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Just got these in the mail. So excited! Though I may have gone a little overboard on the ink samples...


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  • Buzz_130


Nice haul! I'd love to know what you think of Lamy's Vibrant Pink!

Edited by Rosendust2121

<i>Many boys will bring you flowers. But someday you'll meet a boy who will learn your favourite flower, your favourite song, your favourite sweet. And even if he is too poor to give you any of them, it won't matter because he will have taken the time to know you as no one else does. Only that boy earns your heart-Leigh Bardugo


. Please assume no affiliation, as I'm just a pleased customer. IG: Lenses and pens_

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Just got these in the mail. So excited! Though I may have gone a little overboard on the ink samples...

Id call that fairly self controlled - only a dozen or so! :) What nib did you choose for the Nemosine?

Edited by AK-47

Whenever you are fed up with life, start writing: ink is the great cure for all human ills, as I found out long ago.

~C.S. Lewis


Current Rotation:

Edison Menlo <m italic>, Lamy 2000 <EF>, Wing Sung 601 <F>

Pilot VP <F>, Pilot Metropolitan <F>, Pilot Penmanship <EF>

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Nice haul. Fair warning, though (speaking from experience :blush:). I go through spells where I want to try a lot of different inks (say, looking for the ideal turquoise, or to match the sheen and color of what came out of a rollerball pen in a note someone sent me). And then I get sidetracked, and instead of trying the all the samples I have, I get distracted and order something else.... And now I just bought my SIXTH sample vial tray....

So. Besides the bottle of Vibrant Pink, what samples did you get?

Ruth Morrisson aka inkstainedruth

"It's very nice, but frankly, when I signed that list for a P-51, what I had in mind was a fountain pen."

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I see Robert Oster Moss in the samples. I also have a sample of that and Blue Water Ice I have not tried yet. I like the other Robert Oster inks I have bought though. Fire and Ice, and Soda Pop.

Laguna Niguel, California.

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I'm starting to get an itch that only more ink can scratch! :D

Someday the mountain might get em but the law never will.........

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Id call that fairly self controlled - only a dozen or so! :) What nib did you choose for the Nemosine?


I chose the 0.6mm Stub. I've been meaning to try a stub and I wanted to see the colors more clearly.



Nice haul. Fair warning, though (speaking from experience :blush:). I go through spells where I want to try a lot of different inks (say, looking for the ideal turquoise, or to match the sheen and color of what came out of a rollerball pen in a note someone sent me). And then I get sidetracked, and instead of trying the all the samples I have, I get distracted and order something else.... And now I just bought my SIXTH sample vial tray....

So. Besides the bottle of Vibrant Pink, what samples did you get?

Ruth Morrisson aka inkstainedruth

By brand, I got:



- Tyrian Purple

- Woodland Green

- Apple Glory

- Autumn Oak


J. Herbin:

- Violette Pensee

- 1670 Emerald of Chivor

- 1670 Rouge Hematite

- 1670 Caroube de Chypre


Rohrer & Klingner:

- Alt-Goldgrun


Pilot Iroshizuku:

- Yu-yake

- Chiku-rin


Robert Oster:

- Tranquility

- Bronze

- Moss

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Nice haul! I'd love to know what you think of Lamy's Vibrant Pink!


So far, I think it is an interesting, pretty color. It's both very pink and yet still dark/pigmented enough to see very clearly. It hasn't been easy to get a feel for the other properties however, since the EF nib on my Lamy is really scratchy. I might have to fiddle with it a bit or try a different nib.

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... I may have gone a little overboard on the ink samples...


Pretty sure that's not possible, Ruth's story notwithstanding... :D

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Nice color choices!


I have full bottles of 4 of them. :)


- Autumn Oak

- 1670 Emerald of Chivor

- Yu-yake

- Tranquility


I don't use Yu-yake much, so that reminds me to fill a pen with it soon!

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I chose the 0.6mm Stub. I've been meaning to try a stub and I wanted to see the colors more clearly.

Good choice! The stub nibs are what make a Nemosine stand out IMO - great quality for the price. Enjoy!

Whenever you are fed up with life, start writing: ink is the great cure for all human ills, as I found out long ago.

~C.S. Lewis


Current Rotation:

Edison Menlo <m italic>, Lamy 2000 <EF>, Wing Sung 601 <F>

Pilot VP <F>, Pilot Metropolitan <F>, Pilot Penmanship <EF>

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One of the lessons I should have learned (but didn't) is that it's better to try a few samplers than just go and buy bottles of ink. 2-3 fills per sample is enough with different nibs to see if the ink is worth the full buy.


Enjoy your purchase!



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I chose the 0.6mm Stub. I've been meaning to try a stub and I wanted to see the colors more clearly.



By brand, I got:



- Tyrian Purple

- Woodland Green

- Apple Glory

- Autumn Oak


J. Herbin:

- Violette Pensee

- 1670 Emerald of Chivor

- 1670 Rouge Hematite

- 1670 Caroube de Chypre


Rohrer & Klingner:

- Alt-Goldgrun


Pilot Iroshizuku:

- Yu-yake

- Chiku-rin


Robert Oster:

- Tranquility

- Bronze

- Moss


Very nice sampling. I love Diamine Autumn Oak and Woodland Green, and Rohrer & Klingner's Alt-Goldgrün is beautiful.

Okay, I used to have the Letter Writers Alliance and The Snail Mail Exchange in here. Somehow, my browsers settings and the forum's settings work together to prevent that from being the case at the moment. Whenever I try to update my signature, the whole process breakls down. So. Whatever.

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Yeah I like both the Nemosine 0.6 and 0.8 nibs myself. :D

I may not have been much help, but I DID bump your thread up to the top.

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Didn't get a chance to try a Nemosine 0.8 nib, but the 0.6 nib is nice. I just didn't like any of the colors of Singularities enough.

As for the comment that Buzz_130 made about samples? That is good advice. Except for, well, if you decide you like an ink enough to get a full bottle... or several for "just in case".... :blush:

Actually, though, I do like having sample vials, even if I do then buy the ink in bottle form. Because that way, I can refill the sample vial to use as a backup for when I'm traveling, and want to make sure I won't run the pen filled with that particular ink dry. Sample vials take up a lot less space than full bottles do in my purse or luggage.

Ruth Morrisson aka inkstainedruth

"It's very nice, but frankly, when I signed that list for a P-51, what I had in mind was a fountain pen."

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I need to get some more sample vial racks. I have two full/close to full and probably enough other vials to fill at least one more.


"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind" - Rudyard Kipling
"None of us can have as many virtues as the fountain-pen, or half its cussedness; but we can try." - Mark Twain

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One of the lessons I should have learned (but didn't) is that it's better to try a few samplers than just go and buy bottles of ink. 2-3 fills per sample is enough with different nibs to see if the ink is worth the full buy.


Enjoy your purchase!



I've learned this lesson. It's easy just to buy bottles of ink that I find ok, but not wonderful. Samples are a great way to try inks.

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I've learned this lesson. It's easy just to buy bottles of ink that I find ok, but not wonderful. Samples are a great way to try inks.


Yup. This.

I have inks that people raved over (only instead of raving about them I was swearing AT them...). Very happy I'd tried a sample first. That isn't always the case (I should probably see about giving away the bottle of Noodler's QSH, which I bought without realizing what it was. But I have other inks for which I went ahead and got a full bottle -- or got from someplace I couldn't GET a sample) and have lucked out. Or got to see an exemplar first and said "Why am I bothering with a sample? I KNOW I want this...."

But all in all, sampling first is a good idea.

Ruth Morrisson aka inkstainedruth

"It's very nice, but frankly, when I signed that list for a P-51, what I had in mind was a fountain pen."

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