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Franklin-Christoph Model 40 Panther, How Often?


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Hey everyone!


So I've been hunting for a new fountain pen for the last while and was recommended to look into the Franklin-Christoph offerings. One in particular caught my eye, the Model 40 Panther. On Franklin-Christoph's website it says they come out infrequently, I was hoping to acquire one due to how beautiful it looks but they are not in stock. Are they on a rotating schedule or do they only come out at random?



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I find with Franklin Christoph pens you need to keep a tight eye on their site as when they do bring a rarer model out it can vanish again rather quickly as, being a small company, the batches they make are never that large. It might be worth emailing their customer support.

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Agree with dapprman. I had been preying for a Panther for more or less three years and was just lucky that, when I visited their site about a year ago, it was available. I believe there were about 40 pieces (one color only: black with smoke band) and they sold out really fast. I don't think their is a logic to their planning for the Panther - I may be wrong. (I did contact their CS to find out about Panther rotation, and their answer was: just regularly visit the site.)

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As far as I know, a batch is made for the Philly Pen Show & appear in the stock room during &/or after the event. That's how I got mine & when I've seen them pop up on the website. Can't speak to other times they come up. They go fast though, so if you're on the hunt, don't hesitate to grab one.

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I emailed about an Omnis color. It was not in rotation, but they had a few and sold me one. That might not be the case with the illusive Panther, but it cant hurt to ask.

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Thanks everyone! I've sent an email to their staff, here's hoping. I doubt I'll get much out of them however, they seem to really like the intrigue that the elusive Model 40 Panther brings.

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I think they should add Illusive to Panther for the name of the model.


I hope you get some kind of useful information in their reply. It seems like the endless pen shows have to have an effect on pen stock. I am going to the St. Louis Pen Show at the end of June. It will be interesting to see what F-C brings to that show. In an email exchange they mentioned they would have prototypes.

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I think they should add Illusive to Panther for the name of the model.


I hope you get some kind of useful information in their reply. It seems like the endless pen shows have to have an effect on pen stock. I am going to the St. Louis Pen Show at the end of June. It will be interesting to see what F-C brings to that show. In an email exchange they mentioned they would have prototypes.

Franklin-Christoph Model 40 "Elusive Panther"


Yeah, seems suiting.

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To anyone interested, I've talked to Mandy over at F-C, if you want a Model 40 Panther they are entering production soon, they should take about three weeks and I would bet be at the Triangle Pen Show in North Carolina, F-C's home state.


They may sell some of them online during or after that show and I guess depending on how many are purchased, may offer them at other shows they intend on visiting.


Do with that information what you wish, I probably won't pursue one this year but to the rest of you, good luck.


EDIT: Sorry, the Triangle Pen show is too close for that, my guess is the Saint Louis Pen Show at the end of June and beginning of July.

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