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A Lucky Break On Ebay


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The way to win on eBay is to know a little bit more than the seller - and the other bidders. The pen I bid on wasnt flattered by the pictures, but I knew a Lady Elsa when I saw one. Got it for the starting price...Im amazed.


Ill try to take some better pictures when it arrives.

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After trying for a half hour to upload this from my phone, I threw up my hands and moved to the laptop.

It's big, but it shows the pattern quite nicely.



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Fountain pens are my preferred COLOR DELIVERY SYSTEM (in part because crayons melt in Las Vegas).

Create a Ghostly Avatar and I'll send you a letter. Check out some Ink comparisons: The Great PPS Comparison 

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Oh my, very nice! Congrats!



        My Favorite Pen Restorer                                            


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Nice! I have an earlier post about how I love my Carene and what other pen writes like it. The feedback was ST DuPont. I also just won an opening bid price for a black lacquer ST DuPont Olympio (middle sized one) that was barely $100. There is a scratch on the pocket clip, so not sure about restoration options there. I just wanted another pen that wrtes as good if not better than my Carene.


I've been trying to snipe a deal for a number of weeks and this is the first one to work out. I'll have the pen by the end of the week and we'll see how badly I wasted my money. The seller has high rankings, but appears to be a yard sale seller and hasn't really sold pens. Listed the model as 'Paris' since that was written under ST DuPont.


Does yours write well or does it need nib work?

Edited by Tseg
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Great colour...I wonder what Waterman called it.


We must put together a list of the models/colours for all the Lady size modern pens.


Shall I commence it,


Lady Charlotte (23K gilded steel nib, pierced with heart hole)(Ballpoint available without cap ring)





Blue/Green Mottle (Flecked in black) (BP available with ring top)

Pink Mottle (Flecked in black)(BP available with ring top)

Purple Mottle (Flecked in black)(BP available with ring top)

Dirty White Mottle (Coquilles d'Oeuf or Egg Shell taken from an ebay listing description)


Lady Agathe (matching holder) 18K nib (no breather hole), Gold plated brass section grip.

Magenta Bronze (Brown/Rose)

Rubine Blue (Green/Purple)

Blue Topaz (Blue/Violet)


Lady Patricia (18k nib, not pierced) Facetted body and cap. Some had palin colour matching lacquered section grips, some, possibly later releases, had fluted grips.

Gold Plated

Blue/Gold plate

Bordeaux/Gold plate

Bordeaux (all facetes)


Anastasia (23k gold plated nib pierced with heart hole) Cameo motifs





Reve Latin (gilded steel nib)

Naples Ocre

Delft Blue

Volcano Red

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I don’t think I’ve ever read a description of the Galalith colors. I have two in the grey swirl pattern and two in the lurid green and yellow marbled pattern.


An update: I’ve turned my bargain pen into a rather expensive pen by sending it off to Mr. Minuskin, along with an 18k nib scavenged from a broken Executive with instructions to turn it into a proper medium stub. I should have it back next week, and I hope to have a pen that writes as well as it looks.

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