this is causing me to lose vacuum. Thoughts?







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I suspect that the plunger tube is my issue.


I don't think you've said specifically what the issue is, but I doubt a scratch in the plunger tube would affect the pen.


Have you replaced the O ring in the barrel and done the "pop test"? i.e., do you have vacuum in the barrel when you cover the open end with your finger tip and pull out the plunger a couple inches? When you then remove your fingertip, you should hear a "pop."

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Also, there's a little seal inside the blind cap that often needs replacement if you don't get a pop after replacing the O ring. After that, it's get out a loupe and find a crack in the barrel.

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Sorry, yes, I've replaced the sac, point seal and the o-ring at the end of the barrel. So, while I know that the sac will draw in fluid on its own, when I reassemble the pen, I am not getting adequate vacuum to draw ink into the pen.


Let me try the pop test.

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Check the blind cap too. I keep off-cuts from sacs to make new gaskets to go in the blind cap, I also put a blob of rubber cement on the screw threads before reattaching it.

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Eureka! Yep, it was the blind cap. The rubber gasket in there had split in two. Great tip on the sac end. I cut one to size, and I think I have it. One more Sentinel ready to go. Thanks!


I even looked in my Marshall-Oldfield book, and I don't see any mention of the blind cap.

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And, having learned this, I think I also managed to get a Sheaffer PFM I working that I have had for over a year.

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Oh good, so glad it worked. I can't remember who gave me the tip to use off-cuts of sac or to use rubber cement (maybe "Da Book" for that one) and oh to have been in the room when the Snorkel engineers were designing that blasted filling system!

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Oh good, so glad it worked. I can't remember who gave me the tip to use off-cuts of sac or to use rubber cement (maybe "Da Book" for that one) and oh to have been in the room when the Snorkel engineers were designing that blasted filling system!

Only noticed these the other week, you can now buy them in the UK. I’ve always used off cuts though and found them to be adequate.



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