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Worst Ink Spill Story


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I don't know if this belongs here, but what's your worst ink spill story?


Mine was while I was inking up my Nemosine singularity with Diamond Majestic Blue 30 ml. The bottle tipped over and 2/3 of the bottle spilled out. It got all over my desk, chair, carpet and curtains. While trying to clean up the mess, I only ended up spreading the ink more. I currently his the ink spill by shifting my desk over it. This occurred 5 months ago and the ink stain is still there to this day. Every now and then, I try to blot the ink out. Progress is slowly coming along.

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Hmm... My inks have inherited my love of wood. I don't know what the worst case was but here's two....


White Forest on the desk:



Or Tiananmen on the floor:



BTW both wiped off immediately and then washed, but still years later....

Life is too short to drink bad wine (Goethe)

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Hmm... My inks have inherited my love of wood. I don't know what the worst case was but here's two....


White Forest on the desk:


Or Tiananmen on the floor:


BTW both wiped off immediately and then washed, but still years later....

How hard was that to clean off the wood?


3 words:


Noodler's Baystate Blue



I once sprayed Noodles HOD all over my white covers because I didn't realize I had some in a syringe.

Edited by Erggg
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Dropped an open (and almost full) bottle of Sailor Irori just a few weeks ago. Ink everywhere :(. Oh well, at least the bottle didn't break, and I lost only about half of the ink.

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How hard was that to clean off the wood?

It took a few minutes before I could get my hands on the roll of kitchen paper towel and then i soaked up everythging. Washing with just pure warm water washed off a lot but apparently the rest had already just gotten absorbed into the wood. I guess the slight disappearance over the years was due only to light (mainly sunlight on the desk). In the meantime I load my pens (and fill sample vials) exclusivley out of ink bottles on a wide tray which I can w/a wash out later in the sink.

Life is too short to drink bad wine (Goethe)

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Nearly full 4-1/2 oz. bottle of Noodler's Kung Te Cheng. Knocked it off the bathroom vanity by accident, and the bottom of the bottle sheared off. Just as I was getting ready to meet people for dinner. Glass everywhere (it's amazing how far glass travels -- there was some behind the toilet! and this with MOST of the bottle still intact :o), ink everywhere, the cats being nosy and wanting to come in and "help"....

I think there's still KTC on the side of the bathtub. I KNOW there's still some on the floor tiles next to the vanity.... And that was about 5 years ago....

Ruth Morrisson aka inkstainedruth

"It's very nice, but frankly, when I signed that list for a P-51, what I had in mind was a fountain pen."

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My worst ink spill to date is detailed in this thread: Kujakunobyl

Not as bad as most of the other stories here, but it was quite some work cleaning that up.


In summary: while prying open a stuck bottle cap liner, a clumsy prod resulted in a big glug of ink on my tablecloth and shirt.


After a few days of work I managed to almost completely remove the stains from my shirt, but that tablecloth is still faintly blue to this day.


When asked about it nowadays, I'll say that I invited a nauseous smurf into my home once... :D


Fortunately, the spilled ink wasn't, say, Sailor Sei Boku. But with that ink (and with Noodler's bulletproofs) I normally fill right next to the bathroom sink, often while in a... um... state of nature. No fabrics to stain then. :rolleyes:

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Nearly full 4-1/2 oz. bottle of Noodler's Kung Te Cheng. [...] ink everywhere, the cats being nosy and wanting to come in and "help"....


Did you have little KTC footy-prints all over the house?

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I think I have been very lucky - or I am just insanely careful (working in a biomedical research facility will do that to you).


My worst ink "spill" was when I was in church. This is one of my "absent minded professor" events. I was going to write down a friend's email address, and had my Pelikan 400 out. I was listening intently to the story that my friend was telling. I had already taken the cap of my pen off. And somehow, I forgot that I had already unscrewed the cap - which was in my other hand - and , without looking at what I was doing, I began unscrewing the piston. And the nib was pointed towards me. I squirted and dribbled DeAtramentis Aubergine all over my hands, my gray wool sweater and black wool pants. IAfter I got over the shock, and the cleanup, we all had a good laugh. t never did come out of the sweater or pants.

"Today will be gone in less than 24 hours. When it is gone, it is gone. Be wise, but enjoy! - anonymous today




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I pulled a drawer of ink bottles out too far & it fell on my kitchen hardwood floor. Six bottles of DeAtramentis ink broke & covered the floor & splattered the wall.

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Did you have little KTC footy-prints all over the house?


No, fortunately not. But I was more concerned about a sudden visit to the emergency vet's office (instead of meeting people for dinner) from tiny shards of glass in said little footy-prints. Given that *most* of the bottle remained intact, with only maybe the bottom 3/8" inch or so of the bottle shearing off, there was still a LOT of glass.... :o And it's amazing just how far those little shards can travel....

Ruth Morrisson aka inkstainedruth

"It's very nice, but frankly, when I signed that list for a P-51, what I had in mind was a fountain pen."

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I have been pretty lucky with ink spills. I have had none done personally by my hand, but my 2 or 3 yr old niece got hold of a sample of Diamine Grape when visiting once and dumped the whole thing on the carpet, fortunately a few sprays of hydrogen peroxide got it out completely, the carpet could of also been stain resistant too I suppose.

FP Ink Orphanage-Is an ink not working with your pens, not the color you're looking for, is never to see the light of day again?!! If this is you, and the ink is in fine condition otherwise, don't dump it down the sink, or throw it into the trash, send it to me (payment can be negotiated), and I will provide it a nice safe home with love, and a decent meal of paper! Please PM me!<span style='color: #000080'>For Sale:</span> TBA

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Not so much ink as ink precursor but I once had a gallon jug of ferric chloride spring a slow leak.


There was no saving that corner. It's got a shelf on it now.

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