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Lamy Safari 2018_Jf Ayrton Senna № 12; Jps

JF_LAMY Collection

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Dear all,


Well, bears are cute, no doubt about it.

But! We are big boys (and girls), right? And speaking of limited editions, I had something on my mind for a very, very long time.


A few years back, I had the intention of getting into scale modelling and bought couple of kits and tools. Started working on one, but after meeting with Jan_Rosecky, one of the best modellers in Europe, I realized there was NO WAY I could get even close to his results. Still kept the tools, though ... and “the idea”.


Then came the Vista_Frost from Christof, and I was behind again J



Because I am slow, I gave my idea some more thoughts, and couple of years later, I went for it. And since my other hobby is Formula 1, this is what I did:


first of all, when you look at LAMY safari very closely, you must admire the timeless design. All the edges and curves on one side and its simplicity on the other. It is not an expensive pen, but the design is nothing short of perfect!


I went to my favourite penshop here in Prague and bought a LAMY safari. The owner was very kind to get me a spare nib and a clip as well. Then, I used primer and sprayed the front section, barrel and cap with it. Let it dry and wet-sanded it with micro mesh sanding sheets. Once the parts were smooth, it was time for the paint. I chose the Lotus_black_F1 paint and sprayed four layers of it on the parts. A few days later, I applied decals. The paint dries matt and needs clearcoat_lacquer on top of it. So I sprayed some four or five layers on top of the paint and decals and after that, it was down to wet-sending and polishing with NOVUS polishing kit.


Here is the result:

More Picture here:



Kind regards,




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Excellent job! Looks great!



        My Favorite Pen Restorer                                            


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Dear all,


Well, bears are cute, no doubt about it.

But! We are big boys (and girls), right? And speaking of limited editions, I had something on my mind for a very, very long time.


A few years back, I had the intention of getting into scale modelling and bought couple of kits and tools. Started working on one, but after meeting with Jan_Rosecky, one of the best modellers in Europe, I realized there was NO WAY I could get even close to his results. Still kept the tools, though ... and “the idea”.


Then came the Vista_Frost from Christof, and I was behind again J



Because I am slow, I gave my idea some more thoughts, and couple of years later, I went for it. And since my other hobby is Formula 1, this is what I did:


first of all, when you look at LAMY safari very closely, you must admire the timeless design. All the edges and curves on one side and its simplicity on the other. It is not an expensive pen, but the design is nothing short of perfect!


I went to my favourite penshop here in Prague and bought a LAMY safari. The owner was very kind to get me a spare nib and a clip as well. Then, I used primer and sprayed the front section, barrel and cap with it. Let it dry and wet-sanded it with micro mesh sanding sheets. Once the parts were smooth, it was time for the paint. I chose the Lotus_black_F1 paint and sprayed four layers of it on the parts. A few days later, I applied decals. The paint dries matt and needs clearcoat_lacquer on top of it. So I sprayed some four or five layers on top of the paint and decals and after that, it was down to wet-sending and polishing with NOVUS polishing kit.


Here is the result:

More Picture here:



Kind regards,





Jan, could you please use a larger letter size. It's har d to read for people with less than perfect eyesight...








Freedom exists by virtue of self limitation.





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Cool use of the shape! Peerless polish perfection. Does the cap still close with the layers of color and varnish?

"If you can spend a perfectly useless afternoon in a perfectly useless manner, you have learned how to live."

– Lin Yu-T'ang

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Cool use of the shape! Peerless polish perfection. Does the cap still close with the layers of color and varnish?




This is an excellent question! You are right! It was a major question, together with the one about the “click” when you close the pen. The paint and lacquer did add to the size of the pen, therefore I had to sand the inside of the cap very carefully, not to damage the edge. It closes nicely, and the click is still there, but a bit milder. What actually makes the click is when the tip of the feed closes into the rubber part inside the cap. So, with a light modification of the cap, all is fine.


This was first such project. If I ever get into another one, it will all go much better, I think.


Also, you can notice that the shape of the pen changed a little - it is more rounded. That is what I don´t like, and it was caused by the fact that the first paint job was not good enough, and I had to start all over again. That is also why the LAMY logo is not sharp as on an original pen.


Thank you. As I said, it was an attempt, and the result is far from perfect.


Kind regards,


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This looks really nice. I would love to see one where you use weathering (dont know if its the right word) to make it look kind of rustic (old,vintage). Just some idea for you :D

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Perfect or not, you have done a wonderful job on this. And without you telling us, it would be difficult to tell it isn't perfect.


"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind" - Rudyard Kipling
"None of us can have as many virtues as the fountain-pen, or half its cussedness; but we can try." - Mark Twain

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This is an amazing result for a one of kind project!

Is it fair for an intelligent and family oriented mammal to be separated from his/her family and spend his/her life starved in a concrete jail?

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Great job. Really does bring out the F1 look. Senna was 'the' great F1 driver. Would love to know who your next project, Schmaucher or Jackie.

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Dear all,

Thank you very much for your kind words and messages. Well, the next “project” would probably be . . . . . . . . . . how about McLaren_MP4/4?



P.S. the pen is now displayed in a shop window of my favourite pen shop here in Prague as well as on their facebook_page. Sorry for the bragging J

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Cool pen - was about to ask about the McLaren being your next option, then a Williams :)


I remember going to the Donington Motor sports Museum where one of the halls was just a line up of Ayrton Senna di Silva's cars

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