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I have recently retired and I am always looking around at all sorts of 'stuff'. It occurred to me that it is years since I sat down and hand wrote anything. I am old enough to have been taught to write using a dip pen, and our school insisted on us using fountain pens. As a consequence, I have dug out some of my old pens (a Parker duofold which is in need of a new rubber reservoir and a nib), a Parker 45, a Cerruti and a couple of others). I have just acquired a Jinhao X750 new. My plan is to revisit some of my primary school lessons in Copperplate and cursive to see if I can develop a nice neat handwriting. Does anyone here have any links to handwriting lessons? I am also quite enamoured with the Chinese pens that I have seen online. Are they really worth owning or are they just mass produced tat?

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Hello and welcome to the forum! 😁


Here's a site that has lessons for copperplate and some printable guide sheets for practice 😊




Regarding Chinese pens, quality control can be a hit or miss. Well known brands are: Jinhao, Baoer, Hero, Wing Sung, and many others. Check out the Regional focus threads (China, Korea and Others (Far East, Asia)) to read some reviews of pens.


Have fun exploring this new hobby! And welcome again to the forum 😊

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Hello and Welcome to FPN!! Glad to have you as a member!!



        My Favorite Pen Restorer                                            


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Welcome to FPN from North Carolina! Plenty of good information on the boards here - there is a subforum for handwriting that should have what you are looking for.


As for Chinese pens, plenty of fans of Wing Sung and Jinhao in particular on these boards. Like hinky said, QC can be hit or miss, but great value if you get a decent nib (or replace it with a well known brand). I had an X750 that I enjoyed until I gave it away as a gift. Now I’m eyeing a Wing Sung 618, which is a popular one.


Enjoy your stay!

Whenever you are fed up with life, start writing: ink is the great cure for all human ills, as I found out long ago.

~C.S. Lewis


Current Rotation:

Edison Menlo <m italic>, Lamy 2000 <EF>, Wing Sung 601 <F>

Pilot VP <F>, Pilot Metropolitan <F>, Pilot Penmanship <EF>

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Welcome to our little corner of the universe from a pen user in San Diego.


We Are Our Ancestors’ Wildest Dreams

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Hello and Welcome from the bottom end of the country!


If you are looking to write things and practice at the same time then why not log in on the snail mail thread we have here. Folk are always looking for pen pals!


It is on the Creative Expressions Board under the topic The Write Stuff https://www.fountainpennetwork.com/forum/forum/32-the-write-stuff/ hoping the link works!


Or, PM me an address and you can write to me and vice versa.

Edited by Stompie
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Hello and welcome to FPN, from Cape Town, South Africa.

To sit at one's table on a sunny morning, with four clear hours of uninterruptible security, plenty of nice white paper, and a [fountain] pen - that is true happiness!

- Winston Churchill

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Hello and welcome to FPN.

Recite, and your Lord is the most Generous  Who taught by the pen

Taught man that which he knew not (96/3-5)

Snailmail3.png Snail Mail 

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Welcome, DaveyB !


I retired seven months ago. I recommend it to all. A black Parker 45, with a gold "B" nib, that I bought last year is likely my final fountain pen purchase (unless someone wants to sell me a Trench Pen).

I have a couple hundred fps to wear out, in coming years.


I gladly recommend the Jinhao 500 and x450 fountain pens. They have performed very well for me, and I have several of each.


Write with joy.

Auf freiem Grund mit freiem Volke stehn.
Zum Augenblicke dürft ich sagen:
Verweile doch, du bist so schön !

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Welcome to FPN! I have a Jinhao x750 and an x450. Both look stunning but the quality of things like thread cutting leaves something to be desired. I have 4 Hero pens and the machining is excellent but the paint on the one that has seen most use is pitting and coming off. I have a Domain Lion which looks like a texta and writes beautifully but the cap is cracking after less than a months use. Personally I have not had a Chinese pen that didn't write well first time but others have not been so fortunate.

Enjoy them while they last but don't be planning to pass them on as heirlooms. ;)

Some of the stuff I have purchased in the $30 to $60 range has been far better made and just as good writers.

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