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Moonman Wancai Mini: A Beautiful Acrylic Pocket Pen


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That looks like more than enough threads to eyedropper with just silicon grease.

I have one of these little pens on order and suspect the O-ring is not necessary. I have yet to find a pen that I've converted or that came as an eyedropper pen, that needed an O-ring. The amount of threading is the critical issue, and if there are enough threads, well fitting, then a dab of silicon grease should make everything good-to-go. An O-ring can induce a little wobble, too -- doesn't hurt anything but can be annoying sometimes.

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I just love this pen. I put a Faber-Castell nib and now looks a tad cooler

Edited by Jazavac
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I just love this pen. I put a Faber-Castell nib and now looks a tad cooler

If it takes a Faber-Castell Loom B nib without leaks or burps, I'm more than sold!

No offense Faber-Castell, but the Loom is kinda heavy for me.


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If it takes a Faber-Castell Loom B nib without leaks or burps, I'm more than sold!

No offense Faber-Castell, but the Loom is kinda heavy for me.

Mine is an F, no burps, no leaks. Mine is from Basic Metal. Garbage engineering, broke from minimal usage. And that was also a heavy pen.


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Mine is an F, no burps, no leaks. Mine is from Basic Metal. Garbage engineering, broke from minimal usage. And that was also a heavy pen.


I'm so, so grateful and excited about this piece of news, you have no idea.

Honestly I don't how Faber-Castell lives with that. Every review of the Basic I've found is "the nib is good the pen is not good." Honestly.


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I'm so, so grateful and excited about this piece of news, you have no idea.

Honestly I don't how Faber-Castell lives with that. Every review of the Basic I've found is "the nib is good the pen is not good." Honestly.

The rubber on mine just split. Even if it didn't, the pen was really back heavy and honestly I didn't care much for the nib, but I really like it in the Wancai. Maybe is just a tad wetter and that makes all the difference.

It's not super smooth, but I like the feedback it gives and it has a little wider line in the Wancai. But even the stock nib is really good.

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  • 1 month later...

For those who have the pen, is the feed on your easy to wobble? I feel like mine goes slightly out of alignment everytime I write and I can easily nudge the feed (and the nib) with slight pressure. The nib is fully seated and I removed and reinstalled it, I couldn't really budge the feed out of the unit. Otherwise, it's a very nicely built pen, and the nib was quite ok out of the box, just some 8s on micromesh and it's smooth, I smoothed the reverse as well while I was at it. Mine came with a 1.1 stub as a gift on the side which is a bit of a dry starter but writes quite well and is super smooth, albeit rather chunky on the cross stroke as the tip is rather hefty like a blunted out chisel (though not tipped).

Edited by WhatsNewSisyphus
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Now that I've found an auction for a Wancai with a M nib AND a 1.1 stub, I just need to choose the color. Swirly pattern or 100% transparent?

Did you get one of these? I’d love to know what you think about it, if so. I like the mint swirls and italic nibs. I might have to get one.

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Yes, please show us the stub!

Fountain pens are my preferred COLOR DELIVERY SYSTEM (in part because crayons melt in Las Vegas).

Create a Ghostly Avatar and I'll send you a letter. Check out some Ink comparisons: The Great PPS Comparison 

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I used RoyalBlueNotebook’s link (thank you) and bought the mint swirl version. I am quite fond of the mint green color. Once it arrives, I will try to post a photo of what the 1.1 nib looks like on paper.


It will be only my second eyedropper pen after the one I got when buying Noodlers Ghost Blue ink. This one looks much cooler. So thanks to the original poster as well.


I have Diamine Soft Mint and J Herbin Vert Reseda inks, but might be tempted to use a not green ink.


Maybe amberleadavis will join us in getting one of these.

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Hello sorry for the late reply.

I noticed that the 1.1 stub gifted with the pen in the auction I shared is the same as the stub nibs that are sold separatedly in other auctions (generally called "duckbill" or something of the sort).

So I bought a 1.1 generic pen first and tested it, and then instead of the Wancai I bought the Moonman M2 and I'm planning a nib swap with this pen once it arrives. So the Wancai nib swap experiment will be delayed by a couple of months, I guess.

By the way, the 1.1 stub I got was very dry, the tines so close together I wondered if they were cut at all. I spread them a tiny bit and now it's all good. Incredible, being able to buy stub-nibbed pens for 2-3€. Since they're standard #5 nibs, a wide number of swaps are possible.


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I used RoyalBlueNotebook’s link (thank you) and bought the mint swirl version. I am quite fond of the mint green color. Once it arrives, I will try to post a photo of what the 1.1 nib looks like on paper.


It will be only my second eyedropper pen after the one I got when buying Noodlers Ghost Blue ink. This one looks much cooler. So thanks to the original poster as well.


I have Diamine Soft Mint and J Herbin Vert Reseda inks, but might be tempted to use a not green ink.


Maybe amberleadavis will join us in getting one of these.


It does look like my kind of pen. :)


This week my kid is graduating from school, so purchases are out for the next month.


My larger concern though is that eyedroppers just do not do well in Las Vegas. It has a lot to do with our barometric pressure, intense heat and insane aridity.

Fountain pens are my preferred COLOR DELIVERY SYSTEM (in part because crayons melt in Las Vegas).

Create a Ghostly Avatar and I'll send you a letter. Check out some Ink comparisons: The Great PPS Comparison 

Don't know where to start?  Look at the Inky Topics O'day.  Then, see inks sorted by color: Blue Purple Brown Red Green Dark Green Orange Black Pinks Yellows Blue-Blacks Grey/Gray UVInks Turquoise/Teal MURKY







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Ah ha, there are benefits to living in flyover land. Well green lawns are the best benefit, though they come with challenges like mowing.


Still the pen can take cartridges. The Wancai I ordered wasn’t labeled with the Moonman name. I like that name, but I wanted the stub nib or italic (whatever it is). The clear Moonman that had photos with one pen filled with red ink and one filled with green looked like a neat pen. Is that the one @RoyalBlueNotebooks is getting?

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Sure enough it is the pen I was also looking at. So many different listings for it (Moonman M2) with differing prices. Not sure if I’ll get one. Need to save money for the St. Louis Pen Show. Just couldn’t resist the mint swirl pen. The shipping notice indicate it will arrive June 19.

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Very cool look, and seems like a nice compact pen to take on errands. Great to see how they compare in size to other pens.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Mine arrived today. I just cannot get the nib out for swapping. I tried looking for videos, but no luck. I saw one for Monteverde but mine doesn’t budge. The listing said to rock it back and forth. Anyone have a suggestion?


I will look for that topic here, but would take any help offered from someone who owns the particular pen, the Wancai mini.

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It's friction fit so just pull gently with some gripping material. Kitchen drawer liner works fine for me.

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I’ve been trying, but maybe the grip material was not good. Once I find a better gripping material, I will give it another go. Thank you for answering.

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It's friction fit so just pull gently with some gripping material. Kitchen drawer liner works fine for me.

Thank you again. I finally found a gripping material that worked. Now the little pen has the 1.1 mm stub nib, and filling with ink is next.


So much appreciation is beaming your way.

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