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The first series sold out, but the new series is on the way. The New series features a re-designed section, a slimmer body while keeping the same profile and unique look of this very unique design.


Take a look! Your feedback was very much taken into account !










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That's by lucio. It's roughly the same in theory but the dimensions are flipped, so it's got more of a traditional triangle grip shape.

Selling a boatload of restored, fairly rare, vintage Japanese gold nib pens, click here to see (more added as I finish restoring them)

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The first one intrigued me but I was uncertain about the shape, the new one looks 'right' to me so I've gone for it - will try to remember to post a quick review here once it's arrived (December).

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  On 6/22/2018 at 9:01 PM, woleizihan said:

its by me, (Lucio Rossi) I'll post about it in the following days, what are the differences with the D'art, (I have designed both pens), and one does not replace another, the section is just different, the size of the section too, . The Edge is made over the same architecture, but is a new pen. the pen was made to move my design office, not really venvstas, nor is a design that was aimed to the fountain pen community, I did other designs more for aficionados, like the Magna for instance or the Avant-Garde...I'll make a post on that, I think its needed.

Thank you for noticing it out.



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  On 6/22/2018 at 10:23 PM, dapprman said:

The first one intrigued me but I was uncertain about the shape, the new one looks 'right' to me so I've gone for it - will try to remember to post a quick review here once it's arrived (December).

Well, the pen you're backing was made after feedback........so it has been made with the community to some extend, as, when I have designed the D'art, I did it after my studies of calligraphy. Im surer not so many here had calligraphy when in school, was to me a nightmare, but, when you are 6 they tell you hold the pen like this and that.......so the D'art was born out of that experience.......which at the end was overlooking the majority who are not trained in that way.

Eventually I took on doing a pen that being not cylindrical, can be used in a more relaxed way(I did too many cylindrical pens I wanted a change). The section is between 15 and 20% thinner than the original D'art. The current D'art is 15% thinner than the first batch.

Thank you for the backing of the project!


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